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Red Flag

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Everything posted by Red Flag

  1. Do what we do, be there and celebrate on the night
  2. Can't argue with that, in Wolverhampton B ookmakers A fternoon G reyhound S ervice means just that obviously not in Swindon, any way best team will always win, like we did at Eastbourne Swindon and Belle Vue second leg away, but not at Poole
  3. The A means afternoon, this happens every Monday at Wolves and finishes at about 6.20, easily sorted for 7.30 start
  4. Real good times, 2 full coaches and they wondered what to do so they let us in early and we had a nice quiet drink for a few hrs, Dukie had a real good meeting as the track dried out, oh happy times
  5. Greg Hancock was probably cheating Tai quallified for 2014, 2015' 2016 and 2017
  6. was it 1 league and 1 cup or was it 1 KO Cup and 1 Gold Cup, Im really not sure, I thought it was 1 win 1 draw but again memory is starting to be shot so I could be way wrong on all counts. I'm sure someone will know
  7. Hope they have got this right and not jumped the gun, a bit of rain last night but none all day following a nice weekend
  8. I have posted on various topics that Dan Bewley is the best talent I have seen for many years and I can see him going to the very top,various posters have commented about his speed at Belle Vue and if you have a good motor and with skill you will be ok there, the thing that stands out for me is his speed at Monmore, now I know a few say it's a horror track but if you have throttle control and skill it's not, and you can ride it fast, he rides the bends very fast and carries his speed round the bends without scrubbing off any more speed than is necessary, like Sudden Sam and Freddie especially, sign of a great talent, enjoy him
  9. Oooow further north its wind it in but whatever it is just do it
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong and I will apologise but..... If you are based in The North East you don't know and are just talking crap and possible putting people off attending oh I love the forums Michael Fish wannabes
  11. And I will bet that is no Freddie as Rybnik riding
  12. Totally agree it smacks of someone wanting to see their name up in lights starting a new thread
  13. Their stance on the EU is fine with me and you have a choice if you work there or not, and nice cheap food and drink, happy days
  14. Give me 15 meaningful meeting heats every day, there are usually 6 2nd half heats scheduled at Wolves but this is usually reduced to about 4 due to someone demolishing the tapes, can't get bikes started or lengthy delays because the number of riders gets less as the season progresses and means loads of 2 on the trots, I have massive respect for anyone who rides but to be honest the vast majority will always be wobblers that will never reach NJL level and has been mentioned 95% + of the crowd have no interest and have long gone.
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