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Everything posted by allthegearbutnaeidea

  1. Don't think Wethers will be in the team again, or Pijper, Kennett is a good shout but think it may be another brit on a similar average
  2. I thought he said that he had signed a contract for a championship team though
  3. Rene doesn't have a club and has already said he would only join glasgow or newcastle
  4. Wilko, Kerr and mpT all have tweeted about contracts
  5. Not a rider I like, he's a good rider but he seems a bit dodgy, good rider mind you
  6. Just been said that Garrity isn't required by Sheffield but why would you build it to 37.60/37.80?
  7. Hmm where does your information come from? Or are you just guessing?
  8. Shame, seen him against us at Worky a couple of years ago and he was decent
  9. Seen that rule yesterday but wasn't too sure that it was going to affect 5.00's or just new ones coming in.Chris Harris Dany Gappmaier Kevin Doolan Liam Carr Jason Garrity Tom Perry 2 pointer (being realistic I would go Shuttleworth as he looked good and comfortable at the Stars of Tomorrow meeting) another northern ish option could be Ryan Blacklock? Can't see us getting any of the Smith, JPB, Shanes, Mountain type riders
  10. What happens to riders like Etheridge, Gappmaier and the like? Do they keep their 5's or do they go down to 4?
  11. If they havn't rode 4h 4a to get an average they are a 2, if they have rode 4h 4a and their average is in between 2 and 3 they use that, e.g's being Greaves, Phillips, Bailey. It seems clear after the update to me...
  12. Speedway GB confirmed earlier on that they are coming in on a 2 despite them saying a 3 a few days ago
  13. Bewley can come in for any of the riders apart from the 2 point rider, he's only on a 4
  14. I don't understand because a 'true supporter' would go to meetings that was possible for them to go to, which he described himself as.
  15. Yes it can? Worrall, Lawson, Summers, Lunna, Garcia, Ayres/Sissis and a 2 pointer fits in with ease
  16. ROB GODFREY ANNOUNCED THAT THEY ARE RUNNING NEXT YEAR AND ALREADY SIGNED AUTY. Read more: http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/15820/scunthorpe-glasgow-pl-10-2016#ixzz4P9mOQwNA
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