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To The Point

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Everything posted by To The Point

  1. Why not, Granty senior was riding grasstrack until his illness and Coopermans Dad Clive stil rides grasstrack
  2. Think we need that other signing as close th 7.4 as possible, or if someone wishing to come an up and coming 7 point assessed rider. At the moment we have 2 reserves and 4 second strings, with the hope of a bottom end heat leader. Based this on 1 to 5 reserve 5 to 7 second string 7 to 8.5 heat leaders anything above 8.5 No1.
  3. So with a 5 point assessed rider in place we have 7.4 to spend. Nice 7 point assessed average rider would do
  4. Nice of you, would be nice to hear the club announce it soon, just to keep fans happy
  5. New rider against Ippo, watch this space. ;)
  6. And the home riders had a home advantage, doubt if it will change, when your mindset is nothing is wrong its just the riders whinging
  7. Dry, weathers great , cloudy, not very warm. If you coming bring a coat, should be a cracking meeting
  8. For those travellng down, forecast much better today. Light rain 13.00 to 14.00 Drizzle 18.00 to 21.00 Should be OK Have a safe journey
  9. You told me not to repeat that on the forum, so I won't
  10. May be, but it is not what the riders are saying.
  11. Probably he didn't realise at his age how good he was at Longtrack, and last weekend he realised. Good luck to him, shame we have lost him, a good talent.
  12. Is it because track prep does not build into it a home advantage, this certainly applied in the Waite days, home riders were OK with what was given, visiting riders hated the place, some loved it like Stoney, Wilson Thorpy etc.
  13. At the moment they are all singing from the same hymn sheet, if the set up is to change then adapt to that change. Priority should be the riders reqirements, it does appear at times that track prep is singing from a different hymn sheet.
  14. I would ask the riders, they are the ones that have to ride it. Then prepare it to their needs
  15. I asked for DEBATE. Why are our riders gating well away. Why are they not gating well at home. What is the difference DEBATE
  16. The FIM would have given guide lines, the track staff would have prepared it. The track was really good that night, so learn the lesson and do it next week.
  17. Interesting, but the track was the same shape now as it was in the Waite days, this problem in general did not exist then to the degree that it does now. You would get a rider like Pepe who would trap from gate 4 and go against the fence cutting back on bend 2, you probably could not do that now, hence more riders sticking to the inside line on bend 1 causing more incidents. So what did we get right for the FIM under 21s, that we are not doing on a regular basis for our riders, and what has to be done to help our riders to the success that they are obviously capable of.
  18. DEBATE. Berwick away matches Redcar,close meeting Berwick riders gating well Edinburgh, beat them Berwick riders gating well Newcastle & Sheffield away, they beat us but comments said Berwick riders were quick out of the trap Glasgow, nearly had them quick out of the gate Scunny beat them , quick out of the gate Rye House drew, quick out of the gate. A Home. Most meetings poor out of the gate. Question What are these away tracks giving our riders with track preperation, that our track prep is not. ?
  19. Could not agree more. Had a debate with a fan on Sat night, who said there was nothing wrong with track prep at Berwick. My question to him was to whos advantage. Berwick have gated well at nearly every track they have visited, have been praised at several, so why can they not do it home, what is the difference. Simple TRACK PREP They are not happy with what they are given now Spot on
  20. Wouldn't it be great if Berwick prepared it's track like Scunny prepare their track
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