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To The Point

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Everything posted by To The Point

  1. I remember the day Darcy Ward came back to the hotel at 5 am pissed as a fart, went out and won the Golden Helmet in the afternoon. Parky still hasn't forgiven him for waking him up, mind you he hasn't forgiven Nick Morris on the same night, for knocking on the door at 3am looking for Lorraine, Parky should be so lucky, :D
  2. Don't know why, he only said what has been talked about for several years now.
  3. But surely, you have heard about the Berwick rumour, usually can be recognised because their lips are moving. I would personally take it with a pinch of salt, unless you actually witnessed it.
  4. It does seem to be the nature in speedway, that in general the fans do moan a lot, or perhaps it's a British thing. Nonetheless, it still remains, for what ever the reason, the fun as drifted away from speedway, the 3rd bend do their very best to keep it going, but are often slammed down for their passion. On the 4s, I think someone was looking for an excuse, when we quite simply beaten by 3 better teams
  5. The question is, has speedway improved from when you had riders like Stoney, Sean Wilson, Banger Bentley, Paul Thorpe, our very own Rymel, and Meldrum and many many more. It is true the riders talk to the fans in the terraces, but there are times when only a few come to the B&G afterwards especially if they have lost the meeting. Perhaps we should do what Edinburgh do, give the riders their money in the bar, ensuring they all are there.
  6. Don't know what the hype is about, Peter spoke from his heart and his experience in speedway. Nothing really said that was out of order, some good points, that many fans have being saying for a while now. He is absolutely right when he says the fun has gone out of the sport, if it wasn't for the people I meet weekly from our own club and the fans from away you look forward to meeting, I wonder if it would be worth it. When the riders were a rabble and a bunch of piss artists, we had better speedway, and bucket loads of fun with them, putting Stoney into his van at 2 in the morning as just an example,
  7. On top of that, he always puts on a small nibbles buffet free of charge for speedway fans after the meeting.
  8. Easy to recognise me , Leather waistcoat with Too Old To Die Young ,on the back
  9. Yep, go over to the Black & Gold, we will meet you there, we usually have an hour in there before the meeting, then back over after the meeting, for more libation.
  10. Someone being lazy today, no speedway banners up in the town.
  11. Did not say he was, said it was that time of the year when it happens, and has happened for a very long time.
  12. I fear you may be correct, however if we give them a run for their money and battle hard, and make it a good meeting. I will be a happy fan of speedway on the night, it is important the fans are at least entertained.
  13. Although a Bandits fan, I do hope it is my very good friends from down the Road. Get in there Newcastle, you can do it.
  14. Just seen Shads, he still thinks we will win easily. I am not sure, some good riders who know Berwick well, we may edge it but feel they will give us a run for our money.
  15. Much better effort last night, especially on recent performances. I f Kevin had been riding to his capability and we didn't have 3 reserves, that might have been an away win, but certainly a better effort.
  16. To be honest Norm, on recent form, I think we could be in for a right humping.
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