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To The Point

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Everything posted by To The Point

  1. Thats just a stop gap, he needs a total rebuild
  2. I have a wish list, but with the proposed changes in 3 weeks time, your bottom end will be fixed and probably a reduced average to spend on the final 5. So worth waiting until then
  3. No point until Conference is out of the way and we know what is happening at No 6 & No7. For me Kevin Doolan and 6 new riders,
  4. Any team above The Watford gap, thats 'UP NORTH'
  5. Also Vice Versa, have EL cups and 4s pairs etc.at a PL track.
  6. For the first meeting of the season, lets have the first meeting of the 2016 League, one month in the season say June, fit all the silly cups in. At the end of the season Play offs, fours, pairs and PLRC.
  7. Havn't seen Dave recently. Have spoken to 3 promoters recently though. Pure common sense, or ask Tony Mole how it worked for Birmingham. Same location, no where near the overheads.
  8. Going back to rumours about Conference but the source is from people involved in decision making. On the table and supported by most in a position to make decisions. 1 , No 7 will be a fast tracker from NL 2. No6 will be a British rider.. If that decision goes ahead, it will knock on the head using Coty at reserve at Berwick next season, if running of course. On fixed costs, the rent of track is fixed so is the insurance, but the main expense are the riders. At NL level that cost would be cut by 75%.
  9. This is a strange statement as probably only 2 organisations The 2012 club who are a small group that put momey in every month by standing order for one specific aim, to support riders. The other is the BBSC, and yes I know it stands for Berwick Bandits Supporters Club, but what else would you call it, they do raise money and they do support Berwick speedway in the way they as a group feel fit. For me a Supporters club should always be independant of the club, and use it's money where they feel, fit as a group of fans, not for the club to dictate how it should be spent. I remember when PW took over and we re-started the supporters club, the first 2 achievments were to raise enough money to pay firstly for Moggos loan fee and then Mick Powells, but the club was not generally involved in paying speedway day to day bills. The same members give their time to the club every Saturday in many roles such as working in the burger van, hospitality and around the track etc. surely if there was a beef with the promotion they would not do these jobs. It isn't, but if it were me running the club, I would approach the BBSC, place the situation on the table openly and honestly, and ask them how they are willing to help.
  10. Really worth sponsoring this young talent, he is worth every penny, but be warned, he will wear your hand out with all the hand shaking.
  11. Maybe, but UK and EU law it is surely illegal under restrictive practice laws
  12. I don't think the asset base is legal anyway. Each rider is self employed, in the UK none are on retaining fees, so as soon as the end of October comes that ends any contract agreed by any club. It should leave the riders to ply their trade with any club they wish, with no loan fees paid to any club, an open and free labour market.
  13. Nothing wrong with that line up except for the laon fees
  14. There you go, must be a winning team then
  15. I don't disagree with that point of view, diehards like myself are always there whatever the situation, just need my speedway fix.
  16. When we run in 2016, I just hope it is a team in depth
  17. Thornblom probably will not be back in UK, his dad says tracks are too dangerous.
  18. Two really good Chippys ib Berwick town centre aswell. Cannon and Castlegate chippys
  19. Cook knows he can wind up the Berwick fans, and does so very successfully. It's just that they havn't been able to work out yet that he is just winding them up.
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