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To The Point

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Everything posted by To The Point

  1. I honestly thought he would be heading back to Scunthorpe, but as one of your fans said to me, once he has been at Berwick Scunthorpe would not be able to afford him again.
  2. That was his own machinery, think he bought it from Ash Birks. Did you mean you would like to see him on better machinery. Interesting comment from Rob Godfrey in speedway star, Scunthorpe could not agree on terms with TJ.
  3. Speedway star, BSPA statement, all 13 teams running in 2016
  4. Berwick Speedway Supporters Club (BSSC) The above, supports speedway in Berwick in accordance with their constitution, it's main aim is to support speedway in any way they feel is approriate, and is fully independant in it's decisions.
  5. Ben PAID for his bikes, he was given nothing. Wrong. bikes were made available to him, but he paid for them. I am pretty sure that he off loaded the Steen Jensen bikes pretty quick, engines were shot and he sold the frames. He bought another bike with the funds raised.
  6. TJ . Doolan and Coty And most of the 2nd halfers
  7. Is the statment not true, the 150 that were able to attend,are indeed die hard fans, does not say that other fans were not die hard fans aswell. It is only yourself that read something, that you interpited something that was not there .
  8. First thing is the only reason there wer only 150 at the Do, is because that is the capacity of the B&G, they could have easily sold another 150 tickets. However not every fan would want to go to an event like this, it does not make them any lesser a fan, and I did not say it did nor did anyone else, only in your narrow view did you imply that it did. I would say Berwick has about 400/500 die hard fans, and to be honest that is a conservative figure, as there are many faces I no longer see at Berwick, and i would genuinely like to see them return, to achieve that those fans need to be convinced that there is going to be an improvement to get them to return.
  9. It said nothing more than 'The intention to run', and it had some new people on board. Didn't say if the club intended to go in a different more inclusive way, or if it was to plod on in the way that it has done, for the last few years. The attendance on Saturday was a quarter of the current gate, quite a significant group of fans. I just wish people on here would not perpetuate a them & us situation.
  10. Would have been better with the original idea No6 & No 7 drafted, and a reduced points average of 35, it lokks like self interest goy in the way again
  11. Saturday was a really good night, 150 plus diehard Berwick Bandits fans under one roof. This was a good opportunity for the Promotion of the club, or a representative, to come along and explain to those attending what is happening in 2016, epecially after so much uncertainty generated by the club. More importantly a golden opportunity to build bridges with the BSSC, who have never wavered in their support of helping speedway at Berwick.
  12. Wait till tonight, yahoo, EVENT OF THE SEASON, with all the real Berwick Speedway fans, true die hards. :drink:
  13. Thats what happens when you have keep looking over your shoulder Norman, cannot be on the side where you pull your wallet out mate. :drink:
  14. Divn't bring me into this, I know nothing, Big eddie will confirm this :drink: but bring this on on Saturday at the B&G absolute certainty
  15. Well we might not have had speedway for a month, but at least will see all of our speedway friends at the BSSC Chequered Flag party on Saturday at the Black & Gold. Really looking forward to this.
  16. It seems that a change of heart on the original idea. looks likely No7 will be fast tracker, but No6 can be any nationality, and the points will be retained at 42.5.
  17. Don't think proper rules that are not interpritable, are not in their vocabulary.
  18. Before that, we need to sort out what is an unsatisfactory start, as it differs from ref to ref. Surely if a rider does not move and does not touch the tapes, it cannot be an unsatisfactory start, yet time after time a ref will bring the riders back because the rider was just too quickm out of the tapes.
  19. I wonder if that is the same 2 that have approached me for sponsorship. Best say that neither rider said they had signed, but were asking just in case.
  20. I do love the Berwick Bandits rumour Mill. Riders so far that are definate. Doolan nailed on 6.95 Fisher signed 7.52 Pjiper signed 6.86 Worral R signed 6,84. They will definately bring back TJ on 7,80 They will bring Vissing back on 7.54 todays rumour Seb Alden on 7.37 Some good averages there, concidering that most promoters prefer No 6 & No7 to be fast trackers or one fast tracker and a british rider under 21, also the working average will probably be about 35 for the final 5, but several promoter prefer 32, so expect it to be anywhere between. Now try fitting in the above any 5 from 7. :shock:
  21. Is that like it is my intention to win the lottery.
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