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To The Point

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Everything posted by To The Point

  1. Probably got a van load of cheaper turkeys from Poland.
  2. And so is Ipswich, come on you Fannies, don't let this happen
  3. Spittal Vatiety is the best so there, 'Oh Yes It Is'. At least we are increasing the postings P'Borough are getting awfully close.
  4. Very quiet on the Berwick front, concidering.
  5. OK, does this sound better:- Most clubs in the PL cannot compete against the offer placed in front of a rider from the Glasgow Promotion.
  6. Would have prefered Richie at Newcastle, but money talks. Kus will do a good job for you, your promotion will get the best out of him.
  7. Your main offer is not as good as Berwicks £199 based on 12 PL meetings 2 knock out cup and the 1st friendly of the season (15 meetings). your early bird is a better offer. For me however neither good for putting my money up front, as said miss 2 meetings and you might break even, better for me to pay weekly.
  8. Thought this thread was about ticket prices. I looked at Berwicks season ticket, I didn't think the small saving warented paying up front on the grounds that, if you miss 2 of the 15 meetings you would be out of pocket. I feel if you are going to invest in a club by buying a season ticket then 25% to 30% discount is reasonable.
  9. His bike was not borrowed, he bought it from Ash Birks, which is a lot better than the kit they use in Argentina. In part yes, but surely it is the promotions responsibilty to ensure he has, and not pass the book. If he needs help then the promoters should be looking for someone to help. Damned good question, why indeed did they not find someone.. I am pretty sure Coty was in their team until the new rule on your No7 rider. What ever he does I wish him luck, he came over here on his own, bought himself a van, and got his own equipment with no help. I helped him with eyewear, but there is only so much you can do.
  10. You get someone to get some decent equipment under Coty, and you have gat a real battler there
  11. Surely with Dysons immence knowledge, the only way forward for Berwick is that he is a Consortium member
  12. Open for suggestions Perhaps confiscate her handbag
  13. Is it time to castrate each referee that calls an all 4 back for simply having a brilliant start from the gate.
  14. Surely he gets in for free, as one of the main investors in the new Consortium?.
  15. If someone could help Coty with some better equipment, he would serve you well
  16. Speedway fans going in Aston Martins nowadays then
  17. Mind you get to keep the bricks, instead of the wheels you used to have.
  18. Would you really leave your car in an unprotected area in the area around Ashfield, I bl**dy wouldn't.
  19. Tempered by the warm welcome from Berwick fans. Shads will confirm that, I am sure, what say you Chris.
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