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To The Point

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Everything posted by To The Point

  1. Think he comes in 5,2 ave, cannot be worse than Stachyra, too late for this season, but might lift the fans at Berwick a little, who are in the serious dumps at the moment.
  2. Accepted, water of a ducks back to me anyway, if you dish it out, you have to accept it. Unfortunately the club has a habit of telling us about an announcement which usually amounts to very little. It does appear on this occasion the reference was to the Tom Perry signing. I must congratulate Scott on making a good move.
  3. Stachyra out Tom Perry in What do you know of me, very little I assume, we are allowed to have fun you know. What you call sarcasm, is because your sense of humour seems to have gone South
  4. Given their history, a ploy to get fans into the B&G,, with an announcement that there is a new pie on the horizon for next season :t:
  5. Think I would have been brutal like P/Boro, and make 4 changes. Not much point though with just a few meetings left
  6. My beef for the night was not the speedway itself, but the presentations WE HAVE A BRITISH 250cc CHAMPION LEON FLINT Why was he not interviewed properly, this young lad has a achieved a lot this season and deserves the accolade he has striven to achieve/ Oh ! and by the way his name is LEON I repeat LEON, not Liam.
  7. No probs, I am a guy that listens to the riders opinion over and above anyone else,, they are the guys who have to do the job to entertain us.
  8. Did not mention anything about leaving under a cloud, Used them as an example of riders who have left a team, and would be allowed an opinion away from the team, that they would not be denied while in the team. I have enough problem with some of the Berwick Mafia reading into something, that was never said but was in their suspicious mind.
  9. That's simply what happens when you are not running on a shoestring, and Glasgow can be very thankful that is no longer the case up there. The fact remains what is being paid at Glasgow is what attracts the rider, I do wonder what riders like Berge and Grajconek have to say about Glasgow though.
  10. Think you will find it's more to do with the money on offer, speedway riders are a mercenary bunch.
  11. Monday is a nice day, nothing against Mondays, they occur on a regular basis. Just not Berwicks race night, nor ever should be, could be a very poor turn out, especially when the club is in financial difficulties.
  12. Nowt like Bitter, prefer the Black Beer though.
  13. Wouldn't worry, Romano will not be riding speedway any time soon, so doubt if anyone will be talking to him anyway.
  14. Hummel will not be riding speedway, his career lies in Longtrack, it's the main reason his Dad and Manager made him go home. Absolutely nothing to do with home sickness. And boy is he doing well in Longtrack, just ask Pepe. I am pretty sure he was classed as ' Withholding his services '
  15. Hummel not an asset only rode about 3 meetings, Gappmaier when he as done 6 home and 6 away. Edberg and Jensen I was class as paper assets along with Franc.
  16. Quite a few that are paper assets like Josef Franc etc. Current riders, Bellego, Garcia ,Alden, Carr, struggling now.
  17. If I were his manager, Berwick would be out of the equation, could spoil his potential ( big guy in a small town situation). Needs a club that will nurture his potential, certainly a club like Poole or Kings Lynn. You are right to say Berwick should approach him, but in my humble opinion that would have the potential to stifle his talent.
  18. Correct a rider from Berwick, not a Berwick asset, This lad is going to be too good for Berwick Bandits
  19. Might have worked if they had put them down before the rain yesterday, the forecast has been there most of the week. Steady rain now mind.
  20. Met Office, gives it as showers throughout the day with heavy rain at 22.00
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