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Everything posted by SharpenRake

  1. Great win for Tigers last night but Rye House stronger all round compared to the Devils. Kennett is a genuine no1 (Devils don't have one now Brady has left) and Morley the best no7 in the PL and we don't have Tom Bacon tonight - well done lad. Aaron's been in the wars both for Leicester and last night at Plymouth. R/r won't cover for Rene and can't see Fernando getting round Rye. so looks like a Rockets win. If we get a point it will help our chances for a decent draw in the play offs.
  2. Oops got that wrong. Just assumed facebook and instagram competition would need the input and support of the Ipswich promotion.
  3. Danny Ayres is making his comeback for this match, so that is good news provided he is really fit. Not sure who would have been available with the NL 4's on as well. Ipswich seem to have hit some form since the BSF massif decided to bring back atmosphere to the Foxhole. Its worked at Glasgow and now see Ipswich seem to have borrowd a few other Tigers innovations - the benefit of Chris Louis visiting for a Sky match. On to the match danny King ex-track record holder at Ashfield and capable of winning by the straight if he's out in front. Ben Barker on a decent bike virtually unbeatable. Sarjeant finished last year like a train and Joe Jacobs impressed with his riding style, attitude and general niceness when he rode for us a few years ago. he seems to have now added speed with some decent equipment after taking time out. That leaves Covatti, difficult to predict, Risager, have never seen him ride well, and Danyon Hume. The races featuring King and barker and Tigers top 4 should be out of the top drawer and hopefully Nike will take care of the second strings and reserves. Hopefully Danny does his job and beats there no7, which leaves Fernando whose bike seemed a lot faster last week to also beat the reserves and second strings. But we are coming back up from Plymouth via Rye House so all the boys will be tired and if they have engine problems down south there will be little time to fix them. I'm going to go for the win but lets see how they get on down south and that they all return fit and safe.
  4. With Rene riding I would have backed the Tigers top 4 to have enough for a win but r/r will not compensate at least not at small track like Plymouth. Hopefully, we'll manage a point and everyone stays safe for Saturday and Sunday. Good luck to Tom Bacon
  5. Feel sorry for the Workington fans that travelled up. They didn't even have one stand out rider that they could cheer. Possibly trying to lure us into a false sense of security for the LC match 😉
  6. Sadly with a play off system it could come down to the weather, who's fit and who's available. Fitting everything in could be fun and could come down to whose got clout with the management committee - so that's Glasgow ruled out 😒
  7. Weather forecast has got better now dry until 5pm. Although with the forecast wind might get a track record for the tandem races 😊 which if like last week should start just after 2.30pm
  8. I can only assume you pay in every week to ashfield so that you can make such an 'informed' opinion
  9. This looks like a potential banana skin for the Tigers. Workington's top 4 knocked us out of the 4's and they have all had good meetings at Ashfield. Hope the ref keeps an eye on Ricky W who has been known to get the odd flier. So could be down to the bottom 3 riders to see who gets the points. Luke Chessell stands in for the injured hero danny Ayres. He did really well against the moanrchs but sadly don't see him doing that again, although I hope I'm wrong. Fernando looks as if he just hasn't got he power in his engine that he had earlier in the season. are all the crashes taking there toll? so that leaves Nike and a possible 6 rides for the young lad. so it could go pear shaped. But comets bottom 3 are a bit hit and miss. Think we''ll win but it will be closer than a lot of people think.
  10. Well 3 days later and people are still talking about the match (and its photos) I've forgotten the next bit ....something about the score
  11. Spot on SCB. What made it worse was that I've heard that Glasgow also tried to get Mitchell Davey for a meeting for the injured Danny Ayres but were told no by the authorities; yet Davey guested for dan bewley whose average is less than danny Ayres!!!!!
  12. Well 2 days later and people are still talking about the match. Well done promoters and riders. PS it was 54-30 to the tigers, incase you've joined this thread late
  13. Just in case people don't know the score today it was 54-30 to the Tigers
  14. From the favourable reports about the racing perhaps this is the way forward for British speedway. At the start of the season get 35 riders under contract and then clubs can select 7 to ride for them prior to each meeting. Team managers can then select using a horses for courses policy - a bit like Sheffield last night. Can't see how it would fail 😜
  15. Pogo1's point is that Mitchell Davey rode for Monarchs in place of Bewley but can't ride for Tigers in place of Ayres and you point out that Ayres average is higher than Bewley, so why can't he ride???? Seriously??? Hopefully it'll come back and bite you on the bum
  16. Why would you go and buy the green sheets when you can get them for free from the BSPA web site
  17. Presumably the same reason why Mitchell Davey could guest for Dan Bewley Presumably the same reason why Mitchell Davey could guest for Dan Bewley
  18. Scoosh for the monarchs. Berge hates armadale and don't expect young Greaves to score many so you are up against a 4 man team
  19. Can Glasgow continue there good form, they did win earlier at Redcar but the Bears are stronger. Also Danny Ayres is out with concussion so who can replace him? perhaps monarchs fans can advise. Would Mitchell Davey (nice lad) be eligible or maybe we could try Dan Bewley. I'm sure stuart will have somethin up his sleeve and will double check with the BSPA, the management committee, Cyclone and the referee. Think after the euphoria of last night we'll go down by 8 points but hopefully I'm wrong.
  20. Well no one seems to have started a thread, so .................... Can Glasgow continue there good form, they did win earlier at Redcar but the Bears are stronger. Also Danny Ayres is out with concussion so who can replace him? perhaps monarchs fans can advise. Would Mitchell Davey (nice lad) be eligible or maybe we could try Dan Bewley. I'm sure stuart will have somethin up his sleeve and will double check with the BSPA, the management committee, Cyclone and the referee. Think after the euphoria of last night we'll go down by 8 points but hopefully I'm wrong. Notice someone beat me by 3 minutes so please use other thread!
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