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Everything posted by SharpenRake

  1. I think it's brilliant what you are doing. Fans have being saying that the bikes are too fast and at armadale thats not the case. Must be great to invent a new sport slowway. I'm sure the crowds will flock in to see it
  2. When I got home I Noticed you or a doppelganger were following the updates last night. Just wondered if you were at the match cos if not you missed a cracker. I think it's fair to say a lot of people were expecting Craig Cook as a tacky sub, but there you go.
  3. As others have said, it was probably tongue in cheek. Why would you measure an engine of a rider whose two heat wins were in 2 of the 3 slowest times of the night. Don't get me wrong he's obviously a great young talent but as Jack showed in heat 14 so is he. As for the match loved it great racing and talking points. sad some Ipswich fans on here are moaning that there riders got overtaken and yet also moan when there is no overtaking at Ipswich. Talking of moaning its you know who next week
  4. Pray tell in what way? No one knows what Barker would have scored or r/r will score unless you are clairvoyant But if you look at what happened on Saturday with Klindt having severe bike trouble for worrky against the moanrchs resulting in a lucky point - do you consider that convenient?
  5. Or perhaps he should have said, I don't want to represent my country and win a silver medal, Iwould rather go to Sheffield. Many posts on this forum bemoan the fact there is not enough international type meetings and also why is the UK so poor when riding abroad. and yet we get this type of post. Once again give me strength
  6. I take it you would rather he didn't ride for belle Vue on Thursday so that he can prepare 'properly' for the Grand prix. 50% or more of the posts on here are about the lack of commitment and loyalty shown by riders to UK teams. yet when a rider tries to treat his team and there fans with respect he still gets slagged of. give me strength. PS well done Cookie and thanks for the way you've performed in Tigers colours
  7. Just seen the full teams on official Facebook site and can't help thinking this match will be decided by the reserves. And with Nathan now at reserve and still sadly injured we have a guest rather than r/r which makes us a lot weaker. Tuesdays guest is gino manzares so no disrespect but it's putting a lot of pressure on young Jack. With nichols and Barker riding for them it makes them stronger and favourites to win
  8. So Ipswich haven't given up on qualifying for the play-offs. Should be a cracker and give the lads a real test before the following week match against monarchs. Thought last night was entertaining despite the score. Cookie is unbelievably quick and young Jack looked good and unlucky not to score even more. Robson and Wethers got stuck in for the diamonds showing up some of there younger colleagues. Still not convinced of the need for a 15 minute interval we nearly always lose a bit of momentum. And even last night Newcastle got heat advantage in heat 11 and 12.Would keep the kids race but maybe move it to after heat 14. Anyway just good to see a league match after so long
  9. And obviously the monarchs management will help with this by ensuring he'll get a minimum of 4 rides in every match
  10. The only way Edinburgh won't win the play offs is if the weather prevents them from preparing a grippy track at armadale (or if they suffer injuries and I would nt wish that on any rider or team)
  11. Well Ben didn't disappoint. Thanks Ben don't think even Cookie would have scored much more.
  12. Surprised no one is thanking Paul Starke for helping the Panthers score crucial away points in recent matches. Will he be allowed to guest for them if Glasgow also manage to qualify for the play-offs.
  13. its a pity we've had such a poor summer weather wise otherwise we wouldn't have these problems. Weve got them in the championship as well. may be next year the weather will be better
  14. See from other sites some Tigers fans a bit disappointed with cookies replacement. Hope it doesn't affect the crowd and Ben proves them wrong, At least Redcar aren't contenders for the play offs and you can be sure he'll give it a go Despite this optimism easy win for monarchs
  15. Let the build up begin. It will finish on Friday with something suggesting the monarchs are the underdogs. Let's just admit now the monarchs will win easily particularly as cookie won't be there cos of the grand prix
  16. They don't race in Glasgow and armadump has its own microclimate. I would stress that people that have suggested that teams outside the top 4 but with a chance of getting into the top 4 will do anything to get a match on and points on board are barking up the wrong tree here. Edinburgh promoters wouldn't even contemplate a gate and go type meeting as they recognise that entertainment is paramount.
  17. Really disappointed the match was postponed. I really hate rain offs and even more annoying in view of the great weather weve had for once throughout the UK. However a bit surprised by some of the comments on here saying that in the good old days riders would have given it a go. in the good old days bikes were diferent and it seems that modern bikes and therefore modern riders can't cope with wet or heavy conditions. Fans also complain that the sport is ftg in most races. Well one thing is for sure in wet conditions it would become a gaters paradise. do fans really want to see a boring match in poor conditions? as someone else said this is about getting meetings completed before the play-offs when it should be about entertaining the public.
  18. What has this to do with this thread? No one said that the monarchs promotion described him as worst ever
  19. My point was that you have a lot of 6 point men who are happy to stay there. Despite increasing there average by tenfold Etheridge is still only 5.98, Dany 6.08 both damn close to 6.00! Having increased there averages by tenfold over the last 2 years I suppose 2 years ago they had 0.0598 and 0.0608 averages respectfully?
  20. Say what you like pal, he was trolling. An honest opinion aye right. Read what topsoil says about him in the post above. And your now making up stories about Claus. He injured his ribs at that wonderful track, known locally as ftg. He wasn't fully fit but gave the Danish championship a go anyway. he scored 0 and suffered an exclusion.to say he did not turn up implying he let the club down is totally wrong. And for you to criticise him when your team apart from Aaron is full of riders who think we'll always get a team if we keep our average at 6 and if not we can always go to Berwick. Having said that good luck tonight
  21. I wasn't there. I am a Glasgow fan so no doubt will be told go back to your page and don't interfere. BUT what is wrong with all you people? Poole fans are upset at what happened even those that never normally say anything against there team and yet they and promoter are still getting stick? The rules are clear only the losing team can ask for a track inspection (not Poole). The referee makes the final decision in consultation with both captains and the clerk of the course. So it must have been Leicester that asked the ref to call it of. If the ref agrees with the Leicester riders then its of and nothing the Poole side do or say will change things.
  22. There is a big different between losing and investing. Through there successful, profitable company they acquired land and invested in creating an impressive sports stadium - both are assets. They continue to invest money that would presumably be 'lost' to the taxman therby enhancing there assets and providing a better product for speedway fans to enjoy. The key is owning the stadium. Sadly when speedway was drawing huge crowds in the 60 and 70s the promoters in the uk put the money in the boot of the car and drove off. when the crowds started to drop they sold the club to speedway fans as opposed to hard headed businessmen and its been generally 'fans' that have been trying to keep the sport going ever since. They had a chance when Sky were throwing money at the sport to invest in facilities but chose to pass it on the riders and once the money started to dry up the riders moved on to other countries. It'll' be interesting when the Polish bubble bursts!
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