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About Wheelman

  • Birthday 08/18/1957

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  • Music
    Good Music
  • Age
  • Profession
    Self employed

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Most things mechanical/Speedway History....and its Survival /The magic setup/ Puppies.
  • Team
    Coventry Bees............mainly as know a rider

Wheelman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. If the other 3 riders had as good as reactions as James there,d be no problem
  2. RE .... Engines ....250 s will not get the job done...... they just dont have the torque.......can be just plain dangerous when the track has some drive.....Its time league riders realize most of them cant justify running a GP spec motor 4 nights a week.......... Regulate the league motors...... Leave the SGP guys to do what they must. Other forms of motor sport dont run F1 motors 4nights a week.....it wouldnt stack up.
  3. Air fences, save lives and careers on a weekly basis I think....... definitely the reason you can have a 44year old World Champion...
  4. He,s a good lad...... hopefully go on and do greater things!
  5. Hand up the rider to throw a leg over the slower , safer more controlable bike first..... not many if any. I do agree with previous comments....Its all made worse as strokes get shorter and flywheels lighter......and this is the most common way to make more horse power....
  6. I have heard it said ....In Auto racing you race the car beside you...... On a motorcycle you race the Man. ....We dont want to get away from this. I think teams are always going to go with the combination that that allows them to complete the race in the shortest time....... hence the set up..... I dont see this changing. There is apossibility a less radical , developed motor with the correct set up and rider could be very competitive .....Didnt Tai and Darcy get to the highest levels of the sport on feely standard machinery? Maybe the SGP could be given a free hand in their engine wars and the rest pulled back abit...... Rev limiter? ..... your thoughts?
  7. We in the Commonwealth all stand up for God save the Queen...... but from Heathrow on its hard work........the European Union has turned Australians and New Zealanders into Illegals? It doesnt seem right to me .....
  8. The video I saw . Greg was never in front and tried for a Gap that he thought would stay on the outside....... Racing against Nicki all these years he should have realised that gap could disappear....... a red mist incident that happens.....shake hands and get over it......
  9. I think one of the limiting factors they apply to the motors is limiting the carb size to 34mm....whats the policy re the use of titanium in the motors they were allowing it ....but not many wanted it....made me think a GP engine will soon be alot different to a league one.
  10. It,s pleasing to hear not everybody is putting the boot into Lewis, I dont know the lad but did see him ride at Eastbourne in 2009..... As most of you know....It,s such an extreme sport at the top level , you just have to be completely up for it and committed. Any short comings are cruely on display,,,,no where to hide when the gate closes for 1 minute..... give the guy a break and appreciate the moments he has given the so deserving paying public.
  11. Its interesting that the speedway engine has been mainly created and developed by the riders themselves. Jawa, Gm, Godden, all had there beginnings at the hands of riders and retired riders who had something to add.......credit to them..... all 4 or 5 brands of engine would bolt into the same set of engine plates. Although it looks a simple devise the motor is well suited to its purpose, I dont think another motor could ever be borrowed from some where and do as good a job.......If Yamaha or Honda were to build a stomping competitive speedway engine bet it would look like a GM or a Jawa. Heres a thought Yamaha gift Godden a large sum of money to get the motor done and into production ,,,, with Yamaha supplying the Rocker cover........problem solved.
  12. I think it would be great to see Godden back..... They have the pedigree,and experience....... it,s probably only business considerations taking the time.ie .....a small market, a tough environment to make an impact. Hopefully they have the resources to give it a good shot.
  13. Typical.....when so many riders dont seem to be able to make a decent start....... Pick on the Guy working on becoming Britians best gater ... :-)
  14. I agree..... Everybody ie) the opposition is grizzling about my starts.....I,ll just take it easy..... I dont think so....! It,s a race the boundaries are pushed, thats why we like it.
  15. When statistics don,t work for you.....you some times just revert back to that'' old feeling'',nothing wrong with that..... makes it hard to prove of course.... .......... Ice creams are smaller, pies have less filling, and speedway isn,t what it used to be. But we still hang in there because we are passionate about it. F1 have made drastic changes over the years to try and cure what ails them..... Speedway has been pretty much left to it own evolvement......this is to the credit or dis interest of the rule makers. I feel the sport needs a brave , well directed kick in the intestines.......now where are my boots.
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