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Everything posted by hammer1969

  1. Ring the train company they might be refundable if not keep hold of them because of the snow is bad the train might not run anyway on which case you may be able to get a refund.
  2. Re the Rye v Swindon fixture and the Rye website saying it could mean up to 3 of their riders missing can anyone throw any light on which 3 riders they might mean as the only clash I can find is Scott Nicholls who also rides for Peterborough
  3. Wish I could attend this event sounds like it could be a very interesting night as meetings at various tracks I've been to there are usually vert differing opinions from the fans point of view to the decision made by the referee
  4. While I can sympathise with Peterborough re fans emailing the stadium about the change of start time to the Ben Fund meeting us fans were looking forward to a good afternoon of speedway, track walks, riders signing autographs etc early start and reasonable finish time. Now we have been promised a prompt 6.30pm start with hopefully no hold ups and hopefully an 8.30pm finish. In other words instead of an enjoyable relaxed meeting with added extras we now have a rushed through meeting presumably with the extras axed and fans, especially those who have long journeys, who were looking forward to this meeting now deciding not to go. No wonder us supporters are fed up and deserting the sport in droves.
  5. What does a Snowman and a Speedway meeting have in common? They both disappear when it rains
  6. Not doubting you but would like to say if your information is correct then in future ,as I presume Peterborough speedway pay for the use of the EOES, they need to get everything in writing so that this type of mess up never happens again. All it has managed to achieve is upset speedway fans who were looking forward to the meeting and who are now not going to attend and the Ben Fund whose fund raising will suffer.
  7. Been looking at the Young Drivers website and it appears the event on the 18th at the EOES is already fully booked which implies it must have been on the calendar for quite a while. As a large number of Peterboroughs home meetings are on Sundays this year it seems reasonable to assume that someone took it for granted it would be available for the Ben Fund without bothering to check before advertising the meeting. Such a shame because as others have said the change of time will probably have an effect on the number of fans attending. A total mis management of what could have been a good start to the speedway season.
  8. Was really looking forward to a Sunday afternoon meeting but Sunday evening is not so appealing. 20 heats followed by a race jacket and memorabilia auction is going to make for a very late finish, especially if there are any hold ups etc. I am sure the later start time will now discourage many fans who may have journeys of more than an hour or so to the stadium. I for one am now undecided whether to bother but will wait until the Sunday morning to make my decision about travelling up from London and it will probably depend a lot on the weather temperature etc, cold afternoons I can cope with but cold, damp and dark March evenings are not at all my idea of a night out especially with a long journey there and back. It would be interesting to know exactly what forced this change of time as surely everything regarding this meeting should have been agreed with the showground before it was advertised. This appeared to be a well organised meeting on a Sunday afternoon that all the family could attend the change of time has certainly put paid to that idea.
  9. I'l get it right in a minute it should have read 10% not 1% so £1 donation per entry - never mind sure we'l enjoy the day as long as the weather stays dry
  10. Ooops my maths never was any good but one things for sure the money raised for speedway will be a lot less than last year, surely Paradise Park can afford to donate a bit more than that especially as the speedway fans paying £10 entry each on Sunday probably wouldn't be there on a cold February day apart from attenting this event.
  11. Last year it was a voluntary donation with a suggestion of £5 a person which I believed was all donated to the speedway association. This year it appears to be £10 entry to Paradise Park 1% of which will be donated, this works out at £1 per person. I imagine most if not all who went last year were probably giving £5 each it seems to me speedway will lose out, unless the Park are donating 1% of all visitors entry fees on Sunday as there are probably many people visiting the zoo only who would not have been going to the Speedway Celebration.
  12. www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/diy-sos-bid-save-brandon-14285947 Article in Coventry Telegraph tonight
  13. Exactly the point. If a rule is to be implemented it should apply to all riders fairly - 6 average or above no doubling up. Am I right in assuming that this rule will also stop Nicholls, Kennett and others with an average above 6 who are only riding in the Premiership from guesting in the Championship in 2018. Looking further ahead I reckon it's going to be an almighty mess in 2019 when riders have to choose which league to ride in - or possibly not as the rules will probably change again and again and again before then. For goodness sake BSPA get your act together.
  14. Scott Nicholls just posted a short statement on his twitter re the ruling of doubling up it makes interesting reading - wondering if it will have any affect on his decision about riding for Rye - sincerely hope not.
  15. Scott Nicholls just made a short statement re decision on his twitter account makes interesting reading - would have copied and pasted it here but not sure if that's allowed
  16. Solution to doubling up. 2 leagues only, a junior league/national league with their best riders allowed to progress to the higher league reserve positions. Put all the premiership and championship teams in the same league, the fans would then have their team/riders to support, more local derbys which usually generate bigger crowds, proper knock out cup competition ie put all the teams names in a hat and draw them out so that they don't get the same first round team year after year. While I'm putting speedway to rights how about the British Final on at the weekend so that more fans can attend - still dreaming I'll wake up in a minute !!
  17. And if they keep their averages down (could we blame them) the whole team suffers as well as the fans, the promoters, their sponsors and then another nail in the speedway coffin.
  18. Interesting point Sings4Speedway I'd like to know the answer to that as well.
  19. I quite agree with you, your point makes it even more discriminatory against Nicholls and Kennett. Also this year you have Craig Cook riding for Premiership, Championship and he's a GP rider the rules should be the same for all (I have nothing against Cookie just using it as an example). To get even sillier when all the British riders doubling up get their new averages after a month will those who are doubling down to Championship but their Premiership averages increase to above 6 lose their Championship place - of course they won't. If I was Nicholls and Kennett I'd be furious at this discrimination let's hope they don't decide to retire Rye House will be in dire straights then as their 7th rider has yet to be named (KK?)
  20. Stupid decision by BSPA to uphold a rule that only affects 2 riders. I totally get the reason for bringing in a rule of this nature in the first place as doubling up caused too many problems and supporters didnt like it but surely when many riders that are doubling up this year have higher averages than Nicholls and Kennett the only thing this rule appears to achieved is to discriminate against these two. Nicholls and Kennett both ride for Rye alongside Chris Harris who I think has a higher average than both but he doubles up because he did last year. If a new rule is brought in it should be the same for everyone 6 average or above no doubling up. Does this mean riders with high averages at the end of the 2018 season and who doubled up can still double up in 2019 if so will riders who don't double up this year but want to in future try to keep their average low to enable them to. At the end of the day who benefits - certainly not Speedway that's for sure - no wonder it' in decline.
  21. Bloody predictive text I must remember to turn it off
  22. Did bring a smile to my face. I agree with you I think attendance will suffer. I'm in the fortunate position of being retired so work commitments will not be a problem but I've found in the past that travelling from East London to Rye during the week takes much longer, I will probably have to leave a lot earlier and risk the fish and chips for my meal - on second thoughts I may bring sandwiches. Seriously I hope week night meetings don't lead to the demise of Rye House we've lost too many teams already.
  23. As Woz01 said Sundstrom confirmed for Poole and your reply started "Where has that been confirmed?" I was under the impression that was what you were referring to.
  24. Sandstorm has been confirmed on the official Poole website
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