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Black Angus

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Everything posted by Black Angus

  1. From what I've read, Ben was good enough to pass Tungate and get Bandits through the cup-tie and good enough to pass Howarth and get us the draw on Monday. He's certainly been good enough at home when I have seen him. He'll do for me. Those who don't want him (which is absolute madness) are clearly on the wrong planet.
  2. Loud is good, passion is to be applauded. The last newsletter said exactly that and praised the noisiest, funniest and cheeriest fans in British speedway, while reminding everyone that spectators (anywhere in the stadium) must not use foul or abusive language, especially when children are present.
  3. As every other Danish rider of any worth in the UK seems to have been recalled for Saturday, why would you expect MPT to be available?
  4. Restaging date for this one is Bank Holiday Monday, May 25th, I'm informed.
  5. Careful, isn't it Taffy's job to be PRO for the Supporters' Club? As both the bbsc and 2012 Group are now the same people, I'm sure they will be there to help and back the riders, as you say.
  6. Why don't you stop the nipping, driving people around you away?
  7. Sadly, many others did. Those responsible should consider their position.
  8. Adam Ellis? His last PL average was 4.67 or something like that --- how do you figure on getting him to replace Alex Edberg's 3.96?
  9. They cannae help themselves. Like saying 'England' when they mean 'Britain'...........
  10. Not to be runners-up, which is all they need to do -- beat Glasgow's points
  11. It ain't Team GB. This is just an open meeting organised by a TV company. The organisers wanted, and sent invitations, to Tai and Scott. Nothing to do with Rosco, and if BSPA wanted to stop the riders involvement altogether they could do, by refusing start permission. Except they have only refused Scott permission, and stuck Craig Cook in. It isn't a "World Pairs", it isn't an FIM event. It is an open meeting. What would happen if a British track were having a big(gish) meeting and asked Chris Holder to ride, and he wanted to ride and was accepted -- only to have Mark Lemon refusing him the OK to ride, and offering, for instance, Kozza Smith instead?
  12. I spoke about this with a couple of ex-riders I know. Both said there are usually different deals on offer. Some riders get a signing-on fee at the start of the year, which would allow him to 'tool up' for the season, but comes with an agreed pay rate of so much per point. Alternatively, the rider might ask for (and get) a much-larger payment per point, but without any signing-on fee. Either way, the promoter probably on average ends up paying the guy about the same total amount over the year -- although if he has a better-than-expected season and has opted for the higher per-point rate he would do much better financially. Neither of my friends would have expected a promoter to bail them out over mechanical problems after a deal had been struck, and both said they had been helped by outside sources (sponsors, supporters groups) when they had bigger problems with equipment during their careers.
  13. The poster who said "Berwick don't do comfortable home wins" certainly had it right! The loss of Stead and Bellego is a disappointment, but hardly Berwick's fault. Sheffield will be tough to beat, should be a close encounter. A guest booking will bring a rider hundreds of pounds and as a self-employed professional he will always take the money. No club can reasonably refuse permission for him to take such a booking. Clubs allow riders to jet off to Europe every week, and can't say no, this is no different.
  14. That's very nice -- but not the full story, surely? Is it not the case that OneSport, who own this series, invited Scott Nicholls and Tai Woffinden to represent the UK. Which brings up the question -- and I am not putting any case that one rider is better, or more-deserving of selection than another -- why was Nicholls not given start permission by the BSPA/SCB/whoever, and Craig Cook (invited as reserve by the organisers) parachuted into the pairing? If, as we have repeatedly been told, this is no more than an open meeting organised by a TV company, why is a rider who was specifically named by the organisers who are funding the event, being barred from the meeting?
  15. Sheffield website announces immediate replacement for Bellego will be Jason Garrity.
  16. Josh Bates gets the UK reduction, doesn't he? That would pull the total figure down under 42.50.......
  17. No Number 1? Presume that you weren't there on Saturday to watch Heat 1? How about against Newcastle? Yes, he was unfit against Edinburgh and two engine failures and a fourth ride on a borrowed bike restricted his scoring on Saturday, but I am delighted to have the rider we've seen in these meetings leading the Berwick team this season.
  18. Must have been a record night for blow-ups -- all in races the riders might have been expected to win. Doolan and Vissing also had motors go bang. Without wishing to rock the boat, is this where the Supporters Club with their avowed mission to help the riders, might lend a hand?
  19. Indeed. Very good news, club being recognised by authority again.
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