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Black Angus

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Everything posted by Black Angus

  1. It isn't a rule, mate. It is the joint agreement which has existed since the British League was formed in1965, and which almost certainly existed in some form since the SCB allowed the creation of league speedway in 1946. The tracks are all members of a club (called the League) and they protect each other from invasion of each others' business interests. This means no track can be opened in opposition to an existing league member (nor change to a joint racenight) without the approval of the other tracks in the "club". How would Glasgow feel if it was suddenly announced that a new promotion was about to re-open at Shawfield and intended to race in the Premier League on Sundays, Fridays or whenever? But they wouldn't have to worry because, however rich and powerful the new people at Shawfield were, the BSPA simply wouldn't agree to their impinging on Ashfield's business. The new people would be told they couldn't join the "club" and the Tigers' interests would be protected. Which is why the previous attempt to return Glasgow to Fridays was virtually black-balled by the other tracks -- and it is why any current efforts to do the same will suffer the same fate. Move on.
  2. I understand George Ward, Darcy's dad, was in the pits at Armadale last night with Nick.
  3. OK, moving on from the 4,300-odd posts on the 2015 thread, let's discuss the all-important future. The club's very existence seems to be on a knife-edge, yet I heard people at the last meeting discussing team line-ups for 2016 as if nothing was happening. Is there a future for speedway at Shielfield? Are the supporters prepared to back a promotion, old or new, in 2016? Discuss. Seriously.
  4. I don't care if we have the worst team in the National League. Just so long as speedway continues.
  5. Don't let that stop a free shot at the promotion/team manager. It was indeed up to TJ. Nowt to do with Berwick.
  6. Hardly Berwick's fault who turns up for Rye House, is it? Eddie Kennett is going to be there, a class act and capable of testing any of the Bandits, Nicolaj Busk Jacobsen likewise. Luke Bowen scored double figures in July. It it is to be the last team match of the season, or ever, I'll certainly be there.
  7. Jan O Pedersen was at Berrington for Cradley Heath in the same team as Hancock and possibly Hamill......
  8. Woo-hoo, touched a nerve there, I think! FYI: 1) I heard it while in the back of a Berwickshire taxi. 2) Riss is the miss.
  9. I presume we'll get it from the Comets website, even before they give it to Berwick for the programme, etc. Personally, I'm more interested in the Berwick line-up, and I like it!
  10. A thousand years at the most, no such thing as 'England' until around the 10th century. And not for much longer, come the revolution!
  11. A pity that once again, Liam Carr is riding against Berwick. I understood he was still injured.
  12. Leicester sounds a better bet, it is unlikely to make money and the less of a rental fee, etc, that has to go outside the BSPA the better. Either that, or scrap it for this year.
  13. Maybe because there simply isn't a rider out there with a 7.5 average who is available, could ride in all the remaining fixtures and would agree to race for Berwick at their budgeted rates?
  14. OK, but shouldn't that be posted in the National League section of this forum?
  15. "A small group of trusted fans" --- are you suggesting Bandits should hand over their twitter account to folk like ToThePoint, Goodiepatchie and Screm?
  16. Well now, my just-arrived Bandit Newsletter tells me that Alex Edberg has gone, replaced by Anders Mellgren. Theo Pijper guests and the Berwick reserve pairing will be Garcia and Hall as somebody said. We'll still get beat, but at least they're trying.
  17. Berwick's reserves will be Coty and Rich Hall, I was told on Saturday.
  18. He's just a roller. If he gets away with it, he wins. If not, stone last. Had three races on Saturday night, missed it twice (first time hilariously) and then got away with a 10mph start in Heat 14. Won't be there, wish Bandits well, don't like cheats.
  19. Let's hope for no more injuries, and an entertaining speedway meeting. I just wish I could be there tonight and tomorrow. It'll soon be all over. Never realised how the dropping of the two extra home-away fixtures was going to contract the season.
  20. Berwick's guest was relayed to me by a good friend at the club as being Ryan Fisher. Your visit to the best track? That's be Saturday, then?
  21. Seven days. Away at Edinburgh will be Garcia's first match on new average.
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