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Everything posted by GS550

  1. Yep there's been no mention of punches thrown by Cook. Been mention of punches thrown by other persons but not by Cook.
  2. LET... THE.... AUTHOURITIES.... DEAL.... WITH.... IT !!!! Not interested in protecting anybody, certainly no rider, not even yourself. I find it incredible that somebody reckons they're above the law and above the authorities, but appears you're oblivious. Crazy.
  3. Well you were taking bollox so fair enough. They have not finished dealing with it - there is an appeal and a full hearing - so let the authorities deal with it. You mention punches being thrown, however nothing reported regarding Cook on that particular line. Above all else though - let the authorities deal with it. Or are you above the authorities. Appears you think you are.
  4. No idea what you're talking about mate. I only said let the authorities deal with it.
  5. I'm as cool as a freezer me. Reason for the appeal - yeah sure there is mate.
  6. Thanks mate but er I didn't have you in mind. Here's a clue - what show did Dick Dastardly take part in
  7. You're talking bollox!!! Who the hell do you think you are to dictate what the bleedin law is and/or the facts - that's the job of the authorities and for the hearing itself - let them do your job.
  8. "two" - a number between one and three "to" - as in going "to" the shops, going "to" the train station "too" - too hot, too late
  9. What about simply the sole reason why most people want a full hearing.... if he considers he is innocent of the charge, he has evidence to back it up, and for those reasons confident that he will be cleared. If I was innocent and had the evidence to back it up I sure would appeal it and for those speculating anything except the obvious reason then let them go figure.
  10. It's probably as good an answer as any. What about socks. Nobody's mentioned what colour socks those in the video were wearing. Surely worth a couple o' pages.
  11. You seem to know a lot about mirky goings on Blobby and dodgy practices.
  12. Did we not have a couple of pages about that one.... apparently its always blue even when its cloudy and something about light being scattered in all directions? I guess the answer to your question then is blue, probably also matched the colour of some of the language.
  13. Nothing like that mate. The trouble with these things is human beings take things out of content or misread or mishear and the old "send reinforcements we're going to advance" becomes "send three and fourpence we're going to a dance". My original post only made a light hearted or conversational comment that I thought from memory that Dugard had walloped somebody. Red Flag duly obliged that it was Andersson - that was the salient point for me, i.e. yes he had walloped somebody. "End of" as far as I was concerned. But of course somebody somewhere will grab a hold of one little thing and twist and regurgitate it to be the end of the world and all the rest of the crap that is spouted with that type of analysis to death treatment but which to be perfectly honest I simply didn't have a care about when I made lighthearted conversation. I mean jeeeez!!! Yeah some folk spend their life splitting hairs, I appreciate you aint one of them. Life's too short mate!! So the speculative thing about Cook that you've posed, I'm sure its a good point, but you will appreciate that all I was interested in mate was my original conversational piece of "does Dugard not have a bit of previous, did he not wallop somebody" - in essence yeah he did so I'm happy as Larry whoever he is.
  14. WHO CARES!!!!! If you're ASSAULTED you are..... ASSAULTED!!! Jeeez. Re your point about the thread's gone mental, yeah it might help if folk didn't keep splitting hairs. You make daft claims about the assault being "fake news" cos you wanna split hairs about how it was achieved. Listen mate I couldn't care less. If somebody is ASSAULTED they are ASSAULTED. That's it. Re your point that I need to look at my own post and poster Red Flag. No I don't mate, I did (already) note the nuance of difference in how the assault had been achieved but had also (already) figured that... it DIDN'T MATTER, i.e. an assault is... an assault, regardless. I know it was Red Flag that mentioned about the assault, at least he made sense!! You then march on blabbering on about it being 'fake news'. The essence of it was it was an assault. If you wanna split hairs that's your problem mate. Christ you'd fight with your shadow!! Is your brain fake!!
  15. Screw the nut mate, have you been on the beer??!!! The essence of it is he assaulted the guy, decked him. Tell you what mate, if a guy decks you with a right hook will that make it ok??!! I can just see it now, says you: "I was assaulted by a guy, he decked me, if I could only remember how he did it.... hold on he didn't nut me he just walloped me with a slamming right hand and decked me, it was brill mate gimme some more o' that!!" (....big long queue) "Fake facts" my backside!!
  16. Can't speak for anybody else but personally I don't have an ounce of respect for somebody that behaves and conducts themselves like that. Its the same type of aggression in the clip that was shown by a poster a few posts ago at the Eastbourne track, whereby Dugard was clearly seen advancing towards a Glasgow rider and thrusting/pushing the Glasgow rider aggressively such that he was caused to suddenly move backwards a few yards. He obviously has a violent conduct and/or temper problem. The guy needs help.
  17. Hhhhmmmm...... Dugard does seem to have a violent conduct and/or temper problem
  18. Its irrelevant whether he "sprinted" or not, what is clear from that footage is sheer aggression advancing several yards and aggressively launching himself at another individual such that he was suddenly moved several yards back due to the thrust from the aggressor. That behaviour has no place on a speedway track or anywhere else.
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