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Everything posted by GS550
To be professional, business-like and concentrate on the serious matters in hand. They haven't a clue how to be professional and business-like, they obviously haven't a clue how to conduct themselves.
Nope. I just have a sense of fair play.
What a load of baloney. You used a Ryanair price and we all know those prices are nowhere near the total prices with all the add ons that just bring it back up to its truw final price. You say hotels are cheaper than the UK. They aren't. How many stars? Minus 10? Its a joke - just like the Mickey Mouse conference.
....you didn't see me then
Certainly not. Are you?
I see you picked 2nd December - what was the price for this Week? And you seriously believe that the total price will be anywhere near £31. We all know it will be nowhere near that, after all necessary add-ons, luggage, etc, plus airport parking, commute to/from airport, etc. In any case it's nowt to do with money. There is simply no need for it to be in Tenerife.
Nothing to do with "British company" holding it's AGM abroad. Nor do I have any thoughts on any such thing.
I applaud your post. But as regards "if it stops childish promoters walking out". Firstly, they may have had a fair point(?). But the world really has gone mad if it need a meeting at a holiday booze up island to somehow stop some of the promoters from leaving the meeting.
It is perfectly simple. There is imply no need for it to be in Tenerife.
A few posters have said third week in November, so I guess that's in the next couple of days.
There's no argument. It just doesn't need to be there.
Less of the derisive personal insults. Not clever. We all know it isn't £31 for a return flight to Tenerife. There's just no need for it to be in Tenerife. End of.
Are you on a wind up or smoking something? You run a business. Good for you. Do you think you're the only one that's ever had a business. As far as BSPL is concerned, they should be concentrating on being professional and business-like and dealing with the problems in the sport. The BSPA of old were shamed into stopping going off to such as Tenerife. Which is why they had the meetings at Rugby for years. It's time they reverted to same. As regards the money spent - they should be using it to improve facilities or reducing admission prices, that would be the decent and professional thin to do. Otherwise they are cheating the paying public. Again, they haven't a clue how to be professional and business-like and how to conduct themselves.
I know you're peddling a joke that's worn thin long since but none of us needs any o' that stuff. We all know what's happening here. The BSPA of old were shamed into stopping the practice of going off to such as Tenerife which is why they've held it in Rugby for years now. That stigma hasn't changed. It's time they cottoned themselves on, became professional and business-like about it and got on with the job at Rugby. And then go off on holidays, booze trips sun sea and sangria to their heart's content.
Less of the derisory name calling. Not clever. The principle stinks to high heaven. There is simply no need for it to be in Tenerife.
Fine. It's the principle.
I don't grudge anybody a holiday. I go to the Canaries. But there's a time and a place. And it isn't when I'm dealing with anything work related. Contrary to the nonsense spouted about being cheap, the fact is it is not cheap. Even choosing the "lowest prices first" option shows that flights, accommodation and holiday prices have gone through the roof the last few years. And its certainly way past the cost of having a meeting in the UK by a long long way. But it isn't about the money, its the principle. These jokers expect riders to professional and committed, yet they don't do it themselves. They discipline Boxall and R Worrall for indulging in recreational etc while on the job, yet they're indulging themselves when they should be business-like and focussed. Its ridiculous. They have no idea how to be professional and business-like and how to conduct themselves.
That's just the biggest load of rubbish. Tenerife is not cheap. Prices in November in the Canaries are also much dearer than in summer and certainly much more expensive than in the UK. That's just plain fact. And the reported thousand quid per head for 3 days equates to about £2k per head per week - that's far from cheap. In any case, there's no need for it to be in Tenerife. It's ridiculous. If they want to have a holiday jolly then go with their wives and families same as everybody else. They should be business-like and focus on the matters in hand, not having a holiday jolly. It's Mickey Mouse and unprofessional. They haven't a clue how to be professional or how to conduct themselves.
They should be improving be improving facilities or reducing admission prices - so it isn't theirs to just squander. As long as they treat it as a hobby and a plaything the sport will never be professional and never come out of it's nosedive into oblivion with only 2 or 3 teams left. It's Mickey Mouse. They haven't a clue how to conduct themselves.
It's simply doesn't have to be in Tenerife. It's ridiculous. They expect riders to be professional and committed. Not treat it as recreational and indulge. It's double standards. They punish such as Boxall and R Worrall while on the job, then they indulge themselves in a holiday jolly when they should be concentrating on the job in hand. If they were professional and business-like, if they had a clue how to conduct themselves, they would have the meeting within a suitable business-like environment. They haven't a clue.
Exactly. And the league table doesn't lie. Even though some may deny it, Poole again this season the team to beat or try to match.
So why does it have to be in Tenerife? It doesn't.
It's the principle. No need for it to be in Tenerife.
To be fair I only answered your question. Life's too short, take a chill pill. Calm yourself down to a frenzy. See a doctor.
As I understand it those kind of decisions have already been made at the pre-meeting when anything of substance was discussed and agreed, and the Tenerife jaunt is just a holiday jolly @ reportedly £1,000 a head so if two joint promoters then as someone else observed on this thread that would be £2k per team, to rubber stamp in a quick meeting what they've already decided. Totally unnecessary.