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Everything posted by TurnTwo

  1. Connor said he changed Dugard for Wood as Wood was racing the bike harder than Dugard and he could hold off Perks or make a pass. which was the correct decision because once he got going he was nearly in the back of Richard Andrews.
  2. Well he did get his a*se into gear Ritching very good replacement good starter, great equipment, and he scored 8 points there at number 3 last week 4 seconds so if he can build on that then i think eastbourne could do something! - looking forward to it!!
  3. I'm praying Connor has got his a*se into gear and got a suitable guest i dont think shanes would be ideal as from what ive heard there arent many lines round the perry barr track so may not suit his riding style! We will have to see!
  4. I think he'll call them the young stars Eagles 8 points up after 2 heats
  5. Mildenhall to win by 15 purely on reserve rigurrs and R/r for Danny meaning only one rider above can take his rides is that Shane's / Baseby?
  6. I think andrews win heat 1 georgie will get a paid max and wilson-dean to win heat 15 warwick to score more than his avg owen to get a paid max too dugard will score comfortably and mason to hit his avg at least i also think the 'big head brendan' will now replace the injured luke priest at Rye - get well soon luke
  7. How can you say warwick isnt part of the 7 man team? He equaled richard and davids scores and was slightly higher than georgie? danny will ger more than his 7 point average this weekend im sure. i honestly think itll be: James cockle 7 josh 4 scott 6 Shane 5 Tom 3 Layne 1 maybe 2 Ryan 1 maybe 2 to back my comments re toms score look at his first trip to wolverhampton last year at number 3 - 3. Tom Stokes - 0 , F/R , F/R , 2 = 2 Read more: http://speedwayupdates.proboards.com/thread/14036/kings-lynn-koc-final-2014#ixzz3XOJdG515
  8. I think KL will be lucky to score 30points this weekend.
  9. no it would have been mason johnson owen wilson dean warwick wood dugard as wilson dean would have had better expirence as said though i think andrews is firing much better than johnson but thats just my opinion
  10. Bwd didn't take his place Alex, the team was built around him Connor mentioned that when he pointed out he's been trying to sign him for four years. Connor mistakenly counted his average wrong thinking he was on a 3 not a 5 so had to axe Brendan. If that hadn't of happened they wouldn't have found the gem that is Richard Andrews who is turning many heads including mine I think he is the best number 2 in the league!
  11. I must say I'm very impressed with everyone Georgie richard and Kelsey on low averages could double them
  12. Sunk to the bottom of the elite league sea NL all the way!!
  13. im agreeing with this on sings4kings the eastbourne line up doesnt look much better but for the same price im sure ill have a more entertaining afternoon and a programme with great xcontent
  14. reserves will decide this aswell as the change of positions from 2-4 at cradley i think poor luke isnt quite ready for main body of the team yet
  15. They're always on bank holidays they have been for the last 10 years...
  16. 40-50 to Eastbourne I think hoping we can break the two year losing streak!
  17. I am well and truly disappointed tonight. The big changes that were meant to happen clearly havnt. I Paid £1 for a piece of double sided card. Which I paid £2 yesterday to read a 24 page full colour programme advert at Eastbourne. For anyone not in attendance tonight I've made a slight list up (not that I'll ever be going again unless things change drastically!!!!) -Pro's- Rye house top 4 very good ( Sam Woods picked up couple of hard earned points) Mildenhall- Halsey okay, mountain okay, Coles okay Reserves showing promise - Cons- Rye house reserves woeful Jack Kingston appalling No atmosphere No presentation Long winded To much of a difference in stranded of the riders Loads of falls and reruns Whole meeting just dragged on.
  18. I am well and truly disappointed tonight. The big changes that were meant to happen clearly havnt. I Paid £1 for a piece of double sided card. Which I paid £2 yesterday to read a 24 page full colour programme advert at Eastbourne. For anyone not in attendance tonight I've made a slight list up (not that I'll ever be going again unless things change drastically!!!!) -Pro's- Rye house top 4 very good ( Sam Woods picked up couple of hard earned points) Mildenhall- Halsey okay, mountain okay, Coles okay Reserves showing promise - Cons- Rye house reserves woeful Jack Kingston appalling No atmosphere No presentation Long winded To much of a difference in stranded of the riders Loads of falls and reruns Whole meeting just dragged on.
  19. After attending eaatbourne last night leaving the place with a buzz I can honestly say I witnesseed the WORST ever NL meeting at Rye House tonight. No disrespect but I thought there was going to be a major over haul. I'd be suprised if 1/4 of the 400 fans that went today go back.
  20. Fair to say all the eaatbourne boys rode well impressed with Ayres but he lacks that last piece of the puzzle
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