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Everything posted by TurnTwo

  1. Brennan finished 20th after blowing an engine
  2. Poor kids being slated on here, Facebook what can we do to help him??
  3. Bit of fire power from Dugard! http://www.eastbourneeagles.co/news.php?extend.821.1
  4. Just noticed this thread has the most posts across the whole NL forum Back to topic Strudwick won't score Although his comments in the speedway star slating that he doesn't get any good second half rides he is well and truly having egg on his face as he is first to criticise the bike or the track when he was smashed by cottham, Sheppard, Brennan, he has been racing for nearly 15 years surely you would say enough is enough? Looking at the eagle table birminghamcould get another 15 points from their remaining fixtures. Although; I can see them picking up a point at mildenhall and 3 at Buxton and I think Eastbourne could nick it like cradley did tonight being there 3rd time at Perry Barr. So that leaves them with 4 points on top of their 41 = 45. Cradley currently sitting on 26 can still get 26 from their fixtures although realistically 2 points at Stoke 1 at Kings Lynn 1 at Coventry 3 at home to Kings Lynn 0 at Rye House 3 at Buxton and 3 at home to Rye House would give them 13 leaving them on 39 Eastbourne 36 points left up for grabs. Won't be beaten at home so that's 12 points secured bringing them too - 30 - 3 points at Kings Lynn 1 at rye house, 4 at Kent 3 at Birmingham 3 at Buxton and 1 at Coventry = leaving Eastbourne with 45 as well. It's going to be very tight..
  5. I think it's doable Bradley good for 12 at least Connor 5 a point in each ride including his R/R Marc good for paid 10 R/R about 6 Ben hopwood I reckon will get 9 Kelsey 2/3 Mattie 2/3
  6. Connor put on Facebook: Can't use Gary because he's an unmatched rider higher than 3 points stupid eh
  7. Just seen 'eagle of the year' what we thinking people?
  8. Bradley cannot do elite draft I believe as I think you have to be British born not British heritage I may be wrong
  9. Bradley 10 Kelsey 5.0 Georgie 6.5 Andrews 6.0 Owen 7.5 Powell 3 Cottham 4 42?
  10. I honestly think cradley could nick this even if Ellis has s 5 ride max if the kirby that is destructive turns up then the better reserves in cradley a team will nick it I reckon
  11. 59.7 Marc Owen I believe Also KOC Glory?!
  12. I see Georgie hurt his leg another one for the injury list
  13. That point could make all the difference I guess
  14. Look at the positives; he got his debut. (It may have only taken 10+ years of riding a 500 but he got there) I did hear the crowd chanting 'niall Niall he's our man if he can't do it no one can' - good atmosphere although after his start I was like yeah he's definitely not our man lol (even my nephew said the same thing and he's only 7!) back to delivering post and a bit of reality check that there is a massive gap between NL & MDL!
  15. I was only 5 points out on home prediction
  16. Shall we have some predictions for the weekend? Away Stoke I think we will win by 8 Home against Coventry a win by 25 Gary to get 7 & paid 9
  17. islander what are your thoughts on gary cottham if he has good equipment which it looks like from the photos online, i think connor even posted a photo with a Pete Johns motor in the bike
  18. Honestly I think this will be closer than first thought!
  19. i see Charley won at frittenden yesterday and georgie in marmande tonight who said grasstrackers couldnt ride speedway - im sure there is someone in this thread that said it!
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