Surely it would be in their best interest though, 2 riders get more expirence that are British to then improve them for not only themselves but their pl club too....
It doennt bother me that's just the reasoning behind Eastbourne programme issue last year in their championship of sussex, Dawid Wiwatowski or someone was in the programme but was stopped riding due to not owning a British passport or British hereditary it would be quite a farce if Davies turned up and the bspa put a stop to it
Surely Alex Davies cannot ride as he isn't British and in the NL It is now only Brits meaning mildenhall is an NL only club so you cannot have foreign riders?
Charley Powell fell whilst leading heat 2 and whilst leading Hopwood and fell whilst on a 5-1 Georgie wood he's definitly got the ability just needs it moulding! both reserves look like different riders very impressive turn around keep it up
The missus dint want to go watch practice yesterday the kids showed me some photos from Facebook though quite a few people there including rob mear and Eddie kennett
1.L.Bowen 8.52 Kent
2. C.Coles 5.61 Mildenhall
3. J.Knight 6 Eastbourne
4. G.Wood 5.9 Eastbourne
5. D. Ayres 7.05 Kent
6. J.Smith 3 birmingham
7. S.Rutherford 3.5 Buxton
Would have liked to put Powell in from Eastbourne over Rutherford but rules are rules and only 2