Heathen1984 I wish you had the facts to back up your argument as I'd hate to refer to what you say as rubbish, lawlors appearances for Buxton alone in the latter part of the year, as well as one appearance for Birmingham at Buxton equate too:
V Rye House 7. Joe Lawlor - 0,1*,3,1,3 = 8+1
V Kings Lynn 7. Joe Lawlor -- 3, 2', 1, 0, 1, 3 = 10+1
V IOW 7. Joe Lawlor -- 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 2, 0 = 11
V Buxton 3. Joe Lawlor (G) - 1', 1, 1, 1, 3 = 7+1
V Eastbourne 6. Joe Lawlor (G) - 3, 2', 1', 2 = 8+2
44 points not including bonus / 27 rides = 1.629 x 4 = 6.518
not sure if my maths is correct again but 6.518 is even higher than 4 isn't it? I must be talking rubbish. Good one Heathen1984.