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Everything posted by TurnTwo

  1. Yes I have and anders has a % of the natural tent Bewley has
  2. Kelsey has potential. His first year I've never seen so many crashes from a rookie whilst in scoring positions he hardly ever fell at the back mainly when he had got round someone. His year last year didn't have many apart from the one where he nearly ended his year and Georgie woods with that horrible crash on bend 3/4. I hope he kicks on this year as looking through who he rode against in the youth championships, all of them seemed to have kicked on and kelsey hasn't yet (not saying he can't) but look at: Mountain - pl reserve / NL #1 Greaves - el / pl reserve / NL #5 Clegg - el / pl reserve / NLRC Bates - pl second string / el reserve Danyon Hume - pl reserve / NL #5
  3. Actually now that I think about it if Andrews averaged 3.07 Rowe won't average more than that I agree with you on the young guns but he's a little boy and he's going to line up against some big reserves which will out muscle him every time unless he can hate like doyle Gate not hate
  4. Rosen won't average more than 3.5 kid ain't anywhere near ready Rowe that should say
  5. Even better for eagles hit them early!!
  6. Piper surely would have been the better alternative?
  7. So govier will start at 2 and one reserve probably won't turn up. I'm hoping Eastbourne management take advantage of this and race the islanders early on in the year
  8. Interesting promo from the eagles Aaron from Geordie shore shouting their name on a video
  9. I think he needs a mentor, to teach him about equipment, set ups and track craft. Clearly a lost talent that needs the right crowd around him. If he could be part of the revolution speedway set up I think he could go far.
  10. I don't think they will be unfortunately mike, Andrews isn't a number 2 from what I've read from cradley fans they saw him as useless last year, heathen1984 - your comments on this? Smart ain't a heat leader, Walker isn't exactly a world beater nor is Atkins if they sign Mattie Bates they have 4 reserves
  11. Little thumper you appear to have rebranded yourself as fubar bundy?
  12. Eastbourne Cradley belle vue IOW I think that'll be the playoffs
  13. It's still a fairly strong top 3 coles could easily finish on 8.5 as can wood and Baseby
  14. I do think they could well be title contenders especially if Birmingham don't have a strong reserve, so far Eastbourne definitely have the strongest bottom 3/4
  15. All the club websites are terrible they're all the same bar a few. Glasgows looks great
  16. Kean apparently is going to brum according to another thread?
  17. It's pretty obvious within NL speedway if a rider isn't performing at Eastbourne they will look st other options
  18. I think I agree with you on this sings most likely the team with highest potential but also with the most risk
  19. I have no worry with this team I think they will all improve on their avaerages
  20. I have no doubt he has the talent, but it's a lot to ask of him as long as his feet stay on the ground I'm sure he'll have a good career
  21. I think it'll be a good close match with Eastbourne taking the silverware
  22. I know I've already said it, but that is one very top heavy side and they are banking on Jenkins being a wonder kid
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