Is the pink band softer? If Mildenhall were all on pink bands and eastbourne on yellow used tyres would that mean they have a disadvantage ?? If so that could be the answer you're looking for maybe that is why they've bought 80 pink band tyres.
So apparently reading through the lines it is a harder tyre that is meant to last longer to save riders money? But having seen photos on twitter these tyres are being chewed up left right and centre so actually they aren't saving money?
It would appear that Mildenhall were better but were they all on better tyres? Is there such a difference in the red and yellow tyres? There must be if Eastbourne have just bought 80!!
Great to have the speedway fix sorted must say I was covered in dust at lakeside but Eastbourne was ok - guess that's the benefit of the evening meets. Roll on the summer
You clearly don't understand the competition, lakeside won at lakeside yes on a track Eastbourne have not visited, Eastbourne made them look amateur on a track all of the opposing team have ridden in the past. Hence them winning the two legged contest as such being the team that will excel through to play offs