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Everything posted by TurnTwo

  1. It doesn’t work like that Uk_martin he has to be declared in a 1-7
  2. Extance could be a 6.5 Rider very good all round motorcyclist his equipment is terrible from what I saw at Buxton though looks like it was buried before each meeting
  3. I agree, and there will Be teams built that are far weaker than IOW the team definitely has potential for growth in Sealey Verge & Portwood. I think Campos avg is his swan song and widders won’t ever be much higher than what he is but it’s still a decent second string Morley will hit double figures wherever he goes In this league and Hopwood will probably finish on an 8 pointaverge or just under as he does score very well at IOW.
  4. Very good top 3, but the meeting where they could all be doubling up will make it quite hard to get the adequate guests. Hume especially on such a low average to replace will be near on impossible with someone as good as him
  5. Very strange looking team 1. Roynon 2. B.Andrews 3. RTD 4. Atkins 5. Cockle 6. Leek 7. R. Andrews after the first month I see Andrews twins swapping. Not the strongest 3&5 in the world either. Rtd I have always rated as a rider that coul progress as a good number 3 but never delivers and I can’t work out why.
  6. I think the 3 pointers will go: Kemp, Edwards, Brooks, Marson I’m still not convinced on Marson yet admittedly he beat priest and tedham, then lost to Verge rtd & tedham, then run a last behind Armstrong, Atkins, Burnett he did best wallinger and tedham...both which fell.
  7. Probably the best team they have fielded since there return but unfortunately still not a team that will win all their home matches
  8. Knowledge and good judgement?! Like letting roynon in on the incorrect average?
  9. Better than bulley I guess lol
  10. Wallinger put on Facebook no team place hasn’t had anyone contact him so I am guessing Stoke are replying to that?
  11. I’d say chessell is one of the best gaters in the league
  12. You ask anybody, Kelsey Dugard is the most naturally gifted speedway rider from the south since Lewis Bridger, he’s just lazy and doesn’t have the get up and go like the lads that want it. If he can correct his flaws Dugard will finish on a 6 point average
  13. So far? 1. Roynon 2. Andrews 3. 4. Henry Atkins 5. 6. 7.Andrews a strong reserve at home yes, an out and out number one, not sold on B Andrews and I think Atkins will struggle away from home in the main body of the team. Need a good 3 & 5 and could be a mid table team.
  14. Dugard and Powell would run riot in heat 2 over Kingsley and Beebee every day of the week
  15. Strange one, all I can think it was maybe Marks consistency one hehot going that swung it jake being the brilliant rider he is did have the tendency to have a ‘win it or bin it’ mentality that maybe the Dugard’s feel could lose meetings.
  16. Definitely not a league winning team though is it
  17. I hope Pipe didn’t get it he will ruin the NL, if he got his hands on it it would become a glorified mdl/sdl
  18. Agreed, I think the 39 limit will crush a team like Kent And Rowe at 4 at home yes more than capable but not consistently enough away from home week in week out
  19. they couldn’t fit him in, on his Facebook page his wife said she’s confused how they didn’t on a 6. Something average. It is very strange as he’s the glue for them round Mildenhall. I think it’s bv for Armo
  20. I echo this, no doubt adz comments will differ significantly. I think this team will be unstoppable at home but with such a young team and no Armo for the expirence will struggle away from home.
  21. Oh sorry I must have missed their signings just checked so they have Morley 9.49 / Hopwood 7.44 / Sealey 3.00 / portwood 3.83 / campos 5.80 i think they should go: Lee Smart 4.24 & Luke Harris
  22. I thought the same, then I watched this video... (I understand that’s grasstrack and 250 but to ride a grasstrack bike like that he is Flat out al the way round) so I think he is ready.
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