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Norfolk Bear

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Everything posted by Norfolk Bear

  1. What are you talking about part route .. What does that mean , the plain simple facts are that a generous sponsor who has tried to buy into the club has decided that his sports sponsorship budget is going elsewhere , probably because of the 3clowns + Van Straaten who run Redcar.
  2. Well our main sponsor has pulled out now , I fear we may not even come to the tapes in 2016.....
  3. I remember seeing them both at Middlesbrough in 1961, Pymar was a very amiable man ,Wal was intense , always had Mrs.Morton with Him. I still have autographed photos of both.
  4. The REDCAR fans would also love to see the back of him & his cronies . As for Kus for most Redcar fans he can go, mr.Inconsistency
  5. Neither have Peterborough , Rathbone was one of his sponsors at Redcar..
  6. He does not fly around Brough on a regular basis , very mood dependant
  7. Read the REDCAR thread , looks like you are getting Kus . Will be good at home..
  8. Supporting Redcar is difficult , imagine how we feel when we see the Peterborough team building with a promotor who wanted to invest here along with our main sponsor. However the greedy elves who run the club will not allow any help, bit poor when Mr. Va Straaten sits on the fringes & allows this to go on . Once the track was right last season & Jonas Anderson had been signed we looked useful. This year we are relying on Lasse Bjerre & Hugh Skidmore making returns from injury. We had a situation where we could have signed 2 x 6 pointers that would have had Jonas at reserve. So he signs a 4 pointer who has shown average form whilst in the uk , then we can't find an 8.5 rider. The latest move is to ask Kus to return ,He is so inconsistent ,not what we need. So as you all enjoy Christmas share a thought for a club held in the hands of 3 greedy tyrants.. At least the BORO are going well!!! UTB. (Up the Boro & Bears)....
  9. His parent club is Wolverhampton owned by Cvs who also owns 50% of REDCAR ...
  10. Now he has his Visa let's hope Brian brings Ty back to his spiritual home - REDCAR
  11. As an outsider who does not want to see tracks being lost, I would say to Swindon remember the promises made to Reading , best short term option is Oxford , better than nothing at all......
  12. We need to change so many things , for a start No guests - if you have an injury maximum is R/R Only allow D/U between PL & NL , this would encourage teams signing extra youngsters to build a squad EL to raise the limit to 45 , they also must go to a single race night. Radical but in truth what we want to see .
  13. I will be very disappointed if we do not win by 10. Welcome back Rafal , hope you spend as much time on your bottom against us as you did with us !!,,
  14. Guests &I the doubling up nonsense will be the death of the sport. The way teams are set now there has never been a better time to back to a British League . This would of course mean that the promoters would have to work together to ensure ALL clubs had a genuine No. 1 This would probably mean a few clubs (including my own at Redcar) going down a league. But on the plus side the sport would be better. All teams should have at least 8 riders to call on , no guests just r/r. The current situation with guests for 3 point reserves is a real farce. How Sky explain this is difficult. If all clubs started with a block of 3 reserves we would have a level playing field to stop the current nonsense..If your no1 is hurt , tough sign someone else or use r r The current way we could have a pool of 30 riders & everone will pick who they want
  15. Well I drove from Norfolk to watch a poor team on a dreadful track, Kus must be binned as well as young Morley, simply not up to it. Konopka should be binned , not improved in a year
  16. I Redcar in fairness had 2 very poor reserves, no Robson & but for a couple of Kus machine failures would have got something from the match.
  17. Be under no illusions we intend to win that Wooden Spoon !!!
  18. We might get 30 on a good night or we might get 20
  19. To see meetings with PROFESSIONAL presentation for a sport that purports to be proffessional
  20. Because we have a couple of decent heat leaders we may scrape together enough points to avoid the wooden spoon . It looks like Johnson who makes Arlo look a go rider .....
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