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Everything posted by Puma23

  1. I need information about Kuweit, UEA, Egypt to my speedway book I create with firends. For explain: articles, results etc.
  2. I look for full results from Individual Argentinian Championship 2003 and 2004.
  3. Hi Polish website Sportowe Fakty, I work, plans history of all riders. Riders, Nation, DOB, Licence, Clubs, Years riding etc. Best Wishes
  4. Thx Iris I know Lesotho but I do not know Lesotholand. Lesotho is in Africa. Do you have something results from UEA and Egypt or Kuweit (I know that british riders rode there in 70') ? I create history of speedway with my polish friends and I look for exotic results. Best Wishes
  5. Iris Where is Lesotholand ??
  6. Iris Do you have more results from Israel ??
  7. Steve When and where was born Graham Warren ??
  8. Syria Rider Hubman from Syria 1933 - Myslowice - POLAND - june International meeting 1.Nils Sorensen (Denmark) 2.Hubman (Syria) 3.Leopold Killmeyer (Austria)
  9. Grachan Hideaki Ota Look: http://www.speedwaybikes.com/rw/uhide_o.htm He rode years ago in USA and Australia. In the 2004 years I do not now. Dean Nakatsu http://www.speedwaybikes.com/rw/unakatsu.htm Steve Was speedway in Fiji ??
  10. Miro when was speedway in Papua ?? UAE - United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi - 70')
  11. 1)England 2)Argentina (40 riders) 3)Australia 4)Austria (15 riders) 5)Belgia (were ten riders, now two dutch riders with belgian licence) 6)Bulgaria (were more riders, now is only Georgi Petranow who have ridden in second polish league, Now any speedway tracks in Bulgaria) 7)Belarussia (were 15 riders, Tracks were in Minsk, Pinsk and Witebsk, Now ??) 8)Brasil (80') 9)Croatia (Prelog and 6 riders) 10)Czech (Czechoslovakia) 11)Denmark 12)Egypt (20-70') 13)Ethiopia (30', Gene Tella) 14)Estonia (were some tracks, NOW ???, one rider: Markus Mandre) 15)France (20 riders, Lamothe Landerron) 16)Finland 17)Netherland (40 riders, 3 or 4 tracks) 18)Espania (30', 90'=Maximilian Bernardinelli) 19)Ireland (Dublin) 20)North Ireland (Belfast) 21)Japan (80'=10 riders, Now 2 riders who have ridden in USA) 21)Yugoslavia (were 8 tracks, now ??) 22)Canada (30 riders and 5 tracks) 24)Kuwait (???) 25)Kenia (50'=Nairobi and Mombasa) 23)Latvia 24)Mexico (30', 80') 25)Mongolia (Ice Speedway) 26)New Zealand 27)Germany (DDR,NRF) 28)Nepal (???) 29)Namibia (90'=Ted Kaush) 30)Norway 31)Poland 32)Portugal (Santarem) 33)Russia (USSR) 34)Romania (3 tracks, 15 riders) 35)RPA (5 tracks, 20 riders) 36)Slovakia (Zarnovica) 37)Sweden 38)Scotland 39)Switzerland (were 10 riders, Now german Sirg Schuetzbach) 40)SÅ‚owenia 41)Urugway (30'). 42)Ukraine 43)Uganda (50'-Kampala) 44)Wenezuela (60') 45)Wales 46)Hungary 47)Italy 48)Zimbabwe(Rhodesia) 49)UAE (70') 50)USA Do you know more speedway countries ?
  12. Brummie Look at: http://www.sportowefakty.pl/?dysc_id=4&k1_...0&news_id=30741 Best Wishes Przemyslaw Jany
  13. Hello I exchange list riders who rode in Poland since 1931 (A-Z) on list from Great Britain. I have also list of sweden riders (1270 riders). Best Wishes Przemyslaw Jany przemyslaw.jany@sportowefakty.pl
  14. Hello I looke for something results or information about speedway in Latin America. Some british and american riders started in 1930-34 in Latin America. Bob Harnson and Frank Varey from Belle Vue, Frank Goulden from Southampton, Dick Wise from Adelaide, Buzz Hibberd from NSW, Sprouts Elder (USA), Max Grosskreutz from Queensland, Roberto Sigrand, Arthur and Hubert Jarvis, Ivor Creek and Dusty Haigh. The tracks they raced on were at River Plate and Huracon in Buenos Aires and, Montevideo in Uruguay. American rider Robert Sigrand (Roland Sigrando) won Argentina Championship in 1931. Others riders started in Mexico City for a series of eighteen races (1931-1934). Those riders started in Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay and maybe in others countries as Brasil, Paraguay. Argentinian Champions: 1930 1.Roland Sigrando (Roberto Sigrand) (USA) 1931 1.Juan Pagano 1932-1933 ??? 1934 1.Juan Pagano 1935 ??? 1936 1.Juan Salatino 1937 1.Juan Salatino 1938 1.Juan Salatino 1939-1955 ??? 1956 1.Julio Zecchi (Pista Roja) 1957-1961 ??? 1962 1.Edgar Castellanos (Pista Roja) 1963-1982 ??? Do you have more information ??
  15. Individual Romanian Championship 2003 Six rounds: Sibiu*4 and Braila*2. 1.TOMA ALEXANDRU (C.S.BRAILA) - 666264 (30) 2.SOAITA MARIUS (VOINTA SIBIU) - 443455 (25) 3.POPA FANICA (C.S.BRAILA) - 354444 (24) 4.AGRISAN MIRCEA ("Gica Voiculesccu"Buc). - 525614 (23) 5.COJOCARU MARIAN ("Gica Voiculesccu"Buc.) - 230333 (14) 6.BACIU ALIN (VOINTA SIBIU) - 112121 (8) 7.MOVILEANU IULIAN (CSM BRAILA) - NPNP100 (1) 8.UNGUREANU DANIEL (VOINTA SIBIU) - AB0 (0) 9.POPA STEFAN (CSM BRAILA) - 0 (0) 10.GREERE CRISTIAN ("Gica Voiculesccu"Buc.) - 0 (0) 11.POPA STEFAN (CSM BRAILA) - 0 (0) I have a lot of past results championship Romania but I do not have all results. Could someone help me complete the result ? Past Champion 1962 1.Gheorghe Voiculescu 1963-1982 ??? 1983 1.Ionel Pavel (Vointa Sibiu) 1984 1.Nicolae Puravet (IPA Sibiu) 1985 1.Ionel Pavel (Steaua Bukareszt) 1986 1.Dan Gaspar (Metalul Bukareszt) 1987 1.Marius Soaita (IPA Sibiu) 1988 1.Ilie Sorin Ghibu (IPA Sibiu) 1989 1.Marius Soaita (IPA Sibiu) 1990 1.Ilie Sorin Ghibu (IPA Sibiu) 1991 1. Ilie Sorin Ghibu (Compa Sibiu) 1992 1. Marius Soaita (Compa Sibiu) 1993-1999 ??? 2000 1.Ghibu Sorin (Vointa Sibiu) 2001 1.Mircea Agrisan ("Gica Voiculescu"Bukareszt) 2002 1.Alexandru Toma (C.S.Braila) Best wishes
  16. Hello ! I look for something information about the pre war speedway riders (austrian-Killmayer, german-Maier, german-Rummrich and ethiopian-Tella). Could You help me ?? Nice Day
  17. Dukes you wrote: "Bit strange Speedway in Nepal, maybe supporters in Nepal as in Turkmenistan. Met a few in Pakistan and India also. They have a rickshaw championship in Nepal but its 3 wheels. " Look at http://www.scottishbooksellers.com/cgi-bin...752_20422_20294 and later look at Speedway in Scotland. There wrote that "...Riders representing the two teams have come from far afield, including Australia and New Zealand, together with Scots and men from England, Wales, Europe, Argentina, South Africa, Zimbabwe and even Nepal...." Thank you Norbold. Nice Day Przemyslaw Jany
  18. Hello Sir Lunchalot ! Now I collect results from National Championships all countries. I have more results :-) I know speedway champions from Estonia, Latvia, Rhodesia, Romania etc... I collect also information about speedway on the world. I know that in Nepal were speedway riders but I do not know when and where. Could you send me list of riders who rode in Norfolk year by yaer.
  19. Hello ! I look for information about speedway in Nepal. I create history of speedway and I need the information. Przemyslaw Jany
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