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I got answer from Sebatian Tressarieu and he said that were not speedway championship in France in the year.
Russian forum wrote that Rinat Mardanshin dead during operation in russian hospital Bad news [']['][']['][']['][']['][']['][']
Tomaz these championships were grass track because they were in Morizes :/ I think that last French Speedway Champion was Phillip Berge and it was in 1996. Best Wishes
To Tomaz: These Championships are speedway or grass track ? Where were these championships ? Cheers
Hi Do anyone have some information from France ? Is it true that were French Championship in the year ? Best Wishes
Individual Championship 6 rounds: 1,2 - 08.05.2004, Braila 3,4 - 11.06.2004, Sibiu 5,6 - 26.06.2004, Bucuresti 1.AGRISAN MIRCEA (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (14,13,13) - 40 2.TOMA ALEXANDRU (C.S.BRAILA) (11,10,13) - 34 3.POPA FANICA (CSM BRAILA) (7,7,10) - 24 4.BACIU ALIN (VOINTA SIBIU) (7,10,7) - 24 5.COJOCARU MARIAN (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (9,6,8) - 23 6.DEJMAR MIHAI (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (3,6,5) - 14 7.GREERE CRISTIAN (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (4,2,3) - 9 8.OPRIS MIRCEA (VOINTA SIBIU) (NP,2,1) - 3 9.PETRE GABRIEL (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (1,NP,0) - 1 10.UNGUREANU DANIEL (CSM BRAILA) (0,0,AB+NP) - 0 Junior Championship 1.DEJMAR MIHAI (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (5,5,7) - 17 2.UNGUREANU DANIEL (C.S.BRAILA) (4,AB,6) - 10 3.SAVU DANIEL (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (AB,2,3) - 5 4.PETRE GABRIEL (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (2,1,2) - 5 5.POPA STEFAN (CSM BRAILA) (1,4,0) - 5 6.GHINEA ROBERT (S.C. GICA VOICULESCU) (0,NP,0) - 0 7.OPRIS MIRCEA (VOINTA SIBIU) (NP,AB) - 0 CUP FRM - 17.04.2004 1.TOMA ALEXANDRU C.S.M.BRAILA 8 2.POPA FANICA C.S.BRAILA 7 3.COJOCARU MARIAN "Gica Voiculesccu"Buc. 6 4.AGRISAN MIRCEA "Gica Voiculesccu"Buc. 4 5.GREERE CRISTIAN S.C. GICA VOICULESCU 3 6.MOVILEANU IULIAN CSM BRAILA 2 7.DEJMAR MIHAI S.C. GICA VOICULESCU 2 8.UNGUREANU DANIEL S.C. GICA VOICULESCU 1 9.POPA STEFAN CSM BRAILA 1 10.SAVU DANIEL S.C. GICA VOICULESCU 0 -PETRE GABRIEL S.C. GICA VOICULESCU AB -GHINEA ROBERT S.C. GICA VOICULESCU EX Final heat 1.TOMA ALEXANDRU C.S.M.BRAILA 3 2.AGRISAN MIRCEA S.C. GICA VOICULESCU 2 3.POPA FANICA CSM BRAILA 1 4.COJOCARU MARIAN S.C. GICA VOICULESCU 0 Memorial Voiculescu - Bucuresti - 16 october 1.Sebastian Kowolik (Poland) 2.Aleksandru Toma 3.Tamas Sike (Hungary) 4.Micea Agrisan 5.Fenica Popa 6.Michal Widera (Poland lic. czech) Public: 1500 !! Memorial Botezatu - Braila 1.Sebastian Kowolik (Poland) 2.Alexandru Toma 3.Mircea Agrisan 4.Tamas Sike (Hungary) 5.Marian Cojocaru 6.Michal Widera (Poland lic. czech) Public: 5000 !!!!!!!!! SOON THE BIGEST HISTORY SPEEDWAY WEB SITE !! Cheers
National champions 2004 1)Argentina Summer champion Individual 1.Luis Alberto Vallejos 2.Lisandro Husman 3.Carlos Silva Junior (class 1.Julio Romano 2.Matias Clemente 3.Rodrigo Montevelle Winter champion Individual 1.Lisandro Husman I have but I must look for Junior (class 1.Matias Lopez 2.Julio Romano 3.Micaela Bazan 2)Australia Individual 1.Ryan Sullivan 2.Leigh Adams 3.Todd Wiltshire Junior 1.Rory Schlain 2.Robert Ksiezak 3.Matthew Wethers 3)Austria Individual 1.Manuel Hauzinger 2.Fritz Wallner 3.Henrich Schatzer 4)Canada Individual 1.Kyle Legault I have result from the championships but I can not find their 5)Croatia Individual 1.Jurica Pavlic 2.Ivan Vargek 3.Marko Oto 6)Czech Republic Individual 1.Bohumil Brhel 2.Adrian Rymel 3.Ales Dryml Junior 1.Filip Sitera 2.Zdenek Simota 3.Lubos Tomicek Team 1.ZP Pardubice 2.AK Slany 3.Olimp Praga Junior Team I must look for the results Pair 1.Grepl PDK Mseno (Adrian Rymel, Krzystof Stojanowski [POL]) 2.Rimini CSOB pojistovna Mlada Boleslav (Filip Sitera, Marcin Nowczyk [POL]) 3.Marketa Praga Cafe Isis (Josef Franc, Richard Wolff) 7)Denmark Individual 1.Bjarne Pedersen 2.Nicki Pedersen 3.Kenneth Bjerre Junior 1.Kenneth Bjerre 2.Mads Korneliusen 3.Morten Risager Team 1.Holsted 2.Slagerup 3.Fredericia 8)Finland Individual 1.Kaj Laukkanen 2.Juha Hautamaki 3.Tero Aarnio Junior 1.Tero Aarnio 2.Panu Karvonen 3.Teemu Lahti Team 1.Leijona-Haukat,HMK/SsMK 2.Kotkat, SeMK 3.Keittiö Jet, KMMK 9)Germany Individual 1.Mirko Wolter 2.Mathias Schultz 3.Christian Hefenborck Junior 1.Mathis Schultz 2.Christian Hefenbrock 3.Michael Hertrich Team 1.Parchim/Wolfslake 2.Gutrow 3.Olching 10)Holland Individual 1.Jannick De Jong 2.Henk Bos 3.Ralf Strack [GER] 11)Hungary Indivudual 1.Matej Ferjan [sLO] 2.Sandor Tihanyi 3.Atilla Stefani Team 1.Simon and Wolf 2.Speedway Miskolc 3.Brill Car 12)Italy Individual 1.Emilian Sanchez [ARG] 2.Simone Terenzani 3.Andrea Maida Junior ? Team 1.MC Lonigo 2.MC Olimpia Terenzano 3.MC Albato KLM 13)Latvia Individual 1.Kjastas Puodzhuks 2.Christian Hefenbrock [GER] 3.Krzysztof Stojanowski [POL] Junior 1.Kjastas Puodzhuks 2.Leonid Paura 3.Aleksander Ivanov 14)Norway Individual 1.Arnt Forland (Elgane) 2.Rune Sola (Riska) 3.Mikke Bjerk (Elgane) Team 1.MK Elgane 2.MK Riska 3.NMK Olso 15)New Zealand Individual 1.Jason Bunyan [ENG] 2.Simone Terenzani [iTA] 3.Craig Ramsey Junior 1.Grant Tregoning 2.Andrew Bargh 3.Jade Mudgway 16)Poland Individual 1.Grzegorz Walasek 2.Jaroslaw Hampel 3.Rune Holta Junior 1.Janusz Kolodziej 2.Krzysztof Kasprzak 3.Lukasz Romanek Team 1.Unia Tarnow 2.Atlas Wroclaw 3.Zlomrex Wlokniarz Czestochowa Junior Team 1.Apator Adriana Torun 2.Stal TeleNet Strabag Gorzow Wlkp 3.Unia Tarnów Pair 1.Apator Adriana Torun (Piotr Protasiewicz, Wieslaw Jagus, Adrian Miedzinski) 2.Unia Tarnow (Marcin Rempala, Tomasz Gollob, Janusz Kolodziej) 3.Lotos Gdansk (Tomasz Chrzanowski, Robert Kosciecha, Krzysztof Jablonski) Junior Pair 1.Unia Tarnow (Janusz Kolodziej, Marcin Rempala, Pawel Baran) 2.Unia Leszno (Krzysztof Kasprzak, Robert Kasprzak, Mateusz Jurga) 3.Apator Adriana Torun (Karol Zabik, Adrian Miedzinski, Arkadiusz Kalwasinski) 17)Russia Individual 1.Oleg Kurguskin 2.Denis Gizatulin 3.Ilja Bondarenko Junior 1.Denis Gizatullin 2.Maksim Kalimullin 3.Roman Ivanov Team 1.Mega Lada Togliatti 2.Lukoil Oktiabirskij 3.Salavat Salavat Junior Team 1.Lukoil Oktiabirskij 2.Mega Lada Togliatti 3.Slavat Salavat Pair 1.Mega Lada Togliatti (Siergiej Darkin, Oleg Kurguskin, Jewgienij Gomozov) 2.Lukoil Oktiabirskij 2 (Renat Gafurov, Denis Gizatullin, Maksim Kalimullin) 3.Lukoil Oktiabirskij 1 (Siemen Vlasow, Eduard Szajchulin, Talgat Galiejev) 18)RSA 1.Eugen Smith 2.Ian Hutchinson 3.Martin Bekker 19)Romania Individual 1.Mircea Agrisan 2.Alexandru Toma 3.Fanica Popa Junior 1.Mihai Dejmar 2.Daniel Ungureanu 3.Daniel Savu 20)Slovenia Individual 1.Matej Zagar 2.Izak Santej 3.Denis Stojs Team 1.AMD Krsko 2.AMTK Ljubljana 3.ST Lendava 21)Ukraine Individual 1.Vladimir Trofimov 2.Oleg Nemchuk 3.Aleksandr Boroday Junior 1.Sergiej Senko 2.Vladimir Omeljan 3.Ljubomir Vojtyk Team 1.Technik Chervonograd 2.Spidvey Club Trofimov Rovno 3.SKA Spodvej Lvov Pair 1.Rovno (Vladimir Kolodij, Vladimir Trofimov) 2.Lvov (Victor Gajdym, Sergiej Senko) 3.Rovno 2 (Aleksandr Borodaj, Oleg Nemchuk) 22)Sweden You know 23)USA Individual AMA 1.Greg Hancock 2.Billy Hamill 3.Billy Janniro Individual SRA 1.Billy Janniro 2.Chris Manchester 3.Mike Faria Junior 1.Justin Boyle 2.T. J. Fowler 3.Eric Carillo 24)Austria-Croatia Individual 1.Manuel Hauzinger [AUT] 2.Jurica Pavlic [CRO] 3.Fritz Wallner [AUT] Belgium - no competition Bulgaria - any speedway Estonia - repair track in Tabasalu France - ? Who have results from French Championship ? I do not listen about French Championships ! SOON THE BIGEST HISTORY SPEEDWAY WEB SITE !! MY WEBSITE Cheers
Norwegian champion 1962, 1964-65,66. World final 1963 - Wmebley - 6th 1966 - Goeteborg - 2nd
Estonia Estonia would like reload speedway in Tabasalu next year !!
MOLDAVIA ! Moldavian Motorcycle Fedaration have reloaded speedway in capital city in Moldavia. They plan start 2 ukarainian riders with moldavian speedway licence first in Individual European Championship and second in Individual European Junior Championship.
What you know british memorials ? Where were(are) locate these memorials ? Please help me. I know: Bob Jones - Swindon - England Chris Prime - Newcastle - England Davie Burns - ???????? - England George English - ???????? - England Karl Friar - Berewick - Scotland Jack Young - Edinburgh - Scotland Norrie Isbister - Glasgow - Scotland
thx Norbold !
Hi I look for finale tabele National League Division 2 1957-1967 ? Could anyone help me ? Przemyslaw Jany
Hi I look for full results from belgian championship 87-89 and ducth championship 86-88. Could anyone help me ?
Hi Two minute warning Could you send me scans off speedway avarages from post war to 1965 as you can ? Best Wishes Przemyslaw Jany speedwayarchive@interia.pl
Thx Mimmo Do you have rider's list with date of birth ? Best Wishes
Bill Andrews - New Zelander rider who rode in 60' 70' Bob Andrews - New Zelander rider who rode in 60' 70' They are two different riders or they are these same riders.
To Kevin BULGARIA I told with president of Bulgarian Motorcycle Federadion (Bogdan Nikolov) and he said that speedway did not operate in Bulgaria since 1996. I know that speedway tracks were in Pleven, Shumen, Sofia, Lovech, Veliko Tarnovo, Targovishte, Polvdiv and others cities. ESTONIA I got emial from Estonia Motorcycle Federation and they said that national championships were to 1998. Last Estonian champion was Ken Viidas (SK Ranna Speedway). Speedway tracks were in Tallin, Kohtla Nymme, Kalev, Tabasalu and maybe others cities. JAPAN I know that Japan Championship was in 1936 when won Putt Mossman from USA. I do not know whether speedway tracks were in 80' but I know that were speedway riders from Japan. SWITZERLAND Speedway tracks have never been in Switzerland but I know that switzerlandian riders rode in Germany.
Speedway in Chile The 1992 Loader's Annual (it is Australian book) Argentinian star Luis Vallejos says that speedway is alive and well in Chile, and organisers are hoping to stage rounds of the South American championship in 1992.
To Steve Dixon Do you have more information about speedway in Spain ? Who, where, when ?
Grass track meeting was in Luxemburg in 70's. Speedway was in New Caledonia but I seem it was speedway car in 50's.
Turkey and Portugal ?? Poilsh activists a tring for construction of a race track in ankara, the project was portugalapprove but there are no funds like !!!
Speedway in Singapore !! Yes, I found results from Singapore 10 June 1930 "Borneo" 1.George Gregor (Wales) 2.Jack Sharp (Australia) Also was riding: Lon Seng Soon Soh Prasong Iteppo Wahld Pang S. Pang O. Chla Tong Cho Jolly Charlie Datson Speedway was also in China and Malaysia in 1930 but I do not have anymore information
Iris Who is Fastih Engin ? Is true that he was Turkish champion ?