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  1. speedway is a dangerous sport if meetings were postponed after riders got injured then where would speedway be teams already struggle to finish before the dead line with rain offs . its up to each individual fan to make there mind up if they want to miss a meeting . has for postponing todays meetings did they postpone when lee richardson got killed ? has a wolves fan over 50 years i was at monmore when gary petersen died they did not postpone the blrc the day after although ole olsen did pull out i myself had brought tickets but gave them away and did,t attend monmore for severall weeks . hope lewis speedy recovery .and i do agree that if a rider is afected by lewis,s crash he should be allo wed to withdraw from tonights meetings just like ole did all those years ago.
  2. do speedway star no something got iversen has winning swedish gp
  3. hope holders got the same bikes wednesday best bikes probley already in sweden for sat good win with out our reserves. try wells at no1 wed give pk easyer start
  4. P.K retire now you don,t want to end your british speedway with the sack . cvs what about trying lindback he,s doing well at the moment. pk and fredie need replacing tell the other s they got to end off season to earn a place in 2016 adams past it get sam and pk joint managers
  5. no need for changes getting better 37 points and only 56 against at this rate of improvement should get 40 monday
  6. beowulf i nowhat youir saying just wishful thinking stupid realy how many fans would he bring back more than darcy at swindon we need arider with a bit off grit
  7. team building for 2016 tai to have few meetings at the end reduce is ave below 7 2016 1 nicki pedersen 2 pk 3 piotr no 4from any off the remaining asets musielak wells thorsell 5 tai all our assets just
  8. ive been a fan for over 40 years in the 80,s i did over 100 meetings a year sadly due to health and living in south wales can,t get to monmore no more ithink one off the main problems fans are loosing interest is guest .you get guest for any thing now rider rides in a different country got elite league injury only got the flue s..ts whatever rides in the prem league ban guest for all except no 1 and only then if he is injured. and if a rider declaires him self unfit stop him from riding any where till he is fit . stop doubling up and the res biggest load off b-----s they have come up with ie top 20 riders selected bottom club have first pick top club last only for poole top club to already have one off the top riders and the other top riders being taken by the clubs that own them . i think the fairest way would be to just have one draft rider next year grade them 1-8 on there 015 ave top one to bottom club bottom one to top
  9. if its between howarth and zengi surely its got to be zengi would ward get visa to take a job off a brit i know he aint replacing him but he could be putting out of work
  10. what a load of crap out must go the swedes and the two turnips in charge wells best rider on the nite why not in heat 15 where to from here wooden spoon cvs wont change till too late
  11. i was going on the amount of falls what would a newcomer to speedway think that falling is the normal thing that happens .50% off the heats had a least 1 rider fall
  12. this meeting should not off taken place 7 reruns harris 4 blackbird 3 thorsell 2 morris 2 king bates lambert and schlein all fell luckly no one got injured wolves already have 2 on the injured list last night could have been more .lucky it did not
  13. wolves relying on blackbird too much when he has off night wolves are s--- if fredie is out for long wolves find it hard to replace him got to be scott n monday only other choice is batch and he dont ride wolves that good knowing adams will go for worrall after tonight
  14. res or guest kings lynn one out scores wolves two adams needs to get them all in gating practice
  15. poole just cheating they . will use guest for him till june then replace him with ward . rain would be the only winner
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