Leave it a season Lions,
We all want you back in the top lge - but just calm it eh......
The so called Elite League is controlled by SKY TV - just like so called Elite football in this country - ala "PAY PER VIEW"
At the end of the day the team that finishes TOP of the league are the TRUE champions.
This play off crap is basically lip service to the BSPA and SKY tv ....
Id just like to shout out table toppers Dudley Heathens IMO "CHAMPS" .......................end of...
As a Birmingham follower I can only state from when I first followed speedway mid-70s.
The Brummies golden years had messrs Warren,Hunt etc but for me it has to be Phillip Edwin Herne arrived in 73 as a teenager and within ONE season was a 10 point man in the second tier, gutted like so many others when he left for BL Newport in 75.
Elated in 78 when he returned and in my mind should have lead us on to great things, but 79-80 he had personal problems plus the leaving of king Joe Thurley didnt help. He then left for Leicester, but never really was the same again.
My fav! "PHIL HERNE"
Steve, its a fantastic gesture to british speedway fans to see a USA touring team as also with the Lapworth's excellent idea of a Vikings squad.
All the hard work you do is appreciated by some of us.
But when touring - you guys have got to entertain the payers? The future lies with the young and up coming speedway riders, the likes of Eddie and Mad Dog with respect should be coaching "not riding".
Better to bring a load of guys over for 4-6 weeks to view and intake rather than ride in meetings.
Im sure there are many behind what you do, and in my opinion speedway needs a US star....
Keep working but the future is with the young
Thats a great point, why ar'nt the Brits doing it for the Brits, why cant our under 19s/21's tour in Scandinvia or even the US !
What would it take for this to possibly happen?
Mr Drury sounded down on the Birmingham BBC interview last week.
In 4 seasons Mr Drury has given his best promoting the Birmingham Brummies but since 2007 - 10 has won nothing apart from a 4 team tournament, yet spouted that Birmingham were a force in speedway terms - ie Tom Ross interviews on commercial radio?
When it came to the crunch the Brummies seemed to always lack in major Premier Lge competition finals.
So where does Perry Barr go, maybe one more season with MR Mole, or will finances look at the Heathens and there cash returns with the support from the black country, Is it possible that the Brummies and the Heathens could switch codes in 2011?
An interesting winter awaits????
Lets hope this alledged person can be found out, reported to the police regarding possible GBH - with witneses? - then banished from Wolverhampton and Birmingham speedway tracks|!
Thinking about it and after reading all these posts, we really should be saluting the fantastic and so far succesful return and how well the team have done.
I really hope this rubbish can be sorted out.
Have to say 21st century heathen, the Heathens are a speedway team with no home, after the riders wherever the Heathens race the supporters who stand on the terraces are the front for the club.
If the allegations are found to be true, the alledged supporter has not only let the Heathens and its managemant down but the likes of yourself.
Its very poor PR for a great club hoping to make strides in finding a new home in the Black Country.
Obviously all alledged at the moment, but if found true with substance, this is really bad news for a club who has been offered grace from Wolverhampton and Birmingham to operate ?
From a midlands perpective, Coventry,Cradley,Wolves and the Brummies battling it out in the big league, not forgetting the Express & star 3tt, the midland 4's and some tight battles with the Leicester Lions.
And of course all the above posts .. nice memories with great characters..