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Everything posted by SCB

  1. Surely it's ideal at televised meetings, while Sky are having a break, put a few juniors on the track.
  2. Well in Wales we say Luherahm. (It made sense when I wrote it, thought not when I read it!)
  3. Speedway or football?! SPEEDWAY! Who cares about England vs France? Watch Pedersen vs Crump vs TRick vs Adams instead! I'm sure anyone in Cardiff GP weekend will be able to find a bar showing England vs France if they ask, after all, all of Wales will be suporting the French (or nobody at all as it's a bloody stupid sport!)
  4. Tim Stone manages 30 heats, PL+CL for a pound extra so cost wise it possible to have 15 main heats and 15 junior heats, why not make so that team HAVE to have say 10-15 junior heats in a junior league and let the stand alone team run in the CL. That way Sheffield, Newport, Oxford and Peterborough wouldn't need a CL team.
  5. In Matt's perfect little world!!! Why is a heat with standard bikes better than a heat with highly tuned bike? It's not, you will still have better riders and not so good riders, all that will happen is that the better riders will still gate first and still be fastest as they are now and there will be just as many faster riders failing to make the start and passing, as you do now. However, some "standard" bikes will be better than others so riders will buy bike, after bike, after bike until they get a good one and so drive up costs and they'll want more money and promoters WILL pay it and the sport suffers. More dirty?! No, just well prepared not nessesarilly loads of dirty. I'm no expert but I'd say you need a thin layer of dirt with grip on the outside, slightly less dirt/grip about mid track and an almost slick track on the inside, not completly slick or you get the 'blue line'.
  6. What do you mean anywhere near 87 million? We get more than the sport that gets 87 million so 'we' deserve more than 87 million not 'near' 87 million!
  7. What about non-Brits?! It's the Australians I feel sorry for, it's not exactly a few hours in a car is it?!
  8. Dekker, I have to agree with 21CH I've watched Newport now since 1998 (as a regualr) and go whatever, even with glenn Cuningham in the team when we have no chance of wining anything (apart from a wooden spoon). I watch my club what ever happens at the club. However I am stuggling to convince myself I should watch them next year with the bloody stupid rules. Tho' last year I did say I would not watch the BLC and then I said I would not watch any PL vs EL BLC meetings and then in the end I went to Newport vs Poole (God I wish I had not, I had a face lie I slapped arse all the way though after the poole tactics/BSPA decisions were annonced). What ever happens, I'll always support Newport Speedway, I'd prefer it to be stood on the 3rd bend at the Haley Stadium but I might just be from where ever I end up on a Sunday afternoon.
  9. That should not be a problem if the rules say the rider who is number one at the start of the year OR they do averages the same as this year, the averages are rom 15th to 15th but used from 1st to 1st, that gives 2 weeks for the promoters to get the averages. No different to knowing whether or not a rider is a heatleader/second string or second string/heatleader and thats never caused probalems in the past.
  10. I have always though that when you refer to your buber one you refer to the guy highest in the averages. eg. your number 1 ride in the EL/PL/CLRC. Not the guy at number one.
  11. You can only have 1 ridr form the top 2 groups, you can however have as many as you like form the rest. So you can have 6 rider worth 2 and one rider worth 6 if you like and keep an extra point. Or you can have one 5 point rider, 2 3 point riders and 4 2 point riders. The wya I see it, if you can only have one 5 or 6 poitn rider, you have so many points left and there are limited 3 pointers that nobody will want 1 point riders. There for making it a league with every team having na out and out star and then 6 very similar (grade 2 and 3) riders. So riders like Wato will not want to ride in the EL as he'll be a number 7 and will sturggle to score against these strength in depth teams. IMO theyhave made it harder for youngsters to move up into the EL. Well Done the BSPA!!!!
  12. Aren't they actualy called emoticons? (emotion/icons )
  13. Is last years KoC a rider could only take a GDTS ride if he had not had a GD ride. So only one chance to get double points. Basically 3 different riders had to take the GD/GDTS rides, whether it remains that way, well, we'll just have to wait and see.
  14. No, a Golden Double Tactical Substitute (as it's name, SUBSTITUTE suggests) means a rider replaces another rider. eg. Lemon replaced James Mann in heat 14 of Somerset vs Newport in the KoC.
  15. I promised myself I would not comment on the rules any more but here goes! What has been said is that by using GD (not GDTS) that all rider woudl have 4 (or 5) rides but obviously there will be instances where rider have 3 (and obviously 6) rides but these should not be veyr often as manager don't like paying for the GDTS.
  16. I'd have been happy then, how can you say only a guest for a number 1 but not have a squad system?! As I have said, I'm willing to give this a chance but I think it should be all or nothing not mid-way t try and please everyone as it actually annoys almost everyone.
  17. Pirate, I think we're alright, last year you coud only do one GD/GDTS per heat so 8-1 was the best availiable, luckily. Lets just hope when they write the rules they don't forget add this bit to the rules or we'll see a few annoyed and upset people!
  18. I can't see this one to be honest? So people fix races so you drop 8 points down to use a GD thats not so easy to win as its in your programmed ride YET nobody ever did it (TRick vs cov in play off!!!) to stay 6 or to drop 6 points behind in the past did they?! The only problem with this rule for me is basically, it can only be used twice(why not allow every rider to try a GD if you're 8 points down?) and the fact it's mickey mouse as you get double points but then I guess to an outsider a rider getting an extra ride could be mickey mouse. I'm starting to think I may have been a bit harsh yesterday, there are certainly a lot of problems and someone will find lots of loop-holes but dare I say it, we all said speedway needed to change, it was/is failing to draw people in, this might just do it, prehaps we should ask a few people what they think. Just to see how these rules work I might try and run a few meetings with these rules and see how things work. Though it's always hard running meeting on a simulation programme as you rarely get a Sheffield vs Newport type meeting where Sheffield give Newport a kicking but then they're always going to be big wins I guess, it's the close meeting that matter. Come to think of it, Newport would have loved this rule this year the way we started meetings!!! With the GD rule you need a strong top 3 but with the no guest rule I think you need to have a strong 1-7 so it will be intreting to see what works best. I think injuries will be even more important this year than in other years.
  19. You're on a 5-1, the heatleader is going to be instructed to let his lower order team mate win, so top guy scores 2'2'2'2'2'=10+5=8 point average. secnd string team mate scores 3,3,1,3=10 point average but has scored less!!! It's sheer madness, the top guys will let lower order men beat them to get there averages down and the lower order guys up, who would you give a job to? TRick who has seen hs team mate behind him and finished behind them for 2 points or the second string who has only beat the oposition because TRick has team rode him there and scored 3 points and got an average thats 4 points higher?!
  20. That's just what we all want isn't it Seeing the lower order rider out of the job because the top guys have finished behind them to get a lower average? VERY DODGY!
  21. Got ya! you posted before me so you must be too quick tonight, cleary too quick for your own good at times
  22. bonus points not included in averages is open to so much fiddling it's worrying. Watch the top guys team riding a lot more though!
  23. CRAP, should be no guests or all guests. Guest for a number one bt not others is terrible. Newport had two rider with averages higher than Berwicks number one this year, so in Berwick vs Newport we could have had Niels missing and they coudl have had Makovsky(?) missing, they could hav a guest for the 8.3ish rider while we could not have a guest for a 9+ rider. I think the BSPA are running around shouting out my signature while men in whte coats run around behind them.
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