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Everything posted by SCB

  1. It's the British, sorry, English way. I can't imagine the Ausies cheering when one of there riders fall off, or the Swedes, Poles or Danes. The Enlish have tried to get all patriotic with there 'tat' sticking out of there cars for the European Championship but it's all a show.
  2. A BIG thank you to every one who rallied around and tried to get us tickets or offered us a ticket, I think we had quite a few offers, I lost count so thanks guys, you're a great lot. You'll all be pleased to know we got in and Matt got his pint, but don't tell anyone or they'll all want one!
  3. He did a very good job, I though he was quite a natural at it. He didn't jabber on but he kept people informed and seemed excited without going OTT.
  4. The two Danes mentioned WERE Dirty, some of there moves we silly. I'm no Dane hater, neither is JT, we both thing Puk is great
  5. There's a pint in it, or a glass of coke if you prefer!! (as long as Jill pays )
  6. Is it posisble for one of the Oxford based forumers to pick up the tickets and bring them to Cardiff? We would love you for ever. Jill also says she'd love you(I'm sure she would anyway!). Please, someone
  7. We got to Cardiff at about 3.30 last year and managed to park easily on the multistory on the other side of Cardiff Centre by Hyper Value. But unless you knwo Cardiff you could be driving around for a long time looking for that car park plus us locals want to try and keep it hidden There's plenty of places and it shoudl not be too hard to find somewhere to park provided you don't try and park right by the stadium, there's always the car park by the CIA/back of the ice rink, we usually park in there without any problems.
  8. But as it's the British GP we should support the British riders. When it becomes the Welsh GP feel free to support eh english until then, if you want part of the credit for our stadium, we want part of the credit for you riders.
  9. We all know Wato is God and yes he probably will be there.
  10. Ok, just come back form Coventry to Newport. The M5 has road works about 500 yards after the M50 turn off. The M50/A449 is down to one lane in places but today it was still moving at a steady speed and part of it was for cutting down the tree's so they might have gone by Friday.
  11. Well point out to him that there are road works further down. The last time I went over the bridge was on the way to Stoneleigh as the M50 was closed and there were roadworks at the end of the M5 then. So as long as people follow the signs for South Wales (they really are unmissable - says the person who missed them once ) and turn off the M5 just as you pass the Strentham (something like that) Services people should be ok traffic wise until they actually get to the end and reach Newport but then it's only a matter of getting onto the Coldra(roundabout) and back off again with them dodgy lights but they cause trouble on the M4 as well.
  12. It's like the American flattrack(?). Thats run on huge tracks like that only with a layer of shale.
  13. I have come up to Coventry tonight from Newport and there were no road works (either way) on the A449(all), M50(it did go to one lane on the way up) or M5(junction 10ish to 3ish). I think I did see signs that mentioned major road works on the M6.
  14. But I'm not running a business, an alleged professional one at that. If I were runing BSI I'd make sure I employed someone who could write proper English and then someone else to check it.
  15. There are foot paths and it can be done. There are lots of road works about now though form the end of corporation road and on spitty road that might make it a bit difficult, it's hard enough getting a car down there so walking would be near impossible!
  16. Simon Stead is riding again, hopefully he'll get a hcnace if BSI actually take a look and realise he is riding again. You think the BSI website would use good English and get there facts right.
  17. Do you know the address for it? Either way, if it in Newport it's a few miles from the station as it's on the edge of Newport and the station is in the centre.
  18. The M50/A449 almost never has any traffic, only occasionally is there traffic on the A449 bit as you get into Monmouth because of the one set of traffic lights. I know that on friday there was no road works on the M5 that I used (Cov to Newport). I go that way when I go to and from Coventry every week. It ends on the Newport Speedway junction of the M4 (24?). Don't be supprised if you get stuck in the Brynglas Tunnels (M4 junction 25a/26 I think) on Saturday night as last night it was down to 1 lane and they tend to drag these things on for a while, I know it was down to 1 lane a few year back on GP, so unless you have to avoid the M4, anyone staying in Newport can get back to Newport via an alternative route(or 2) if you wish.
  19. Not something I'd like to try, £50+
  20. s's and v's. Little difference Make that "Love the site". But you knew that
  21. A quick search on the net suggesst it's almost certainly not James Arthur but John Alfred looks popular. Jackson Alpine looks even less likely. BTW, lose the site, it's something different and I spent quite a while reading through it.
  22. I'd say it's a good 15 to 20 minute walk(at brisk speed) and unless you know the way there a VERY good chance of getting lost, I would not advise it. You could jump in a taxi outside the station and that would cost about £5-8. I know a few other forumers are planning on catching a train and wanted to know how far the stadium is form the track, prehaps all forumers who want to get from the station to the track together could get together and get a taxi or two between them?! I would offer a lift but I'll be coming for the other end of Newport as I'll probably be picking up another forumer.
  23. you mean this? Great stuff, wish he would give Pedersen some of the same, might just calm him down.
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