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Everything posted by SCB

  1. Heat 13, "crash and burn" Lindback(0), Kolodziej(3), Topinka(4) Sullivan(0). Now the whole world and it's dog knew that this was as easy an heat Australia will EVER EVER get, so why the ££££ing hell didn't "Senial" Street put Crumpy out as a joker? Whats he waiting for? Heat 25 when it's too late and Gollob and Karlsson are out!!!!!! Newport have to put up with this every week!!! Don't get me wrong, the guy IS a legend (a real one too) but he is just not capable of being a speedway manager any more.
  2. He's bloody dirty, that 2 rides now where he has wiped out riders. 3 if you count the Adams incident but tht was just him being out of control.
  3. I understand you Pete, I guess you mean like they use on world-speedway.org, it seems some people don't understand it though, people got confussed when I used that format on my website a few years ago
  4. You can have all the generators you like, if the lights go out, they need to warm up. It happened at Reading last season, luckily the dog lights were adequite enough.
  5. I said the same when he come on tele, I assume you mean the guy who apeared from the right for about 20 seconds
  6. The way they rode in the last 6-7 heats and they way they celebrated, anyone would swear they were World Champions. It was great to see one of the lesser nations actually do something, even if there was a bit of luck involved in some heats. I really believe right now that we can win it, I think it's going to be really close and it might go down to the fact one team will drop 6 point back and use a joker while another team never finds themselves 6 point down, yet I can see Swede, GB and Denmark all scoring pretty similar points, I can't see there being any more than 8 points between the 3 teams. The Aussie might also just steal, again, because of the Joker and being able to use it when other cannot.
  7. As the people who know me will confirm, I'm a Joe Screen fan but I actually think that Joe/Neil have got this spot on, Gary is better at Poole, and I know it's a very philosophical way to look at it but it's not nessercarilly a case of Joe's not good enough but more a case of Gary is probably better. I have to agree with this one. Thanks Joe for some great entertainment last night (Mr Entertainment of the meeting?) but good luck to Gary who will be getting my support as much as the rest of the team and as much as Joe did earlier this week.
  8. Bloody hell, they really are leading the way, you name it and it seems the Danes have done it!!
  9. Matt, I tried, I really did but it's just not viable, 2 pages is the best and that was not to my liking to I made it 3 pages. I'll have a quick go now and see what I can come up with. BTW, there's an error in there, if you put the ! after a score it puts an N in the rider score chart but it does not at the point to the score, I have tried to sort it but well, I have had to admit defeat, sorry! you'll have to unprotect the sheet(im not sure if it is protected anyway) and put the N in manually and not bother with the exlaimation idea!
  10. Someone should tell Matt Ford that the SWC final is in Poole not Wimbeldon and Wimbeldon is the biggest rip off in speedway, so don't go comparing with them.
  11. Wieslaw Jagus (sp?) is replaing Piotr Protasewiesz, the Pole had trouble getting a team together let along a squad as there is no money to be made from the SWC, so most of there better riders become "injured". So USA and now Poland will not fall for the BSI crap, how long until others follow suit? Loram also made a stand about the 5 man races, let hope other make a point.
  12. Sorted SWC race card here. Keep finding the errors people.
  13. Now you're pushing it! I might do some more when I get bored one day.
  14. I have to agree, Sweden look stronger this year then they did last eyar at full strength and they won it without the World Number 1 (at the time! TRick). I think it's there's this season. That said, I believe Team GB can push them very hard, infact, I think they can push them more than Australia who have always beent he favourites for the last 4 or 5 years as they seem to have become quite weak, losing Todd Wiltshire to retirement and just not having that 5th man could be bad for them, having no 5th man cost them in the end last season. The pressures on Adam Sheilds and Johno there, if they do the business, maybe but I'm more conident of Screen and half fit Rico doing more than them two. Prahaps that hope more than anything. The Danes are strong all the way through, they have a WC, a GP threat(Pedersen 2) and a couple of good young 'un's who raise there game for the international scene(Puk and Bjerre), Hans Andersen is mean(in more way that one ) opposition as well. Basically, Sweden, Team GB, Denmark/Aus(either way around, theyre too similar) will be the top 3(4). But that said, Denmark and Aus could win it, it's IMO the closest SWC final ever, I'm really looking forward to it.
  15. How naive Yes the best riders should win it but IMO, they don't always. The best ride ron the day wins it. A reasonable rider can put together good starts and they're World Champion, does not make them "the" best.
  16. 25 heats actually. Not that it makes it a huge amount better but then it similar number of heats as a GP and similar prices.
  17. Now ammended the heat score bit, so it should work
  18. 4 teams, 5 riders each, all riding against each other. I have created a programme for the SWc, it can be found here If a different rider takes a tac sub ride if you put an exclaimation mark (!) after the riders score in the heat details it will not put the score next to the rider name up the top.
  19. Rory who? Well Done Mads For a naff team we're doing well with Under 21 Finalists recently, Puk and now Mads, I wonder who Tim will get next for us. Just need a rider in the GP's now
  20. I know the semi-finals idea has actually caused Wato more trouble in the last 2 round (been top scorer/2nd top) and ended up 8th (lol) but I think in the harder round now he is betetr off hoping to score 9 or 10 (to sneak into the semi) and then pull out a couple of good rides then. I did intend to go out to Denmark for this one, then I got a job I'll have to make do with Cardiff and a couple of GP's next season instead, infact, I might become a GP regular next season BTW, if someone can send texts, I'll quite happily accept them for this meeting, it could well be the biggest meeting in Newports history (modern era)
  21. He is, he's just not in the team. He has to prove himself and/or hope someone else messes up so he get a chance. It's these decisiosn that can make and break a rider, Charlie has proved he is not fazed by injury(the making of a superb rider) and now he has to show that when he is not selected for something eh can go out and show he should be, if eh can do that he still has ever chance of making it as a TOP (top 3 in thw World) rider.
  22. Sir L, I've seen the video of that and believe me, it's a slight trip in comparason with the Bird/Simmonds incident. That said, it was nasty and I think he broke his collarbone, a few week later he come over to the UK and signed for Reading ad claimed that the crash was the reason for his low scores, sadly (for him) on his return, the following season he crashed in his 2nd meeting and was replaced in the team and has ony rode in the odd CL meting since. Anyone know what Brendon is up to these days? Is he here or in Oz? Is he riding anywhere? Or has he quit?
  23. It's 5 man teams, not 4. Joe Screen IS now in the TEAM. Middlo is obviously going to go with a top 4 of Loram, Barker, Nicholls, Screen and then choose whoever is best for each track, I'm starting to think a half fit Lee Richardson might be worth using at Eastbourne, after all, who else goes well there? If he gets injured/pulls out, we go to the run-off at Poole where we Havvy can be used instead of Rico. Simple eh?!
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