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SCB last won the day on March 1 2018

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  • Birthday 10/22/1984

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  1. Firstly, sorry to everyone who feels disgust when they see my name pop up on here for posting again but I need to answer a few claims. My "reoffending" was no such thing IMO and I hope that even those who hate me for doing what I did in the first place will see this... When I was first arrested back in March 2018 for the offenses I admitted to, the police confiscated a number of items. They then after my conviction returned some of them. Fast forward to 2020 and my release, I returned home but most of my belonging were in storage, fast forward another 12ish months I having moved into more permanent home I had access to all my belongings, including the things the police had returned, which included a set of keys that had a USB stick/drive/dongle attached. Fast forward another 6 months and the police did a routine check of my devices, including a laptop, that laptop contained about a dozen thumbnails of indecent images, and a large number of shots from voyeurism videos. In my initial interview I a pointed out I did not know of the source with any certainty, but that I had plugged in and used 2 USB stick/drive/dongles that had been returned by the police but it seemed unlikely to me that would be the source but that was the only link I could see. Importantly no source for these videos existed - they had not been downloaded and all the USB devices plugged into the laptop tallied with the devices I had declared to the police. So the USB devices were taken by the police and given a more through investigation and... They found on them a number of "thumbs.db" files (these are system files, that are hidden by default and contain the little pictures your computer makes when you open a directory on your computer on older operating systems) that contained the same thumbmails on my laptop. The "thumbs.db" had modified dates that pre-dated my original March 2018 arrest. This proved that the source was from my original offending back in August 2016. Fast forward another 4-5 months and I was on meeting a man I had conversed with on grindr, while waiting for him, two drunk men started on me. This resulted in me calling the police. The men claimed I had been acting weird and I had told them I was meeting a friend. I corrected this story and pointed out it was not a "friend" but a relatively random stranger on a gay hook-up app. In the press they have then twisted this as me making up a convoluted story that doesn't make sense when in reality, some drunk men gave the police a story I had "told" them, I also told the police a story, the police then quoted these drunk men quoting me and thats what's in the paper and what was mentioned in court, so what you have is 'a quote, of a quote from some drunk men of a quote'. While with the police they asked if I was "known to them" so I pointed out I was, I was a registered sex offender, my offenses had including various indecent images crimes and recording people urinating in public. What did the press make of that? Well the story implies I had admitted to recording people that night. The police, deciding what I was doing was suspicious took me to the station for a "voluntary chat". On getting to the station, after the chat, they informed me I was arrested based on the pervious thumbnails found on the laptop incident as a warrant was out for my arrest (the police knew my address, a member of the "public protection team" is in regular contact with me and checks my devices, so its odd they didn't come and arrest me). I was interviewed on the basis of that/those offenses. I admitted that in 2016 I had committed offenses, I admitted that I would have been the one to have saved the images, I admitted that I would have been the one who had recorded the voyeuristic images/videos and that I had recorded people at the beach. But I made clear that although I HAD done them things, I had been sent to prison for them crimes already. Fast forward another 18 months and through my solicitor the police informed me that they had checked the images I had viewed/downloaded in the past and they didn't match those on the USB drive/dongle/stick. The police also denied having had the USB drive/dongle/stick back in March 2018. They claimed to have returned the 2nd USB drive/dongle/stick. So, I had a choice, I had admitted they were mine, or I admitted I had had them in the past but I had been conviced of them crimes already. The police were saying that they were "new" (or different). So we went to court where we were able to show documents from the previous arrest (March 2018) that showed exactly the same USB stick/dongle/drive on a keyring. What was then "discovered" (or finally admitted?) was that the USB stick was NEVER checked by the police and had been handed back to me (well my family) "by mistake", they had to back down in court and admit they had returned it to me. But still, they argued, I had NOT been convicted for possession of those images/videos, nor the making of them. These were new images/videos. And legally? They're right. This was, and still is a kick the the balls to me. I had admitted from the very second I was arrested in March 2018 what I had done. I've never made excuses. You never get to see the videos/images, so when they say "250 indecent images" and you know you have about 250 images, you plead guilty - you do't think to ask which ones, from what sources and even if you do, what are the chances you'll remeber some they had missed?. You don't expect to have to have catalogued them, and to be able to make sure the police have them all and that they make have missed a few of them. So in court, we had the police admitting they had given me back a drive with hidden system files containing evidence of images and me admitting that I had at one time, possessed them/recorded them. Thats enough for conviction and once they pointed out the law that said even if I had been convicted of crime A, B and C in March 2018, by admitting again I had done the same thing pre-March 2018 in court, I changed my plea to guilty - had it been the same images I would have been "ok". However, if the police had done their job correctly in 2018 they would have found 19 further images. So rather than 250 I would have had 269, when sentencing, the difference between 250 and 269 is nothing. It wouldn't have mattered. The additional taking a cat C? That would have been 2 of them, so no difference for sentencing. The additional 300 voyeurism images? I might have got an extra month. Someone mentioned things I have said, I don't know which quote/thing they are refering too (and it may be a genuine quote that they for good reason don't agree with) but a lot of quote are taken out of context or you're almost "tricked" into making, how do I mean tricked? As part of being on the register and a condition of my previous license, I have to (and I'm paraphrasing here) "inform any potential love interests, regular sexual partner and life partners" or my convictions. So a few years ago, I met someone, we had a few dates and based on that term I had to tell them - bottling it in person I told them via text message. They asked questions, I gave more details. On court the police took that conversation and tried to use it against me saying I was telling people about my sexual interest in children and my deprived sexual interests - which was actually nice of them because we were able to get letter from probabtion and the Police Public Protection unit confirming that my court orders say I have to do that and actually I was confirming. Again, mentioned in the press but in such a way it makes it look like I'm just telling people So now, I have two lots of convictions, over two dates, my sentence was due to be spent in November of this years, but now I have to wait an additional 5 years for that to happen. And mainly because the police accidently returned a USB stick with indecent images and voyeuristic images to a convicted sex offender - weird how that didn't make the paper from the polices press release! Some will say, "Nah, don't believe that" but why did the judge give me 6 months for possession of a cat A image when the sentencing guideline give a starting point of 12 months (going up to 3 years, minimum being 6 months)? I didn't get the 35% off for an early plea so straight away, the sentencing guidelines means I wasn't eligible for the lower amount - in fact as aggravating factors, I had, if people are right and had reoffended, I had committed the offence while on licence (possibly), while under a current court order (sexual harm order, sex offenders register), I had previous conviction, I had a previous conviction for the same offense and I had almost no mitigation. As for the press, there are statements claiming, "the offenses took place in 2021" - no, I was formally arrested "in 2021" and the images/files were discovered by police "in 2021". Even the police admit, they cannot date the offenses! The press claim that, "offered up his camera", no, I offered up my phone because part of my sexual harm prevention order states, (and I paraphrase again) that "has to make his phone available to any police officer or employee of the police..." and I was trying to be open and honest. Hell, the press even state, "These offences were said to be committed between February 2019 and July 2021." - thats impressive, I was in prison until late July 2019 so to have been able to commit offenses between February 2019 and July 2019 was impressive - thats an easily provable bit of bullrubbish in the police to even if you believe the rest, you have to question them on that bit! Then theres, "Brown, who admitted having sexual fantasies about children as young as four..." - I don't know the source of that claim. I have never admitted that. What I have admitted and I'm not sure it's much better, but hey, at least you have the truth, is that I do have a sexual interest in post puberty teenage boys (and watching men urinating, especially in public). Honest to God I wish I didn't. I didn't wake up one day and decide I wanted that to happen. What I did do however is one day wake up and choose to act on it and viewed, then downloaded the images and then later on tell someone else where they could find them (and a few people on here will not be shocked to here that it was because of my arrogance and massive f-off, "I'm better than you ego" that I had[I say had because trust me, a spell in prison and the ta "paedo" and "nonce" makes you realsie you are not "better" than most, in fact you're the opposite]). That second part is the part that you can crucify me for, for that I'll accept with great shame the tag, "paedo" and "nonce". So feel free to hate me what committing the offense in August 2016 (that I was arrested and jailed for in March 2018), because trust me there is barely a day goes by that I don't regret doing it and hate what I did myself. Hate me for being a nonce or paedo. But hate me for "re-offending"? Please don't because I haven't and I swear to anyone who will listen, I never will. I've screwed up in just about the biggest way possible and I was lucky that a few amazing people stood by me. Over the ensuing years a few more people have come around and accepted what I have done. I have put so many things in place to make sure I don't re-offend, I have worked with prison, probation and private councillors and psychologists to prevent myself from even considering reoffending, I have put just about every bit of advice from them councillors/psychologist, probation, and the police public protection team in place. The one thing I believe I have going for me is my honesty, if someone asks me, I tell them what I have done, I answer any question about what I have done with the most accuracy I can manage. This rightfully means some people hate me but I feel its about the only thing I have left. I'm sure I'll get more abuse for this and thats is fine, it is something I have accepted will follow me for the rest of my life. I only have one person to blame for that, myself. I have never made excuses for that I have done, I'll never blame anyone else. Even with my new, extended, and IMO unfair conviction and punishment I'll take it on the chin because had I not did what I did in the first place none of this would be happening. I am happy to answer question, probably best by DM but I will do it on here publicly if that's what people want because as I stated earlier, the one thing I have is my honesty - my integrity is shot to pieces, very few will ever respect me again but I can at least be honest. Also, finally, I am not only sorry for the crimes I committed and sorry to the direct victims (the people I recorded the people in the videos and images) but I'm also sorry to everyone reading this who at one time respected me, liked me or even tolerated me. I threw all that in your face and I that honestly upsets me but I know it's nothing at all compared to how many of you feel, even the people who found it within you to forgive/understand/give me a second chance I know that took a lot from you (also every person who gives a second chance IS another small reason not to re-offend, not that I actually need it, but it always helps - even if some of you can't do that for me because you think my crimes are too abhorrent, try and do it for others, it DOES make a difference).
  2. Probably going to regret this but here goes... I'll start with the boring factual stuff. Almost all people sentenced to time in prison in the UK serve 50% before release "on licence". It's only if you get over (4 years I think) that you depending on your sentence (as set by the judge) either get 66% in prison, or have to apply for parole. I "think" Jason would have had to apply for parole, parole is almost always rejected at the first attempt. So if Jason has been released at attempt one then he has been very well behaved. That means no fighting, arguing, disagreements, dirty looks, attending courses (that's time spent with psychologists). It means he's worked damn hard. Next bit. Should Jason be allowed to be a speedway rider? Long term forum members will remember me, I idioted up, I went to prison. I met many people who were somewhere between absolute wrong 'uns who IMO should never seen the light of day to people who idioted up and will (are?!) be good people who will add to society on release. Where does Jason fit? Well IMO, he's more on the a bit stupid, but probably knows it and wants to make good but his intelligence makes it hard to explain that. Would I give him a chance? Yes but with very, very strict rules that if he so much as answers back the manger he is sacked. Why? Because I believe that everyone should be given a second chance (what a shock I think that eh?!). One of the reason I think people should get a second chance is, because as other have pointed out, what else can he do? Should he claim benefits for the next 50 years? Give him a purpose in life, trust me, it makes a massive difference. I would also be very wary of trusting anything in the press. Yes the crimes were committed but pleading guilty means you get almost no chance to put your side of the case across, also the press misrepresent things, which legally is allowed. Lies? Yep, sure as long as there is a vague basis of fact. So the press ask you for your side? Do they idiot!
  3. The NL's full and official name is the "National Development League"
  4. They couldn’t hit the 5 minutes when that was in the rule book. Why will making it 4 minutes make it more likely to be hit? Meetings used to take over 2 hours, that’s about 8-9 minutes a heat. At 4 minutes between heats the rules states that meetings should be over in 72 minutes, or 1 hour and 12 minutes. Yeah right!
  5. The gays have more class thans this! Don't tar us with this tacky $hite!
  6. Not an issue any more. Doubt there are many SEC meetings on a Monday or a Wednesday
  7. Garrity not as good as he once was? He had one slightly bad season. You’d swear he’d been crap for 3 or 4 years now!
  8. 12 rider individuals suck. I'm working in London and was going to go to the meeting, specially as its in memory of a rider I was a fan of. Then I saw it was the crap 12 rider format. I'll go and find a bar and have a few drinks instead! Is it really that difficult to find 4 more riders early in the season?
  9. Sorry but thats rubbish. I started paying attention properly to the sport about 20-odd years about (1997 when Newport re-opened) and the sport is as exciting now as it was then. And having sat and watched a lot of stuff on youtube, video and DVD I assure you the sport was absolutely not any more exciting 40 years ago. What the sport did have 40 years ago that it has very few of today in characters, riders who'd go up to the referees box, or strop over to the phone by the start line. They're gone mostly because the sport is no so professional. Gone are the days of being able to go in the bar and get pissed up with the Americans who everyone loved but if you want to be a half decent rider you can't get drunk in the bar and if you were seen getting drunk in the bar fans would complain its not professional. The standard of racing is no different now than it has been in any era, ever - well certainly any era that has been recorded.
  10. So Lee Payne, an amateur who is paid £10 a point is now expected to not ride motocross? Good luck putting demand like that on riders who are basically paying to ride. Until riders are employed with full benefits you can’t stop them riding motocross or sledging.
  11. But who says they won’t return at some point in the future? I first went to an ice hockey game because we had free tickets. Never considered it before that. Since then I go once or twice a year. If you’d asked the week after I fort went for free you’d say it was a failure but ask now 15 years later and I’ve been to at least two dozen games and taken others a few times too. You’re not going to hook in everyone as new weekly fans, most will never return, those that do return will be over time. That said, if the “show” you provide is crap he free entry has done more harm than good. It’s no good letting people in for free to watch crap as they’ll never ever return. Free entry to a good product and they might return one day. It’s too long ago since I last visited Workington (Carl Stonehewer was riding for them!) but have they considers their product is just crap?
  12. Speedway still thinks it’s 1980 on a good day. They play 80s music, if you’re lucky they forget and accidentally play something from the 90s! TBH, it’s not about music from any particular era. There’s rubbish stuff in the charts today and some great stuff was in the charts in the 60s. It’s about playing music that gets people excited. The current number 1, Gods Plan by Drake (and I just had to search for it on Spotify as I’d never heard it!) is more likely to send people to sleep then getting them excited. It amazes me how often you see a great race, the crowd going wild then the dull as ditch water announcer reads out a result with a beat time and everyone calmly fills in their programme and then they play a nice calm song to relax everyone. Jeeze. Get rid of programmes and have a score board and as soon as that great race is over blast something that keeps people excited.
  13. And if the captain refuses to sign the club assigns a new captain. Happened many times.
  14. Only for the first 12 months. It costs me £12.50 now for BT Sports. You can get it for £10 but who doesn't want to watch in HD these days? Apart form my parents!
  15. Where does that article, or any other in fact, say Sandhu was involved in money laundering?
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