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Paul Johnson

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Everything posted by Paul Johnson

  1. The Outsider.. if you were in charge of the music at Scunny would you use the themes tunes as the riders did a parade lap or when they won? there was talk of riders on a back of a truck waving to the crowd so what about a team theme tune as they go around, bit like sheffield do with the Terminator theme tune? What about at the end of the meeting when the riders thank the crowd,Rob could say "play that music Barry,then he plays The Bee Gees.. You win again? think we need to entertain the crowds with more than just racing
  2. i promise all you berwick fans that thomas will be a popular lad with u all.. he is one of the nicest and down to earth guys you could wish to meet. please take time out to say hello to him, he may beat himself up a bit if he doesnt win but he will be wanting to win every race he is in.i believe that most of his big points will be away for you. i wish him all the best and you are getting a great lad from us
  3. i believed if we just asked to go in to promote the team then no, if you go in supporting a charity and have all collections or rafle prize money donated to the chosen charity,then yes What about on saturday in a supermarket with a foyer with press and practice on the sunday, all riders may be available on saturday so you could get the most striking looking rider and bike as the centre piece catching people eye as they go in, Use Ryan Ellis and Nikes image to promote to the Young ones. get them excited and parents maybe remenbering when they went to quibel or ashby ville, there are tond of people who went but never go here... just try it Scunny fans, ask someone in thier say 40s if they went and i bet you will find 2 or 3 who went or their partner went when they were kids, I was told the club shop wouldnt fancy giving out free stuff (bit tight lol) but how much would a lot of pens or keyrings cost, something people pick up and use everyday so you have advertising in all the homes, more likely to keep than a flyer (which you can also hand out) which would end up in the bottom of a carrier bag,The other riders could help out on the tills,Tickets could be handed out to raise interest and have a main raffle prize as say a season long free ticket for a family of 4? or the sponsors could offer a weeks holiday somewhere? Jake Quickenden would be amazing for us for advertising oppertunities, we are struggling now to get anyone to plug us, unless it silly money i mentioned earlier,We can have he perform in the interval or at the end maybe on Easter Bank Holiday so all his fans have paid to get in, It would go through the media like a dose of salts, Now it becomes a news story so they would be liining up to get the news.let them come to us then we can call the tune. Decide Lincs FM could run the day, they bring the stage and music system .have have roadshow. Because we did something for Lincs Fm we can bargain for next year about having a plug for Fridays if all goes well. Maybe have the day as a charity day for Jakes chosen one, then all the media will interview him and that will be all over the tv and when hes been there you see it on the tv maybe 2 days after. If it was a massive sucess just from the entry monies ( non speedway fans would just come to see him ) thne that should cover any bad hits duting the season. do people know how much that Sheffield meeting that got rained off with one race left cost us? have a quess please
  4. I suppose if it was a secret, the backroom boys at the meeting wouldnt have told us so....NIKE, apparantly we nicked him from under their noses, but he really wanted to come to us. as i said, every rider there wants to ride for us, it was really as simple as ringing a rider up and " saying " ryan, josh, carl, nike, ellis, david and alex do you want to ride for Scunny this year"? "for this much"?, literaly about one minute on the phone and the deal was done.no dramas
  5. sorry if it sounded like we had a party, it was just maybe the wrong idea to have it in pub, evertome was sat at different tables and ended up discussing things in their own. it was decided that a meeting at the track all sat around a table would be better.Rob couldnt make it anyway as Gail was ill One thing for sure is that we have a team of riders who want to ride for US, not one rider is there to make the numbers up or just to get a pay cheque, so dont worry about other teams and fans saying we have a rubbish team that wont win anything.Most had offers to go elsewhere but CHOSE to come here, one chose us over Ipswich!!. Basically it was a meeting on why we need a meeting and look at what could be done to improve the numbers of fans and or make it more entertaining.This was just the start of a few meetings so others could get to come or have their say.many of the suggestions on here Julie had tried but got nowhere, ie Flyers, free tickets, signs etc .She would hand out tickets, mark them to see if they were used but out of 400 maybe 2 got back.Schools would not let her in due to H and S regulations and when one would let her it chucked it down.Supermarkets wont let you in the foyer unless your a charity ( i found out today from a work colleague that you can get in as long as all proceeds you gather from collections or raffles go to a charity), Signs get put up but it seems the council take them down the next day, You cant advertise on a roundabout unless you sponsor it for a year for silly money, Local tv and radio dont want to know unless we get to a final again or want silly money to plug the next meeting.Apparently our ony friend is the Evening Telegraph but its now weekly so the news is old or cant do last minute changes. So it seems we have to focus on what we have as a product and everyone agrreed the "soul "has gone.the fans dont feel part of the club.There is nothing wrong with the prioduct, good track, good racing,Rob is great on the mic, so if you used to go and stopped, what was it? can we bring it back? Any suggestions can be put on here as the promotion and backroom guys/ girls Will read them, so dont think your ideas are falling on deaf ears.
  6. Hi all... there is going to be another SCORPS meeting on the 27th down at the track, we will be more focused there than the pub lol
  7. Ryan and Ellis would be living in Scunny so going to shows etc shouldnt be a problem, all the others would be too far away or working as in David.im sure some of us who volunteer at the amateur meetings would hand out flyers at the stall? Not sure where Nike is living but he would be a hit with the kids i bet!!!
  8. What i would like to see is the return of race night filming, couldnt the media studies students from either colleges or schools do it? would do their course work the no end of good and make a few quid too...people keep mentioning how friendly and approachable the riders are,,do people know they can go in the pits before a meeting and say hello? i personally stand next to the pit gate looking in and watching whos there etc, but loads of times people have said to me " is it ok for me to go in"?, when they do they seem made up,Maybe we could do an Asda and have a Meet and Greeter to stand near the programme window to welcome everyone and assist in anyway they can, answer queries and give directions etc, make people feel welcome, maybe a retired person with a persona about them. if people seem they cant approach Rob they could use him or her as a go between, give him ideas or what not, then when the racing starts he/she could walk around and ask if everyone is ok? do they need anything?Like June said. a Kenny type character the fans can relate too
  9. I think we we have to trust the supporter to bring someone new seymour, if they care about the club and want it to survive. my thinking was that when you pay to get in each paying adult gets a voucher " this voucher allows entry for £5 for a new supporter accompanied nb an existing supporter" With the small crowd anyway, id like to think the lovely ladies on the turnstyles seem to know nearly everyone anyway.so a newbie would stand out, also if you were to abuse it are you really bothered about the future of Scunny? Also i heard 2 ideas at last saturdays amateiur meet...1.. for say £18 you get entry, a programme and a small meal with a drink, 2,, it may be too late for this year but why not try season tickets? or a half season ticket for us on shift work? the club gets money up front and the supporter has already paid so if they dont turn up they are "robbing themselves" it would stop some from saying " oooh shall i go or not this week" or if moneys was tight you have already paid.
  10. I like a lot of what broadsider says, promoting in tescos or morrisons is good,theres plenty of room for a display, or even the parishes?, its just getting a rider willing to do it and volunteers to hand flyers or vouchers for discounted entry out,if done professionally with proper logo'd shirts etc could be a winner, i mentioned earlier about Hull, some do, its a massive market to tap into, i wonder if speedway has been dead too long there for people to come to us.? Rob is brill on the mic, problem is he is jack of all trades but does it in his boiler suit, on first impression or from the away team you may wonder who he is? A couple of friends from work have said that they would love to go to speedway but baulk when i say the price, best part of £20. entry fee and say food, so maybe a "bring someone new for a fiver night"? they will probably spend more on food and drink and they have a friend to ask what its about,if they get their ticket stamped and come back let them in for a tenner.its better to get them there and then say they dont like it than not going at all. I dont know about other tracks but the pits are always accessable till about 7pm for people to walk around, maybe the riders could have "rider cards" i know Matt Williamson had some last year and the riders could hand them out to fans before they get busy, a bit of interaction to make the fan feel closer to a rider, i have a friend who plays the guitar and he may play to enertain the crowd before the match.theres plenty of room near the ice cream van. The Pa system from the refs box needs looking at ,as sometimes its goes on or off, but robs is fine,and i would like to see maybe 2 more bits of lighting, one for the concrete steps near the canteen and one for the seating as it gets dark and hard for people to fill in the prog, Theres loads of things that can be done to make people feel part of the club, The raffle for one, as well as winning the money what about letting them watch a race from the middle? same if its your birthday or something, if you know someone is going to be there on their birthday or anniversary etc, give the club some notice and maybe the club could give them a card or view from the middle.
  11. Rob only meeds 100 people to come back next season, 200 would be great and we have a meeting in the new year to discuss ideas how to get them back.There is a massive source of fans in Hull.I know a few who come over already but has it been to long since sppedway in Hull closed down for speedway fans to be interested?Is there a hatred of Scunny from Hull and vise versa?Do Hull fans go to Redcar instead of paying 2 times to cross the bridge?Do Hull fans know a bus company are willing to drive fans to Scunny?
  12. personally sunday would be better for me as i miss every other friday due to shift work, but i dont think rob is keen on sundays as the track is suited to evening racing, i believe it dries out too much on sunday afternoons, unless we run at 6pm?, then i think parents would think twice about bringing the kids as its school in the morning,then what happens to the training schools at weekends and summer amatuer meets? I think people stayed away because they got fed up with David Howe being injured for 2012 and 2013 calling for him to retire ,Tofty going from amazing in 2012 to forgetting how to ride in 2013,Ryan took a while to come good as promised but i think people got fed up of waiting,This year we had a good top 5 one strong reserve and one rookie, but Anders got injured very early and Matt half a lap behind every race,I read comments and heard people say they werent going back until Rob replaces Matt, which he eventually did with Tom but he didnt rip any trees up, This by no means a slagging of riders or Rob as i have the biggest respect for what they do, its just speedway fans need just the smallest reason not to attend but a really big one to want to come back... my main worry is that "fans" have already decided not to go next year if indeed its our last one or decided not to go as TJ or Ash are gone and the team will be wooden spoon contenders
  13. lets not forgot this team isnt built for winning the league, its about entertaining at home and getting crowds back to the EWR.Rob has assembled a team of riders who love to race and love the wide line around our track, ,when we won the league Josh was riding El so his confidence was high, so this year he might be the same, Ryan is improving every year and should know all the tracks by now and David is as happy now as he was when he came to us and relishes the No1 jacket,
  14. wasnt ryan douglas signed on assessed 5? now he is nearly 7 so has bettered his assessed average or have i missed something?
  15. your last sentence Gordon is the exact esscence of what Rob wants to acheive,to get fans back to Scunny,to entertain at home and sustain speedway at the EWR
  16. Matt rode for cradley because scunny decided late on to join the league, so all the better riders had been snapped up by other teams, if we joined at the beginning maybe the team would have been different, not a team of 3 pointers
  17. Todd Kurtz would do me, no one on the somerset tread has name him in their teams
  18. So who is an existing asset?Wilco,Tofty,(he was at quite a few meetings this season),Steve Worrall( i believe hes just become a father to a scunny girl)?Matt Williamson? Bringing back seems to mean to me someone who used to ride, so maybe not Matt as probably would say "retaining".I am not sure about building the team around Nike, i thought Rob was building his teams around Ryan, I am still going for another unknown on a 5. so. Howe, Worrall,Auty,Douglas, Scandanavian,Lunna and Perks 41.85
  19. You wont be disapointed me2, be prepared tho, it can be pretty cold even in summer,hopefully you'll pick a good meeting for us to entertain you, Scunny/sheffield maybe interesting next year,
  20. If rob wants to get fans back to Ewr then entertaining riders have to be a must. so my choice has to be Ostergaard, i would like to see Klindt back but after rob talked to him at the last meeting, he would need to lower his fee
  21. My calculations maybe wrong but i had, Howe,Auty,Douglas,Lunna,a new rider from Sweden on a 5?,Perks, leaves 8.11 for one more rider
  22. Get more meetings on Sky then more people will see why the racing is better. i personally thinks its better because every rider could win a race, everyone is fighting for a point
  23. Hi all, 1st post and would like to wish Thomas and Ash all the best, 2 smashing lads, i just hope Rob knows what he is doing letting both go?, especially as he is calling for more supporters then lets "part of the family "go, whoever comes in must be ready made replacements so that we hit the ground running. the above team i like apart from Mellgren, nothing against the guy but we didnt really get to see what he can do,would it be worth being loyal to him? i would swop him with Ricky Wells, he was awesome when he guested against Ipswich.Would we go with Nicolia?Rob joked he would like him back but only if he took a pay cut.. i personally would go with Ulrich " the mad ostrich" ostergard if he was available but his average is too high i think
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