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Paul Johnson

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  1. Team now renamed to The Steelers http://scunthorpe-speedway.com/?p=18296
  2. I think Sir is a bit too much but maybe an Mbe? anyone can nominate a person for an award, its on the Gov.Uk website https://www.gov.uk/honours/nominate-someone-in-the-uk
  3. That was probably said last season without Ryan but 2 semis and a final aint bad going
  4. Depends on when he said he wanted a track nearer home... as stated this team was sorted before the season finished, i doubt he said it yesterday or this morning, perhaps Glasgow were the only club to come in for him i dont know?
  5. Yes Kevin is one of Lambos main sponsors and announcer at Kings Lynn i believe
  6. Dont know but it is only 2 days, we may here something tonight about "things going well and we let everyone know on matters either thursday or friday" and finalised over the weekend?
  7. I am not sure if day one is summarising up this season, bit like an audit?, confirming teams coming to the tapes the following season etc then day 2 will be when ideas will be suggested and voted on, To be honest they can not be expected to tweet etc after every confirmed desicion they would be there all day..."hang on i have not finished typing yet and posted on every platform"
  8. Also if the meeting has gone it gives a chance for a "lesser rider" or a deserving rider a chance against 2 top guys
  9. What average would Declan kennedy come in as?
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