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Everything posted by MANSE

  1. MDMC82 did Coventry not have some problems with there track early in the Season. it can happen anywhere with our weather
  2. Question why is Coventry leg of the Final on Friday as all previous Finals have been on alternate Mondays.
  3. My remarks were made to the people who said who said they would not go because off the 5pm start. They would be home in Newcastle at the same time when your meetings finish. Re run after first bend bunching on average according to updates 6-8 times '
  4. They spoke to the Newcastle promotion on sunday who agreed to the 5pm start.I would think they would have to get permission from the BSPA on Monday for change of start time. They then issued statement on Monday. Sunday to Monday have i missed some days. Pienpeesman 5pm is still better than 6.30 when you start your meetings maybe you need your beauty sleep more than me
  5. Youre right Yoda but at least its our own 6 riders. i was trying to answer post 44 that we used r/r so long was to get Berge his meetings to become a asset
  6. One rider injured all you can have is r/r unless its your no 1 i think. Maybe somebody can verify that or we could have got rid of Berge before he became a asset to save us going with r/r
  7. No i guess it will be r/r for Berge as Kasper and Victor will be our reserves and Theo at no 1. Tero and reserves will take Berge rides
  8. Kings Lynn v Poole 31 posts old and there no sign of GAVAN or STEVE O they must be sick at Poole finishing top of the league. Ford fixed the meeting paid the Belle Vue riders a bonus. Im getting as bad as them its reading all there posts it gets to you
  9. Pienpeesman its a 3pm start for Glasgow v Newcastle posted on Glasgow web page
  10. Pienpeesman if you ask the question on Glasgow Facebook site you might get a answer. Not many Glasgow SUPPORTERS on this site
  11. Where has Glasgow said its a 5pm start. i dont get your remark guess the time. We have had two 5pm starts and the reason was given for them. . A 5pm start might be a better start time as 3pm start can ruin your day
  12. Having watched a rerun of the match Heat 1 Howarth should have been excluded Heat 2 the referee beter go to specsavers to miss Garritys roller If i was a Poole suporter i would have been very upset
  13. The start marshall at Armadale always tells the away riders to get up to the tapes and ignores the home riders as i can remember
  14. Thank you Steve good reading up to Heat 12 always next year 16 points is to many for us to overturn
  15. Thought this was Newcastle v Glasgow report have found approx 4 out of 53 posts. Guess i will have to look elsware
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