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Everything posted by MANSE

  1. 1 ? 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 ? 7 ? is that not nearer the Peterborough team unless i missed something
  2. Jdnny the spud was Berge there or is he still injured
  3. Do you have any Heat Leader assets crazy robin
  4. Co promoter leaving. main sponsor leaving Kildemand not coming back whats happening at Swindon SteveO
  5. lAfter reading the posts on hear if i was Rathbone and Swales i would walk away now and let Peterborough close
  6. My second attempt --- R WORRALL;7.32--S ROBSON;7.56--T PIJPER;7.09--R HARRISON;6.50--A THOMSEN;5.68--P BERGE;4.90--J RINGWOOD;3.45 3 off our own assets in team Wrong average for Ringwood should be 3.56. Remove Pijper and replace with North ;6.55 total=42.07
  7. LAWSON 8.22 BERGE 4.90O HARRISON 6.50 PIJPER 7.09 MORRIS 8.14 LYKKE 4.65 PALOVARRA 3.00
  8. The problem over the last couple of years i see was the owners were not based in Glasgow but abroad and very rarely were seen at the track.It was left to 4or5 directors who done the job on a voluntary basis to the best of there ability but in my experience they were all doing the same job there nobody was delegating. The problem with information being heard from other clubs was i believe from information i was told was a certain promotors son. Re the post telling were riders to go what rubbish we race on a Sunday we will always have these problems unless we have a team off R Harrisons who only races in the PL Re the gossip its on the Glasgow webb site by Gordon if things come to fruitition exciting times ahead as you say there is a lot of people sayihg things but one t still to be crossed as Gordon says Re my beloved Ice Hockey not me. Most team sports now you only find out who is appearing is when they appear on the pitch or arena at the start off the game most people go to support there team
  9. All i said about next season was season ticket would be a good buy.In my opinion odd occasion is not willy nilly but everybody to there own thinking and there was a reason when start time was changed
  10. Possibly three right as Gazc says exciting times ahead one i to be dotted
  11. LIONESS There is no such thing as a guaranteed fixed start time there will always be the odd change to suit availability off riders. Look at football it can be anytime between Friday pm to Monday pm for league games. You seem a smart person but buying a Season ticket was big mistake you needed 19 or 20 meetings to break even was never going to happen with the team we started with.Next year it will be a good buy.
  12. Bentley you forgot to add it averaged 3.5 out off 5 by tripadvisor which seems quite reasonable for English food.The person who gave it 1 could be compitition
  13. Loan fee the only riders that people pay money for are Glasgow riders [Josh.Mason.Nick] no other PL team can match that
  14. If they dont what would you suggest George will they get all the drivel its posted on here.Its dry in Paisleywhy is it off. Im not going if its a 5 pm start.The meeting started 10 mins late.and various moans and groans
  15. Tony Mole opens tracks then sells after 2/3 years reaping the rewards as the crowds start to decline.Birmingham second time not my money investers only or nothing. Thats why he is business man
  16. Re post91 from B Buck regarding previous promotion not paying there bills maybe they set a limit on what they were prepared to loose and that was it.Why did T MOLE require 100 THOUSAND did he not say it was a viable business and it was the previus promotion to blame. Reason T Mole only opens new tracks then sells after 2/3 years when the crowds start to decline GOOD BUSINESS thats why he is not prepared to put his own money in to Birmingham as it was a loss making business. Just my opinion
  17. Speedwaysliders the reason we have races cut short; riders who fell would look up to see what position there partner was in then fall back down if he was last. That is the reason when the leader has started lap 3 and then the red lights come on he can award
  18. 2013 PREMIER AVERAGES Lewis Kerr 6.09 Jason Garrity 5.45 Kyle Newman 5.32 I would assume these figures are the reason UK MARTIN
  19. Gavan i beleve you are Ipswich fan but i thought this Poole site would be the best place to catch your attention I see your team were racing the P L cup final tonight. On Ipswich v Edinburgh thread there has been 86 posts and you only posted ONE Ipswich to win by 10 score 37-53. If i was you i would stop trolling the Poole sites consentrate on your own team to give better predictions
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