It could be a play off side, it could be facing the wooden spoon. With so many new faces in the league the potential for some big early season crashes and enforced team changes at various clubs. The 2019 season is somewhat hard to predict.
Unless your a riders bank manager or wife your never really know what any rider gets from a Club. You can think what you like, as I do about things. I can say things as I know them to be.
He was voted Star performer at the young lions academy at Cardiff and got to present a gp trophy, so people with far more knowledge then most of us rated him highly.
Something I 've noticed over the last few seasons is how pleasant most of these young lads coming through.
I agree with that, for many riders the removal of a safety net aids their development.
Would Jason Doyle of become World Champion had he not had the visa issues restricting him to top flight action? Personally I think not.
Lambert rejected a fast track berth in the Elite and opted to go in the main body and thrived.
Bewley went into PL at the start of his debut season and look how he has come along.
That's application appears to be resubmitted without the change of times, just being allowed to run Saturday evening's.
I had my letter come through from the council today. It says any responses after 21 days may not be used as the decision could of been made by then. So hopefully more clarity within a month.
Why has the team building been blundered, just because you have not been told the full line up, that's not to say the full line up has not been signed already.
Thank you to all the Warriors family for allowing me to make history, and the been the first opposition supporter to announce another teams rider. Such an honour, another example of how the Warrior Way is so inclusive.
Think I saw Sam beat a heat leader at every meeting I saw him in this season, baring Eastbourne away in the play offs when he was clearly still not 100 percent fit.
He only got the 2.50 from 2 league meetings so will start on 2.00,
Sheppard comes in on 2.01 as previously had a 3.0 average.
I wasnt sure so asked Mattie Bates