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Everything posted by JanAndersen

  1. How on earth have we got from Jason Garrity no showing/being fined to Edinburgh always cancelling second halves? This place sometimes.
  2. You can understand why someone might have a problem taking what you say as gospel?
  3. Is there a more unprofessional rider in speedway than Jason Garrity? No respect for anyone involved in last night’s fixture.
  4. He's just not very likeable these days. Comes across as a very difficult character.
  5. You mean the same season he was riding Elite league too?
  6. Fricke should definitely have sights on the GP but feel it’s probably a bit too much of a stretch for Masters and probably Cook to be honest.
  7. Is Hancock confirmed? I must be in the minority that think Craig’s biggest achilles heel is his social media persona.
  8. I can count on one hand the number of times each month i use cash. Most people use cards for almost all transactions these days no matter how small.
  9. Comfortable victory for the blue and gold. Done and dusted by ht10.
  10. Craig's habit of running his mouth on social media instead of dealing with issues behind closed doors will hurt his chances of getting another team. Promotors aren't daft and he's not good enough to make them take the risk of it happening with them.
  11. Good to hear. Heeps is a great signing. Has always looked classy at Armadale when visiting.
  12. Anyone at the P&P today? Anything to report?
  13. Edinburgh. The smugness you will feel is unmatched.
  14. Christ, not sure where to start with this one. Google translate maybe.
  15. Hahahaha. Glasgow are the most precious club going and always moaning about others being anti Weej. As a collective you very much do care.
  16. Dumping a rider before he’s turned a wheel is poor. Unforeseen circumstances my foot.
  17. Or an injury to Cook. Guests aren't likely to cover his scoring so you're pretty much forced into two team changes to get the most from the 38.
  18. Not a balanced side. I can absolutely see the attraction of having Cook back but given the 38 point limit it doesn't look a sensible move. Reserves are so important and having two 2.00 riders in a side is asking a bit much of them.
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