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Dodger Blue

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Everything posted by Dodger Blue

  1. Might as well let Jason Crump have a go ... I think he would be more competitive anyway!!
  2. He has been known to injure himself loading his bikes into his van previously .... maybe something similar???
  3. Whoever is right or wrong, whatever the final outcome is, the one thing almost certainly guaranteed is: another group of speedway followers will be lost to the sport!!
  4. As quoted from Ged the day before the 4's: "I fully understand that some of our supporters may be disappointed that we are without Jack tomorrow in the Fours, but I ask them all to understand that the deal we've done is beneficial to all parties. "I'm not going to expand on that, but I urge them to trust my judgement as they've always done since I stepped in to keep speedway going in Peterborough in late 2014." And how does that work ?????
  5. I think you will find there was a similar problem last year almost to the point of riders refusing to ride. If the BSPA do not treat the event as a flagship event how can they expect anyone else to?. There will continue to be more and more non appearances due to 'injuries' etc until the whole event is crippled. The Jack Holder farce was completely out of order as far as I am concerned but for the BSPA to shout that the 4's is a major event when they obviously dont treat the riders as if its a major event will only lead to more problems in the future. We pay our money expecting the best entertainment, the BSPA have a responsability to provide the best entertainment and that must surely mean taking steps to ensure that the best riders are riding. Obviously the bullying tactics trying to force riders to ride isnt working so a rethink is needed.
  6. Having spent the weekend in The Peak District I dropped in to watch this at one of my favourite speedway venues, actually parked up next to mimmo!! Unfortunately I am afraid the meeting was a disappointment as it was one that had absolutely zero passing!! However Buxton remains a terrific place to see speedway and I will call again soon
  7. I am sure a system could have been brought in to allow all teams to compete on the day keeping 4 riders a heat. A rotation system wouldn't have been too difficult. I believe that the attendance will not be increased by having 5 riders. Surely there won't be many who think 'Wow 5 riders! let's go!' As compared to those who think '5 riders! Why? Don't think I will bother!'
  8. I am afraid that I am a traditionalist and 5 riders in a race doesn't work for me. Was looking forward to this but it seems like a bit of a joke meeting to me now!
  9. Tiddler Turner was always good value, one memory that will always be with me, is a Bank Holiday meeting against Belle Vue at Lynn from the mid 70's. Tiddler was shoulder to shoulder with Alan Wilkinson down the back straight and they were kicking each other as they battled for the lead!! Marvelous stuff!!
  10. Unfortunately a meeting at Coventry is usually a bit longer than the average .... Could make a bit of money if there was a kiosk selling pile cream though!!
  11. If it was funny in the first instance ... it certainly isnt when you say for the 20th time!!!
  12. So you are saying that West Ham have failed to pay their agreed rental fee?? Dont remember reading that!! The 'fiasco' as you put it, is down to the landlords agreement for rent costs, nothing to do with West Ham not paying it
  13. I seem to remember watching Jason Crump sitting in the pits while a mechanic dropped a spanner in front of him,Jason was catching it between his hands as it dropped.Dont see anyone doing that now,must have helped him!
  14. That was one fantastic meeting Saturday night,congratulations to all the riders,every one of them were going for it.Great view from the temp seats crown of bends 3/4, we were near the front so could actually hear the pa!! Added entertainment watching security chasing Polish fans who were trying to empty the 18 pints of beer that they had all consumed with inevitable results along the back fence, as some bright spark believed that 10 portable loo's each end of the stand would be enough!!!
  15. When Ostergaard and Cook are riding flat out to the fence and getting no drive at all it shows how little material there was on the track! After 40 years of watching speedway at the showground I don't think I have ever seen it as slick as that. If it isn't changed I dread to think what it will be like for the 4's!!!
  16. 30 minutes drive away and just having our second rain shower in the last 30 mins!!
  17. Completely agree with this post, a credit to the National League good racing all the way through but heats 13 and 15 were something special. Can hear Kelvin purring about 'proper speedway' now!!
  18. The move wouldn't be sanctioned as, under the best interests of speedway, a team is not allowed more than 2 riders with double letters in their surname at any one time. As Panthers already have OstergAArd and PeRRy in their declaired 1-7 they cannot add COOk. If the management committee were to let this slip through it would mean the end of speedway as we know it!!!!
  19. This has got to be the lowest point speedway can fall, I have been watching since the mid 70's and have never, until this point thought 'I cant be bothered' well now that's exactly how I feel. Why have people running the sport who are intent on ending it?? I have tickets for the World Cup at Manchester but cant be bothered I have purchased my first ever season ticket for football ready for next season and thank goodness I made that decision because that's where my hard earned will be going!!!!
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