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Dodger Blue

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Everything posted by Dodger Blue

  1. Can someone help: I am planning to head to Birmingham in a couple of week's and was wondering where the best place to park is? Also has getting to the track been affected by the Commonwealth games preparations?
  2. The weather forecast gives heavy rain this afternoon, is the meeting likely to go ahead, I will have to leave soon to get there.
  3. I had exactly the same problem, luckily my daughter is more switched on than I am and I have an Amazon firestick. She downloaded the Discovery Plus all on that and sports is on it.
  4. Never met him but his name was always there for anything speedway Will be a big loss RIP
  5. Was that the one where the ladder up to the box was pulled down ?? In my mind that was Alan Wilkinson
  6. That was a subject of interest years ago , then it was decided the 'blow up ' body protector was to blame
  7. I may be wrong but the ticket re-admission seems completely cock-eyed to me! If I am correct you can use the ticket from this meeting on any other meeting apart from bank holiday. In the current climate of restricted crowd numbers how on earth are they going to know how many people are going to turn up for a future meeting? If they have sold 80% capacity for the Kings Lynn home fixture already there can be no idea how many others are going to turn up using re-admission tickets! Surely a better system would be tickets are only to be used for the re staging or a refund , at least you know how many tickets are sold for each meeting !
  8. I read it as later this week ...... Now back to the Wolverhampton averages debate !!
  9. Thought they would get an idea when they stuff away the previous takings !!
  10. Not many riders say that they don't wait to be back at the end of a season !!
  11. I see on the Panthers website that Buster was disappointed with the crowd, one of the reasons he said was the gap between meetings! Well that was just over a week, after Monday we wait until September!!! Wonder what he will say then He sprouting the usual 'we need the crowd to provide a great atmosphere for BT camera's .... Actually we need a competitive team to get a crowd in. Or how about a reduced admission for Monday? Didn't read that!!!
  12. I didn't read the end bit properly about Phillips, which if you had read mine properly you would have realised I had already been pulled up about !
  13. My fault , missed the retire bit on Phillips , now two Phillip's !! I am going to keep quiet as there is more than one Belle Vue team, more than one Bjerre and more than one Phillips
  14. Think having 2 Bjerre's riding in the British league's is too much for some people
  15. I think it just sums up British speedway!!! Words fail me
  16. As I understand it, they now have the timed lap to remove the lottery of a draw for start number. But as going early in the qualifying is an advantage they have the lottery to decide who goes first!!
  17. Agree with this. A worrying stat is that the track record has been broken 3 times this season and always by an away rider. Sums it up !!
  18. First of all, congratulations to Ipswich, their riders were clearly up for it and rode the track well. Not their fault Panthers are in the state they are in. In my opinion we have been fortunate in our previous home meetings having not won by more than 2 points, drew and lost one. I am afraid last night will be the first of many similar results, the riders looked beaten from the off, the body language from some was not good. At least 3 riders are underperforming, bike troubles and riding in a position they shouldn't be within the team. Unfortunately I can't see this changing and only the die hards will be left ... Sad!!
  19. Met Office giving rain virtually for the rest of the day
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