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Dodger Blue

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  1. We parked at the university which coincided with the open day, the 2 parking attendants hadnt got a clue what event was on in the stadium!! That's great local promoting!!
  2. RIP Edwin The voice of speedway for me at Peterborough and Kings Lynn from my first meeting in 76 for over 45 years. The best announcer in the game.
  3. First of all best wishes to Jason, I was amazed to see him get up from what was a terrible looking crash. Highlight of the evening was stand in team manager Buster thanking the weather for holding off so he could get the meeting on! If it continues to hold off they will soon be able to issue a programme that relates to the meeting that's actually on , three inserts out of three so far. Overall a good meeting run at a reasonable pace with a few excellent races
  4. That wasn't my point. I was questioning the statement ' I would just rather watch a full strength team other than guests ' It was a case of it you support KL decision would you expect KL to call off a meeting against weakened opposition.
  5. So on the restaging date if Leicester are 2 riders out you would expect it to be called off ??
  6. The whole situation at Lynn is getting ridiculous, following the joke postponement with Busters awful weather forecast we now have this !! I appreciate that his stand is against the Polish authorities but this call off doesn't bother them at all. This only bothers Speedway supporters who were intending to attend the meeting. Over the years is there any club that hasn't risen a meeting with 2 riders missing ?? R/R and a guest usually covers it!! Its up to the BSPA to challenge Poland, Busters actions here won't be noticed across Europe A pathetic action !!
  7. The crowd was roughly the same for the last few meetings, all of which had delayed starts and for a change this year, for those meetings the whole grandstand was opened to enable people to get a seat.
  8. That's true but Tarasenko would probably have equalled that score and left Rob Lyon more flexibility with his reserve replacements.
  9. We will agree to disagree on what constitutes an overtake then.
  10. Lambert certainly tried and got alongside but with Worrall on the inside he could never get by
  11. Absolutely!! You can understand why spectator numbers are dropping, £25 to witness an evening of that !!
  12. As happy as I was with a Panthers win that was the worst meeting race wise I have seen !! In 50 years of watching speedway that was the first meeting without one single overtake. Made the World Cup and GP meetings look brilliant !!
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