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R87 last won the day on October 18 2014

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  1. No thank you. Hell will freeze over before I pick streaming an amateurish production over getting off my backside and actually going to the venue.
  2. Grateful for what? It was dreadful year after year after year. Not one decent moment has ever come out of it
  3. If they were stupid enough to plan going to Cardiff then they get no sympathy from me. I hold that place responsible for the damage that's been to speedway credibility in recent years.
  4. Good riddance. No sympathy for anyone that bought tickets and hotels for that disgraceful event. The day speedway stood up for itself and gave Wales miserable hole in tbe ground what it deserves
  5. Won 1 world title completely on default. Might have been good on the trick track that was Monbore, but couldn't complete a lap anywhere else with falling off
  6. Brilliant news and long overdue that the UKs only exciting track joins in the GP party. Let's now hope that the miserable hole in the ground in Wales is empty next August so they finally get the message. Good riddance Cardiff. You've embarrassed Speedway long enough and you won't be missed
  7. Wembley produced good racing without the promoters needing to booby trap the surface to manufacture it
  8. There would be a mad dash for tickets at Belle Vue. Its a brilliant track which is all you need. Nobody is interested in museums, hotels and pubs. They go to speedway for the racing.
  9. Another disgrace of an event. How many more years are they going to snub Belle Vue for this dump?
  10. Simple. Because it's utter garbage and has been since day 1. Awful racing, cost is ridiculous, nothing to do in a filthy dump of a city. Sooner they stick the contract in the shredder the better.
  11. Exactly. No point Birmingham throwing their toys out of the pram. They lost the meeting because their number 1 choked when the pressure was on. They got what they deserved
  12. Celebrating a mickey mouse cup win. Pathetic commiserations Australia. The moral winners
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