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Everything posted by OveFundinFan

  1. It is only bend 3 & 4 that stands can be built, there are buildings the other end. It wasn’t an open plot the council chose, it’s part of a sports centre and the stadium completed the whole complex.
  2. Nationalism has in the past caused loads of problems, and is still doing so today. In sport, I don’t care where they come from, all I want is entertainment. Maybe in the future every one rides as an individual, that means no national teams though, so it is not going to happen. So we have to put up with more problems in the future.
  3. It’s a country that takes a lot of pride Is in winning and being the best…. Hence the cheating. Putin loves the glory. Added to all the other sanctions and it just may jolt him and his cronies. Some non Russian businesses are losing money, lots of money, to penalise Russia for that they doing. The people in Ukraine haven’t done anything to deserve the pain they have…. except for being born there. They have lost loved ones, their homes, their income. So there are reasons behind it and it has been discussed for days on this forum, but it is not this forum that is banning them., though most who have participated in the discussion agree with it.
  4. What about the rights of those that happen to be born in Ukraine. As individuals they not the fault of a war starting but under false reasons they are under attack. Because so many individuals citizens have already been killed, does that mean they are all Nazis and responsible for ethnic cleansing, because that is what Russia claims to be a main reason for entering the country on “manoeuvres”. Businesses are cutting ties with Russia, even UK stores are refusing to sell Russian Vodka, football clubs are cutting out the Russian oligarchs meaning they losing their income, F1 has not only cancelled this years race in Sochi (where one of Putins palaces is) but they have cancelled the contract to stage any F1 races in the future. World class athletes from Ukraine are returning to Ukraine to fight for their fellowman's freedom. On BSF there are those who think the speedway world should just carry on. What we don’t know is the feeling of fellow riders, what stance do they take, is there a chance that the conflict will be carried over to the track? Certainly in the Polish league there could be rider problems as there are riders from Ukraine, Latvia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, the eastern part of Germany, Finland, Sweden, probably more, who well remember how Russia has treated their countries.
  5. That is true, the President Zelensky is Jewish. Russia May have to give proof of what they saying. That international court based in the Haigh is now embarking on looking into claims of atrocities etc. Normally they do this years after the event. Russia will be claiming its unfair because they don’t normally act till it’s over.
  6. Seems FIA has not decided yet to allow, or not, Mazipin racing for Haas this year. However, UK has blocked him racing at Silverstone in the British GP. So, it will be interesting what happens if Emil and Artem are allowed in speedway GPs as to wether they can ride at Cardiff. Due to strong ties with Ukraine I still wonder if they can race in Polish league this year.
  7. So would I. I just watched 2021 British Final on Discovery+. A great final on a brilliant track.
  8. There are no F1 races in Poland. I reckon Polish fans and riders could be very sensitive to Russian riders in their country. Russian troops seem to be hitting more civilian targets, which is a war crime. More civilians, those not involved in a war, are going to die needlessly. There are strong links between Poland and Ukraine, hence they have taken in over 600,000 refugees, and a lot more in coming days, weeks, months. What is that going to do with the Polish economy. Likewise Slovakia (Vaculik). There is a GP in Prague, the people there will also remember what Russia is capable of. It will be very interesting as to Polishcspeedway authorities are going to do.
  9. There is just one small thing the Ukrainians would like….. to be able to live, and live in peace. Putin wants to get at the US and NATO and he is killing innocent men, women, children in doing so. He has immense pride in Russia being the greatest, Russia has no1 and no3 in the world, deny him the things that he loves.
  10. whilst determining whether Emil and Artem should or should not ride in the GPs, this morning's tv news has just shown a 40-mile long column of Russian tanks, armored vehicles, supply trucks just 20 miles north of Kyiv........ in the next few days there could be absolute destruction and mass killings by Russian troops. Any thought going towards those people in Kyiv and the surrounding area?. It is ok I suppose, give it 5 years, and Putin and his gang will stand before a court in the Hague, that will make it ok. Enjoy your discussion.
  11. http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/91308-should-laguta-and-emil-be-kicked-out-of-the-gp-series/ http://www.speedway-forum.co.uk/forums/index.php?/topic/90824-speedway-gps-2022-under-discovery-sports-events/&page=14 and another one somewhere
  12. There is at least 3 threads now running covering this, do we need a 4th one?
  13. Some businesses have already lost revenue. Man United have terminated their sponsorship deal with Aeroflot…. Was worth £millions. Exports stopped to Russia, so firms with orders to supply will have lost £’s. Lots going on that are not headline makers. What has probably peeved Putin the most is that Russia has been kicked out of the Eurovision Song Contest ….… those Russian grannies will be too old next year, they will have to retire.
  14. I don’t think that would work at all. It would be difficult to denounce the country of your birth. Inevitably it would mean the pair of them to move there family out of Russia too. Not going to happen.
  15. Whose to say Poland would want them in their national team. Looking at TV there is a strong link between Polish and Ukraine people. If they were picked maybe the Polish fans would react and boycott meetings. Here in the uk we are remote from the situation, Poland is on top of the situ, and they know what it was like to be under the communist fist….. and they got out as soon as they could. There will not be much love for Russian government in Poland. I doubt there is a great deal of love for the Russian government in Russia, but little the masses can do about that.
  16. World championship downhill ski-ing must be coming up because it’s organisers/governing body have said Russian skiers are not welcome. Sportspeople cannot wear the Russian flag nor have the national anthem played at ceremonies, it still means Russian athletes can win…. And Putin thrives on Russian world champions. He is another Hitler, their athletes are the best, Russia is best. Nothing against Artum and Emil, they maybe nice guys, but they food for Putin. Poland has close ties to Ukraine, many of its citizens have married Ukrainians, families are in both countries. Don’t under estimate the feelings of Poland, nor Slovakia who Russia invaded in the last 50 years, nor Sweden and Finland who are on his list of “doing a Ukraine” to them. This is a war that could go on for years, thousands of people dying, yet all that (some) English speedway supporters want is things to carry on as normal…… this is not normal.
  17. If I remember correctly Peter rode the Oxford track well. How did he do that day?
  18. Yes, it’s a cracking photo of Peter balancing. Another I like is of Peter leading Ove Fundin. Two of the worlds best ever, completely different styles, chasing the same bit of dirt, and so close.
  19. and now Roman Abramovich has handed over “stewardship and care” of Chelsea football club to its charitable foundation.
  20. I think a GP at BV would show amazing racing, overtaking galore. Depends whether the low crowd capacity would be a stumbler.
  21. Just read on news…. Football…. Poland is refusing to play Russia in a World Cup qualifier.
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