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    Lakeside Hammers

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  1. Maybe Schlein actually cares about the sport and can see the way BSPA are carrying on will end up destroying the sport in the UK. no one is actually happy with the BSPA or the current state of speedway in the UK but i suppose everyone should stay quiet and let the BSPA to continue to do what they want and like.
  2. Pretty obvious that he has no desire to ride in the UK and rather than having the diginty to drop his place he's basically taking the pi$$. Probably has his worse engine/bike over here as well and just going through the motions. Surely the promoters should just drop him from his position rather than let this carry on any longer.
  3. Update won't be until the 18th at the fans forum. Probably sign a few more riders haha
  4. Completely agree he showed not one hint of regret for potentially putting other riders at risk. Even when asked about this possibly beng last chance saloon he just brushes it off with arogance. His not learned a single thing from this other than hitting his bank balance.
  5. surely the gopro camera's can just be placed somewhere safe on the bike
  6. looking forward to tonight and i think Lakeside to win by 7-10 points. I think there is more than enough depth in the team when riding at home. Rory coming in is a strong replacement and hopefully Kim can hit the ground running. Any ideas what number Kim is riding at?
  7. You've made your point and we have picked up on your dislike for Bridger so no real need to carry it on.
  8. Agreed but also no point in paying PK top money when he is no where near close to be number 1 at lakeside let alone a stand out number 1. For me the people in charge are trying to run the club properly but would rather have seen a natural number 1 come in and really see how far we could go. Any news on who will cover for Bech on Friday night?
  9. Correct form is temporary but this season Lakeside have tried everything with him, even moving him down the order and he has still not been able to pick up the big points, along with not gating well. Also PK must of had something in his contract regardless of form as he always seemed to be in Heat 15 and more often than not he under performed. I personally think that Kim will not score as well as PK for the remainder of the season and that could potentially cost us either making the playoffs or in the playoffs. Personally with what has gone on at Birmingham i have no idea why we haven't looked at Barker or King but with Kim being our asset would we of had to use him but again by no means is he a 1,2 or 3. I do actually think it comes down to money they were paying PK for poor points especially with majority of our remaining meets being away from home Fingers crossed for Lakeside
  10. Agreed it is a massive risk dropping PK for KIm at this stage of the season but surely 2 good heats on a Track in Sweden does not mean he has turned a corner in regards to current form.
  11. fair enough and that is exactly what i saw just didn't know if there was more to it and the final straw that had borken the camels back so to speak.
  12. Would be good to know your reasoning behind that statement? no argument here just always good to hear what goes on behind the scenes. Dont get me wrong if he has failed to fulfill obligations and let the team down due to stupidity and negelect then he gets what any normal person would get.
  13. I doubt the changes were as drastic to survive but if your paying out top dollar and not getting the points you think are required then changes need to be made regardless. As much as i enjoyed watching PK for the Hammers no one is entitled to a living and a rider can't live on past performances otherwise we could end up being a Birmingham. Good Luck to PK in whatever he chooses to do from here on personally wish the Hammers had tried to get a serious number 1 instead of Kim but i suppose i could be proven wrong, time will tell.
  14. everything about him seems to be either a massive high or low and no in between. massively too good to walk away and hopefully for Lakeside he finishes the season well and that encourages him to continue moving upwards for next season. Just hope he don't hit the self disrtuct button for the rest of this season.
  15. He missed the flight because he lost his passport out on the beers after the speedway GP. He knows he has let himself down as well as his club in Poland and is now probably feeling sorry for himself. No doubt he can turn it around like he has done before.
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