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Everything posted by wilsonpaul198

  1. RT @clionamccarney: Jesus take the wheel https://t.co/RLK2Qe3Zvn

  2. RT @dmcbfs: Unionist leaders always do this, they refused minor concessions in late 1960s, they ended up losing the entire show. They loo…

  3. RT @theplathdiaries: Been occasionally checking in to see the absolute state of affairs in NI. Every signpost here in Scotland is in Englis…

  4. @JamieBrysonCPNI If you opened the other eye Jamie you may & I stress may just see the big picture ????

  5. RT @JCKP1966: Peace and Principle https://t.co/HDX32wpEMQ

  6. @JimAllister UK will use NI as a bargaining chip for trade relations. When the Tories consider a deal they can carr… https://t.co/Q3whVzbIs6

  7. RT @magpie839: Your underwear may determine whether or not you see justice done. Your idiot underwear. I'm going to shut down my feelings…

  8. RT @bbclaurak: No pressure at all on May and Cabinet ahead of tmrw..... https://t.co/mUPn8LLgy6

  9. @DENISEJOHNSTO10 Bet he can spell “ dinosaurs “ ????

  10. @DENISEJOHNSTO10 Agreed. Just finished the book I brought on hols with me. Impressive read. However now that my cur… https://t.co/pfQInRMpfi

  11. @10_kingy @LCFC @premierleague Enjoy your football Andy. In your heart we know!

  12. @chrisgray71 @stephen82754737 Giving Politicians time to scramble for cover. Bc if this whole truth comes out it wi… https://t.co/sWq6oDOGTF

  13. RT @Andrew_Adonis: BREXIT REFERENDUM LATEST: Lord Lamont just said, in Sky TV debate with me, that there could be another EU referendum in…

  14. @RGiles89 @ClaireHanna I fully recognise the conversation to power sharing by Ian Paisley it’s impossible to forget… https://t.co/uH1KOs5HRN

  15. RT @JohnSimpsonNews: The art of the political interview, Piers, is to push your interviewee hard - not let them spout self-evident tosh. Th…

  16. RT @EU_Commission: "This is a day to firmly condemn hatred, bigotry and antisemitism in all its forms." @JunckerEU #WeRemember https://t.co…

  17. RT @ProfBrianCox: The reason nobody outside the UK knows what ‘we’ want from brexit is that there is no external goal. Brexit was conceived…

  18. @bfchild66 I get it posted over....????

  19. RT @TheAnonJournal: WASHINGTON DC: The March of Millions; nearly a million or so women march in DC, in a show of force to protest Trump and…

  20. RT @MariaBoedeker: A phenomenal photograph of our home cradled by clouds, from the Hubble telescope. https://t.co/2owBEax6zx

  21. RT @37paday: #ILuvEUCos for 30p a day I am able to freely travel, study and work in 28 countries

  22. RT @SportFailTV: I'm not crying, YOU are???? https://t.co/MIKbylh6l8

  23. RT @ph_otographer: At McArt's Fort on the Cave Hill today, absolutely freezing @WeatherCee @barrabest @angie_weather @newslineweather https…

  24. RT @JCKP1966: Respect https://t.co/DSZM2sJ5pS

  25. RT @ProfRayKinsella: Well, a slap from a 14 year old girl hardly compares with a Rubber Bullet that took part of her cousins skull away, n…

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