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Everything posted by wilsonpaul198
@wackyj67 It’s so hard to comprehend the appalling basic living conditions the Unionist elite forced on all working… https://t.co/QYHVNuYkCP
RT @historylvrsclub: Xenophobiа = Ignorance. We're all humans on a small, floating rock through an infinite galaxy, together. https://t.co/…
@PaigeMurney You trained my daughter Karen so she could raise money for charity. Watched your progress with pride &… https://t.co/RD4oRpW81w
@Kelvin_Tatum The bloody guy was still commentating on the race after the the red light was on..????
RT @unionlib: BBC will broadcast a reading of the Rivers of Blood speech this Saturday - 50th anniversary of Enoch Powell's speech. I can't…
RT @SluggerOToole: Framing Public Memory: What if a play park was to be named after Michael Stone, Wesley Somerville or Lenny Murphy? https…
RT @Desmond_Funk: So while the great and the good are down at the Ulster Hall raising a toast to the Good Friday Agreement, remember we are…
RT @tim_brannigan: One year since this Birmingham girl showed us all how it’s done. Smiling broadly, hands in her pockets, making mugs of E…
@BeattieDoug In a United Ireland I believe that the Unionist politicians would probably have more influence in the… https://t.co/yGw0a7aEaM
RT @JJCONeill: I'm not sure how or who starts this, but isn't this the moment where unionists need to willingly engage in a grounded and me…
RT @ClancyReports: This tweet is getting more attention than what was done Friday in Gaza by Israeli snipers with high powered rifles. http…
@columeastwood Agh sure here in Leicester it’s a fine Easter holiday ????????slainte mhaith.
RT @IrishTimesOpEd: Una Mullally: Decent men are despondent. The men I know are livid https://t.co/WLP5Q1Lzeq
RT @CelticBelfast: Sad to see misinformed noise from the likes of @paddypower re: Scott Browns testimonial opponents @FAIreland The last ti…
RT @DENISEJOHNSTO10: It will be reckless and cowardly if civic unionism doesn’t soon begin to throw off the shackles of fear and face down…
@JamieBrysonCPNI Ok, deal. No 2nd EU referendum. No dispute on the GFA... Results stand, The will of the people! Right?You agree?
RT @ledj71: That awkward moment when Boris Johnson compares the 2018 Russian World Cup to the 1936 German Olympics. Here’s the England Socc…
RT @mrjamesob: She blows a toy trumpet in protest at trees being cut down unnecessarily. She gets arrested, presumably for breach of the pe…
RT @NeeNawtogirls: @AnnTravers6 you're braver than me, I remember that day as if it was yesterday and I had nightmares about it for years a…