You talk absolute rubbish, EL second string on his average last year in the EL & Poland. Just don't you love it when people come on hear running down Brits. PS & before you make any comments on his meeting tonight at Swindon (which i'll be attending) I have posted that if he gets 4 points tonight IMO will have done well
Really looking forward to see Bridger tonight, just hope he as a good meeting & gets a few points on the board. Swindon not one of his best tracks! A new chapter for him & i wish him well
What a cracking meeting, only my 3rd NL this year, would put a lot of EL meetings i've been to this year to shame! Good crowd, well prepared track. Got Grham Druey to sign some old photos for me, what a lovely gentleman
Yes, Lambert is the real deal, i was banging on about him all last year, a lot of people NOt agreeing with me. If i was a promotor, the one rider i would be head hunting at all costs would be Brady Kurtz!!
Yep i do agree with you, ther is something missing with him. If only he or someone could sort him out head wise, he is still young enough to progress. Strange thing is, he had such a good year in Poland & for Lakeside!