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Everything posted by Sings4Speedway

  1. I heard but not sure if it was given as the official reason? Ablitt ruled out of the meeting due to concussion? If so thats an automatic 23 day cooling off period for his age bracket. Big miss for the Kings if true?
  2. Indeed (although he should have with the line up). Good yet crazy to see Kenneth Hansen featuring and Paul Hurry rolling back the years however scary it is every time he ventures back into these competitions.
  3. Very good point. Also not always aided when the senior team is doing well plus as it was a standalone challenge i would say the 350+ figure is pretty encouraging. I hope there are other attempts later in the year as weekend racing will likely appeal to a broader audience.
  4. Doh. What makes it worse is that i have seen Kris Andrews listed down and didn't put 2+2 together so thanks for that. Its good to see that the standard Sings predictions are still bang on as i didn't think Adam Extance would get back to the promise he showed a few years ago after his injuries and i also thought that Connor King wasn't showing the same form/determination in the dev leagues that he had in previous years when he signed for IOW so definitely pleased i got those wrong. As a helping hand to him "Wood will always have mechanical problems" might chase a few of those gremlins away.
  5. No word about why Shanes and Paco were absent? I know Brum are in an injury crisis but that was a woeful quartet.
  6. As an aside anyone know about Chris Andrews? Plymouths number 8 as ive never heard of him.
  7. With the greatest respect to those mentioned Tedham hasn't ridden for how long and is an elder statesman of the sport, Locke hasn't been on a bike for a couple of years and has shown no inkling of making a comeback, Couzins has always had the ability but has never shown a liking for travelling far from home and O'Keefe has had chances at almost every team and not taken them. That said i suspect that Martin or Barry riding would bring as many points as Chris has who has been and the slide for the past couple of seasons. I assume he won't step down as it would be effectively forced retirement but last in heat 8 isn't good enough, results like last night could decide who is bottom of the table or not come the end of the year? As soon as one of the reserves goes above 2.00 its time for a change and give a rookie a chance who at least appreciates the place.
  8. I have to admit im slightly surprised by the figure but Lee Kilby is switched on and i suspect he is basing those numbers on a strong side rather than just a team featuring in the league? I would think there would need to be additional sponsorship to make it work? Perhaps CFS will throw behind the project like they do the youth rounds and generate a real production line of British talent?
  9. Ive not checked but i would be surprised if hes not the lowest averaged rider in the country.
  10. Exactly what any match should be about regardless of league. Two evenly matched sides racing hard but fair and supplying plenty of entertainment on a track with multiple lines. Add in the KOC tie is now nicely poised / slightly in the Colts favour and its an excellent night all round for Belle Vue Speedway
  11. Whilst upsetting for those who have made arrangements that are non refundable (although they really should know better) Contacting the Piper who may offer compensations (doesn't actually say anything other than get in touch so might just laugh at you) but if he does this will come from the BSPA funds and indirectly from the paying public, so congratulations everyone you are paying for yet another cock up.
  12. Fair point wheras Danny Phillips is only half a point below his signing average. That said his away average of 0.89 is possibly the lowest i have ever seen.
  13. can one have a LGBTQ status now? i thought the world had transitioned to a completely fluid state where i can identify as a lampshade or jam sponge in equal measure?
  14. Obviously don't know the exact figures for rents or current crowds but is Newcastle Speedway sustainable in its current guise?
  15. I should blooming well hope not. At £4 a program it should fill itself in.
  16. thongs and trousers that unzip......this thread may need re-naming again.
  17. Yep fixed race nights not helping and junk fixture list. Teams need to be at home once a fortnight minimum, spend May with warm up matches/challenges, get the actual league fixtures run through June/Jul & early August. Then its play off time, KO cups August & September then season over an no freezing boots off at meaningless end of season meetings.
  18. What i am about to say has a level of common sense applied to it so BSPA look away now. Start of season pre book a weekend dates for NL Fours, Pairs and Individual event. Prevent and Championship team running on this day and/or make it clear that these meetings take priority. Should a Championship team need to re-arrange on a date and/or a rider signs mid season again make it clear that these meetings take priority. Once the dates have been set, the venues booked etc then stick to them that way you don't cheese off the paying public who stick with the sport despite the great efforts from the top to destroy it. Keep it up Mr Pipe doing wonders so far
  19. and what would the pay structure be? How many meetings a week would take place? I personally think 1 league would be a disaster but equally if clubs keep folding there may only be enough teams left for one league.
  20. Hallelujah. All must be forgiven. As devils advocate had Coles & Phillips been on different sides to the pits as they actually were then the Diamonds would have left with a point.
  21. Yes but how does that help with the summer question of whether to go flip flops or venture into the murky world of sliders?
  22. I like/rate Bukhave but his bikes have always been purchased from the pre-loved section which holds him back. Not sure if Lasse has maintenance issues of financial but the lawnmowers he has been on are not helping his case as he doesn't become a bad rider overnight and you would think some of his brothers cast offs would still be an improvement? It wasn't that long ago that Steve Worrall was languishing in the NL while his brother prospered. One loaned engine that Richie didn't actually rate and fortunes were rapidly turned around.
  23. What a bunch of saddo's. Clearly they need to get a hobby.
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