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Everything posted by Sings4Speedway

  1. There appears to be several councils that are considering these actions, i think is been passed down from above and the consultancy agencies are making a fortune pitching the same idea over and over again. Anyone else have mild dyslexia whilst reading the circus name?
  2. If you are going to carry on like that im taking my ball home....
  3. At least we are all agreed then...definitely Stokes fault
  4. With so many Friday clubs running it is always a heightened issue but the clash was there from the start of the season, the fixture planners really do the sport no favours. Phillips & Bickley were declared in both leagues at the start of the season which is different than the Coles & Lawlor situation as both had been picked up during the season which happens but is not as avoidable.
  5. The other argument would be that if a side is in 2 x semi finals with the current side why make changes? Brennan is likely to feature in the side next season despite his average although there is also a valid case for re-assessment of course providing Tom is fit for next year (fingers crossed he is). Ben signed for the IOW deliberately to improve upon bigger tracks but unfortunately the slicker nature of it doesn't reflect others in higher leagues, plus he hasn't set it alight on the Island and was being bettered by Bowtell last year & Wood this year. I think a large part of it is that Ben has a brain and to go full bore on the bigger tracks it takes the kind of mind that is a little bit switched off from it.
  6. Whilst its hard on Ben he is carrying a high average now and really needs to find out how to crack the larger Championship tracks (of which there are many). Alfie is the golden boy but still not convinced this will be the final change as it makes zero sense to replace a 4 point something rider with a 2 pointer unless other changes are afoot. I have a feeling the Hagon influence is starting to kick in and another of the sponsored riders will be joining. That said good luck to Jason, i think he has the ability to step up but i hope he doesnt mess up his average for next year as he needs to think about his long term progression whilst Eastbourne scrabble to rescue their season.
  7. Wholeheartedly agree. Whilst the 250cc machines are great tools for learning (and far superior to any rider jumping from 125 cc machines to 500cc) they do still allow riders to take liberties as they don't pull or drive as hard as the senior machines. That said Ablitt has been riding a bike for a very long time so year one or not he is certainly not inexperienced in racing a bike.
  8. Im going to be that person and say rock is more fun to watch being made than to eat....
  9. They are / were over the limit but Morley & Wood? out Edwards + 5 pointer in still levels out.
  10. i will have a speculate at an Aussie...
  11. the biggest rip off is when they were selling polo's and the "holes" separately.
  12. Aero's the most blatant way of ripping people off ever. We made a chocolate bar but filled it with air and charge you the same.....the only way you get less chocolate is with a flake because 90% of that ends up on the floor/down your front
  13. Must be something else lined up? No disrespect to Jason but swapping a 4+ point averaged rider for a 2.00 is an odd switch at best, add in that Jason could now get saddled with an average for next season unless the situation is carefully managed.....another team Hagon rider to join the ranks next?
  14. Didn't know the Ernst link but do know he must fancy his chances. Yep Sam is Martins son. Of the others it may be a case of popular names rather than links? 8 Rasmus Pedersen Denmark 12 Casper Henriksson Sweden 8 Reserve Nicklas Lind Larsen Denmark 3 Jesper Knudsen Denmark 8 Mathias Karlsen Denmark 13 Flynn Nicol Australia
  15. I think in all honesty there was no way the promotion were heading to Sheffield expecting any level of result in much the same way that the Tigers will deem chances of a point at Arlington unlikely. Its no secret that Ben is no expert on larger tracks and now the Championship seems to have more on the bigger side its more apparent than ever.
  16. Any known speedway relatives from the list above? I see a few notable surnames....
  17. Crumpers. If you can't afford the rings you have no business here
  18. darn it now im weirdly intrigued by it. For clarity just tuna or tuna/mayo + mango chutters?
  19. Its yet to happen where Kent have been in that situation but there would be far greater uproar if that were the case (possibly not as much as when Charley Powell did it) however with the curfew in place the odds are that at some point Kent may be faced with the conundrum.....
  20. exactly the last thing any rider wants after busting a gut for 4 laps is to suffer a bike up the #rs£ injury after the race is finished.
  21. it had greatly improved however this is taking the silliness to a whole new level....tuna & mango chutney
  22. All riders should "ride out" bends 1&2 after crossing the finish line rather than just shutting off (or shutting off ten yards before it) to prevent these kind of instances, same as restarts let the riders complete the first turn then bang the red lights on. So often do you see some riders shut off without thinking if any riders behind have done the same thing.
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