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Everything posted by Sings4Speedway

  1. and yet the ghost teams supporters were turning up and paying CL and PL admissions at hosting tracks just to watch the 2nd half, the actual ghost development teams got not one penny from the admission and it still wasn't good enough for the host clubs. 20-30 supporters might not sound like mega numbers but in a sport where attendance is on the downturn every little helps.
  2. A lot of calls for the 2nd halves to return and aside from the mega list of reasons why it failed previously (driving out ghost teams, rising costs, midweek fixtures, it goes on) the big reason why they are unlikely to feature again is there is no progression route without the NDL. At one point there were decent numbers of amateurs travelling big distances over a season to compete in the second halves (check out the stats 8-10 years ago), riders who were throwing good money at their own personal dream of getting a shot in the NL one day. Why would anyone do that now? Would anyone honestly recommend speedway to a friend a hobby/sport to get into? There are currently dozens of kids that are to come of age in the next year or two that will either get no shot or will have to bridge the gap between youth level and CL level, can anyone honestly see that going well? For British speedway to survive another 10 years it needs new blood to replace the ageing riders who might eventually retire, that means a NDL supported by higher division clubs/BSPL or a Nora league that can operate with the blessing of the SCB/BSPL as a complementary product rather than an opposing one.
  3. Same as happened to the NL, the product became too much competition to higher tiers so dropped to make the others look better (rather than improving the offerings of the higher divisions) no the CL looks a better product than the Prem it will be cut back. Whilst not the worst for team place competition and potentially riders willing to ride for less what will happen is that at the end of the season there will be other riders who end up on inflated averages. Kerr on 8.6 after a 40 limit season vs a.nother on 8.6 after a 38 limit season who did better?
  4. Throw in hefty question marks surrounding the futures of Plymouth, Edinburgh & Birmingham in the coming seasons. The custodians of the sport for the past 15 years should hang their heads in shame. No need for a NDL as there won't be a sport to progress into in 5 years time. Cheers UK Speedway it was fun while it lasted.
  5. Even if it does happen there will be more guests than on Parkinson for the Royals. An injury ravaged side travelling away in October when most riders are ready to pack up for the season. Also no incentive for Kent to get the match on as its pure outlay on their side. Hard to promote from a Worky perspective too as a dead rubber match against half a team on a likely cold day is hardly appealing. Will be interesting if the mafia step in and say it must be run or if they will just happily take the fine from Workington.
  6. Cheers found it. The preceeding section makes reference to unattached 3.00 riders but guest section does not. As ever rule book is flawless. "must be in a current NDL team declaration or any unattached rider eligible to race in the NDL "
  7. Thanks. Certainly interesting to know, thought perhaps that wouldn't count as the signing date had passed and the greensheets haven't been updated but always nice to learn something new every day.
  8. Not that it really matters as its an end of season dead rubber match but how can Archie Freeman ride in this meeting? He isn't in the declared 1-7 and isn't in another 1-7 to be an eligible to guest and isn't an unattached 3 pointer so am i missing something?
  9. Think Ablitt decides where he rides rather than the club. Sadly with the financial losses Kent are in the situation of go and lose money so likely a cheaper guest than Ablitt would be a benefit.
  10. Does the 2 year suspension just apply to first offences? If Boxall has failed to provide a negative specimen for a second time is there a possibility he will face a lengthier ban?
  11. Don't forget limited interest in NL at Berwick, will Edinburgh have a track? Leicester up for sale so will the new owners want the cubs? Supporters will dig deep now and again for favourite riders and clubs but they won't keep doing it. Im very fearful there will be no NDL next year or a very depleted one.
  12. Wow you know your a poor side when Belle Vue win away!. How had Harry kept his place all season? Hope he isn't planning on attending the end of season party. Crang has been on the slide for a while but setting a terrible example. Great to have the Comets back but after so many predicted so much it looks like a very lowly finishing position. As for the Colts a play off fairy tale is still on.....
  13. Agreed home win ( decent guest in Hook) but aggregate point definitely at risk.....
  14. I believe he and Nick got on reasonably well at a racing level and the advice / setup info that was being passed on previously probably isn't now. Don't think Alfie has ever lacked ability on a bike just sometimes falls short on the setup side (still 100 times better than Bomber though)
  15. Very easy to get angry at riders but ultimately it is Tolley who is tracking them in the first place, yes he trusted team building to a delusional wally but still had ultimate sign off. As covered Sedgy did ok, hard to be hard on Hagon and Bowtell's form has been badly affected by Morris leaving. Starke and Nielsen shouldn't be anywhere near the league currently (both good servants but time has caught up with both) and Batch is Batch, its hardly a shock that he is woefully inconsistent in both scores and attitude. Great that Tolley has the passion, just hope he has the brain to go with it next season.
  16. Who gets priority on the 8th Sept fixture clash? Oxford at Glasgow whilst Leicester Cubs are at Belle Vue. Big fixtures for both teams......
  17. Oxford safe as houses. IF Leicester only manage a home win against Worky (lose to Oxford at home & Belle Vue away) they will have 21/22 points. IF Mildy win at home to Worky & away at Edinburgh plus take the aggregate points the will have 22 points IF Belle Vue win 2 home and 2 away (lol) plus two aggregate points they will have 24 points Means potentially the tba Leicester vs Mildenhall fixture would be huge with any of the 3 teams able to qualify and potential to go down to leg difference.......
  18. Ultimately Belle Vue must win all thier fixtures and take the aggregate points to stand an outside chance of making the play offs....which includes winning away
  19. Im sure Mason was heartbroken he could add Oxford to Kent & Leicester on his list of tracks avoided this year.
  20. Perhaps Jack turned around and said i want all the meetings not just the scraps? Even though he is woefully out of form im surprised Sam Woolley didn't get the call up over Shimelt.
  21. Meeting swings on which guest is booked/available for Belle Vue , if Harry could find some Belle Vue form an away win is on.....
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